News & Rumours: Playstation 4/ Orbis *spin*

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bugs in 2.0 i get
- random audio cut-off, before 2.00 never happen
- random video cut-off more often than before
- very slow controller timeout when switching from RemotePlay Vita to local Dualshock4 and vise versa.
- randomly cannot wake up from standby (err... "rest")
- wonky party chat, ingame chat works fine. (although this could be a simple coincidence)
- Notification randomly did not bring me to proper screen when i press PS button

the improvement i notice:
- remoteplay is much more responsive
- the whole system is much more stable (before 2.0, the OS often stutter or even froze for minutes when multitask)
- much faster ingame invitation system menu.

too bad sony did not have like

Are you streaming audio and video from somewhere ?

Updated to 2.0 this morning.

Web browser user agent string is:
Mozilla/5.0 (Playstation 4 2.00) AppleWebKit/537.73 (KHTML, like Gecko).

Mozilla/5.0 (PlayStation 4 1.52) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko)

For user feedback...
yeah my experience with PS4 is full of issues. Luckily nothing really "deal breaking". I cant remember any particular issues on PS3 and i think all stuff relatively good when im on X360 (except for the annoying Kinect voice being blocked if i go online).

so they upgraded the version info but it seems the browser capability stays the same?
Don't know what exactly they added, but we can look at equivalent Safari releases:

The last PS4 WebKit corresponds to Mountain Lion's Safari (6.0.1).

The latest PS4 WebKit corresponds to Maverick's Safari (About 7.0.1).

According to the link above, the Safari changes were mostly security fixes, plus performance, stability, fast start, power saving, JIT improvements. Not sure what percentage of these changes made it to PS4.

If they keep to this schedule, the next major update may have Safari 8 features. Safari 8 is a pretty huge improvement over 7, including MSE, WebGL support. Will be interesting to see if Sony port them over.

yeah my experience with PS4 is full of issues. Luckily nothing really "deal breaking". I cant remember any particular issues on PS3 and i think all stuff relatively good when im on X360 (except for the annoying Kinect voice being blocked if i go online).

Based on your posts, 2.0 improved system stability but have some AV drop off issues. Are those media played in-game or in apps or streamed from their web browser ?
Hmph, in-game AV drop off ? Arwin and folks probably see them more than me since I hardly have time to play these days. ^_^

For the few games I played, I haven't noticed anything unusual in AV playback.
yeah i googled it and some people also posted similar problem on us ps forum and reddit. some of them also reporting that the problem dissapear with update 1.80. but i still get it even on 200
yikes PSN suddenly goes offline again. Even Nintendo network not as finicky as this :/

will be offline for 2 hours.

hmm, are they just simply restarting servers? O_O

I don't know what they run that shit on, but it's sucky, that is for sure. I expect online services to be online!

And the compensation that is offered sucks even more, one day offline should equal to one free week. Of course we will never get proper consumer protection on this. I stil remember the old days of WOW, raid night, everything was centered and planned around it, we gathered 40 people from all over europe, had the needed standbys. And then, the login server died or whatever. Sometimes Blizzard would give 1 extra day of playtime. Useless compared to what was lost of time.

Destiny is reminding me of those days when players get kicked to orbit :-/
When PSN is down, everything sucks that relies on it, it´s worse than the WOW days.

ARGH /Rant
Well he haven't said anything new. Those who experience the rest problem, does it happen too when you close the running game befor putting the console into sleep?
Even if it was only 1% of users, that would still be pretty widespread. I think it's a fairly good warning to give out, though maybe a bit alarmist in the way it's written.
Yeah. Mine's also been ok but I've decided to stop using rest mode for the time being. It's just not worth having an issue with the HDD from a reset and having to re-format and download 250+ gigabytes of digital purchases my slow-ass connection :nope:
It'd be interesting to know if Sony's error reporting captures data for failed standby attempts or cases when the console is powered off unnaturally.

It's not clear what can affect the state transition, but some interesting factors might be how many of the affected have replaced their drives, or if having peripherals attached to the console could be interfering with its ability to transition to a fully off/resting state.
Anecdotally, I am aware of failed standby attempts recently, but on the prior update version.
I have had zero issues. I think it may be related to being all digital.
What is going on at Sony?? Did they replace all software positions by monkeys to save money??

I am really starting to fear that Sony has not the right resources and technical capabilities to handle the PS4 software side of this new gen.

And I am certain that this will have a negative impact on the PS4 momentum: all the X360 people switching to PS4 because of the more powerful hardware won't be happy about the constant issues. This bad news could spread quite fast via friendlist and turn people to the weaker console...
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