News & Rumours: Playstation 4/ Orbis *spin*

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They're investing in making their top developers bigger and trimming off medium sized devs. Okay, but why'd they invest in Guerrila over other studios? GG's been a one trick pony this generation. Making them bigger and able to handle more projects seems a huge investment in a single shooter franchise. Their London and Liverpool Studios had more interesting stuff in the oven before they got cancelled.
They're investing in making their top developers bigger and trimming off medium sized devs. Okay, but why'd they invest in Guerrila over other studios? GG's been a one trick pony this generation. Making them bigger and able to handle more projects seems a huge investment in a single shooter franchise. Their London and Liverpool Studios had more interesting stuff in the oven before they got cancelled.

The way I read it, was that GG is a part of the AAA large project setups, while London/Liverpool where closer to the medium/indie style of things. Ie Killzone is the large project, while the closed ones did smaller titles (Buzz, Singstar, EyePet etc ?)
And they think its better the indies takes the risk (with Sony backing) on the non mainstream projects.
They're investing in making their top developers bigger and trimming off medium sized devs. Okay, but why'd they invest in Guerrila over other studios? GG's been a one trick pony this generation. Making them bigger and able to handle more projects seems a huge investment in a single shooter franchise. Their London and Liverpool Studios had more interesting stuff in the oven before they got cancelled.

Isn't second team of GG is working on some "new IP"?
Can't login on iphone. Giving C-80ae0004 error.

I got in.

It's mostly a thin wrapper over Sony's websites.

Besides connecting to PS4, it allows us to purchase and download games to PS4 remotely.

I see some social features too. Can't use them until PS4 has launched.

EDIT: Oh wait, I just added 2 more friend requests from the app.
There were lots of titles though. I mean, Singstar has generated more money than Killzone. The Agency and The Getaway had promise. I don't see why GG would be expanded to multiple teams capable of producing multiple games a year if they're all going to be the same shooter franchise. And if they're not going to be the same shooter franchise, why invest in GG over other developers? That's like closing Liverpool and then investing in Polyphony to make multiple games a year. PD do racers. You wouldn't commit them to do any other AAA game. So what is Sony expecting from GG? Lots of KZ would get tired quickly is my guess.
There were lots of titles though. I mean, Singstar has generated more money than Killzone. The Agency and The Getaway had promise. I don't see why GG would be expanded to multiple teams capable of producing multiple games a year if they're all going to be the same shooter franchise. And if they're not going to be the same shooter franchise, why invest in GG over other developers? That's like closing Liverpool and then investing in Polyphony to make multiple games a year. PD do racers. You wouldn't commit them to do any other AAA game. So what is Sony expecting from GG? Lots of KZ would get tired quickly is my guess.

May need to evaluate their choices holistically, including tax, talents and staff moving, future projects, ...
There were lots of titles though. I mean, Singstar has generated more money than Killzone. The Agency and The Getaway had promise. I don't see why GG would be expanded to multiple teams capable of producing multiple games a year if they're all going to be the same shooter franchise. And if they're not going to be the same shooter franchise, why invest in GG over other developers? That's like closing Liverpool and then investing in Polyphony to make multiple games a year. PD do racers. You wouldn't commit them to do any other AAA game. So what is Sony expecting from GG? Lots of KZ would get tired quickly is my guess.

The second team with the new IP has strongly been rumored to be working on an open world fantasy RPG.

I think they doubled down on Guerilla because they were a studio with strong technical talent and a proven ability to ship product. That's as much about management as anything else. On PS3 they thrived while a number of the other European studios with the "interesting concepts" couldn't execute, even on games that had been announced.

Maybe they just think it's easier to raise the level of creativity in a studio with great technical chops than it is to raise the technical chops of a really creative studio. Much of Sony's software success came out of their teams with the best engineers. PS3 proved to be a sort of crucible for WWS, but going into PS4 they have 3 of the most technically accomplished houses in the industry.
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