News & Rumours: Playstation 4/ Orbis *spin*

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Found this on Kotaku:

"If you are playing a disc-based game, the system will begin caching the disc when you put it in the console and get ready to play."

... so no caching before you start the game, at least some indicator how caching progress would be nice or do I have to stare at HDD access LED, btw. is there any on PS4?
I know I've asked this question before and I'm not sure if there has been some clarification in the mean time, so I'll just ask again:

Will game-saves finally by tied to PSN accounts instead of local game consoles? I find it highly annoying that I can't take my game to a friends place and continue playing there - without having to 1.) create an account that is then tied to his system and/or 2.) copy the save to a USB stick only to then later find out that this particular game "does not allow copied saves to be played on a different game console".

We're living in the ages of social networks for gods sake. It shouldn't be that hard to detach accounts from their physical consoles and have simple login screens to enable you login in and accessing your data from any PS4 outthere. If you tie your PSN purchases to your account, it should be easy enough to display a warning that your purchases content can only work on 3 different consoles or something or while that user is logged in.

Any news?
One thing I haven't seen answered anywhere is what actually happens when you upgrade your HD. Do you need to download the firmware or is it just recreated on the disk like the PS3 did? I know the 1.5 Update needs\can be applied. But nothing about the OS in general.
30 minutes podcast interview with Yoshida.

Talked about MP3 and DLNA in the last 3 minutes:

- Never made the decision not to have these features, they were rushing to finish the games features first.
- There are still other games features they couldn't finish for launch, which he is sad about, and they are/were on higher priority.
- They thought that they would add MP3 and DLNA eventually, but the reaction online caught them off guard.
- They have been tweaking priorities of the system development tasks. (that was vague)
- The system dev teams are currently discussing when and how these features will be implemented.
- The when and how can take some time to confirm from the software team, because they want to give an accurate answer.

Yosp joked about "preorder canceled", that made my day. :D
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We have report that Remote Play is using 30fps stream

What I have read is:

On PS3, you may not be able to add a new friend once you reach 100. It will show up to 100 friends.

On PS4 and Vita, you can add new friends beyond the 100 limit. However Vita will only display 100 (it "caches" these friends on local storage).

So... I got 4 new friend requests yesterday. Looks like I can accept requests beyond the 100 cap on PS3 too. I should be @ 103 now. PS3 and Vita will only show 100.

New friends are from this PSN id thread:
Another limitation fixed in PSN:

Sony product manager Chris Thielbar told us that today that Sub Accounts can be converted to Master Accounts. When asked when this feature was added to the PlayStation Network, Thielbar replied, "Very recently." And that process isn't limited to PSN accounts on PlayStation 4; PlayStation 3 users who've turned 18 in the seven years since the PS3's launch should be able to convert their Sub Accounts to Master Accounts.
Maybe the best Remote Play video so far.

Gameplay runs awesome, zero problems... but when he started manipulating map with the touchscreen [emulating DS4 touchpad], map was laggy. Is it possible that touchpad "emulator" is working with smaller sample rates? Lower sensitivity?
Geoff is teasing
I read in a video gaming website that the internet is going to implode and collapse tomorrow, but tomorrow won't be Thursday, maybe it isn't related to that announcement, maybe it is.
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This one is more meaty.

IGN Tech Editor Scott Lowe sits down with Mark Cerny to discuss the current and future strategies for Sony's next generation console.

Some Takeaways:

User Experience for PS4 designed by "Interdisciplinary Work Group"

Resogun uses GPGPU Compute for voxels

Cerny believes there will be a steady increase in resolutions and frame rates

Sony does not dictate Resolutions or Framerates to developers

Day One Patch on Knack improves Framerate even over improvement from master gold

Some game types will likely never be ideal for Remote Play but a lot of the games will work well with RP

Cerny doesn't believe physical game media is going to go away anytime soon. Definitely a place for physical media

Unlikely more frequent hardware updates will happen because of x86 architecture. Traditional console life model works well

PS4 Services will evolve. Not sure on direction though.

Cerny still has work on the Hardware end of things. Make it cheaper. Work with devs etc.

Next year Cerny will get back to his gaming roots a bit. Whatever that means :)

EDIT: I haven't watched it yet. Hope to catch up after work.
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