News & Rumours: Playstation 4/ Orbis *spin*

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Add face data it says...interesting. I wonder if Sony's camera and software (to support the camera) is more advanced than what they have shown

I read, recently, that though the final decision was to remove the PSEye from the package in order to cut the cost, the features and capabilities of the camera and software are quite advanced. Sony have not concentrated on it as they don't see it being an important feature for the PS4.
When the decision to remove the camera from the box was made, there was a commitment to try and retain the value proposition.
But PS4 was never centered around the camera in the same way that MS has centered XB1 around Kinect.
Sony prohibits resale of Ps4 games without permission of Sony and Publisher

Tidbit of hysteria making it's round about "Sony prohibits resale of Ps4 games without permission".

TechReport said:
Now, Neowin has dug into some sort of software terms-of-use statement from Sony's UK website and found some startling clauses. The terms appear to cover software used on any Sony console, from the PSP to the PS4. The problematic bits include these phrases:
6.3. You must not lease, rent, sublicense, publish, modify, adapt, or translate any portion of the Software.

7.1. You must not resell either Disc-based Software or Software Downloads, unless expressly authorised by us and, if the publisher is another company, additionally by the publisher.​

I've gotta admit, that's a very different message than I got from Sony's E3 presentation.
Already debunked by Shuhei on Twitter:

Marc McErono ‏@McErono78 3h
@yosp ... and what about those new business terms? we are not allowed to sale disc based games (article 7.1)? thats a mistake is it?

Shuhei Yoshida ‏@yosp 2h
@McErono78 you are allowed to sell your disc based games
Twitch app has PS Eye support:

If you've ever streamed from a console to Twitch and want to monitor the comments, you know you need to use a separate screen to watch the chat. Not anymore.

The Twitch app on PlayStation 4 smartly places the chat feed on the right hand side of the screen. Not only can you see how many are watching and subscribed, but you can see everything being said about your performance right on your television. Additionally, if you have the PlayStation Camera, you can add that to the stream.

When configuring your channel, you can toggle the camera on and off, use your microphone, and turn the chat panel off entirely. We're eager to see what our readers come up with as the PlayStation 4 enters the wild on Friday.
Probably so digital download customers won't have a worse gameplay experience than those who buy physical copies. Also, it will mean the ODD shuts the frag up after it is done caching the game. I must say listening to my wuu's drive whirring away constantly all the time gets mighty tedious very quickly. One of the major reasons I don't touch that console at all really.

Is this really correct? From my impressions, we had all assumed before the console's specs had even been confirmed that they would be using HDD installing automatically, because using 6xBR drives(the most logical choice for cost) arent anywhere fast enough to siphon data from disk during direct gameplay. Is that wrong?
Is this really correct? From my impressions, we had all assumed before the console's specs had even been confirmed that they would be using HDD installing automatically, because using 6xBR drives(the most logical choice for cost) arent anywhere fast enough to siphon data from disk during direct gameplay. Is that wrong?

That's not wrong, but some have speculated that loads could be even faster if they read from the hard drive and optical drive simultaneously. It seems they don't support that, but I would guess that is simply out of expedience, rather than an explicit attempt to make sure digital games aren't a worse experience than disc games. Since they know that everything must be read from the hard drive they don't have to worry about building a loading system that takes advantage of additional Blu-ray disc bandwidth, or about having to test games for both situations.
I wonder if the game performance during the background install is affected, as a part off the HDD bandwidth is missing?

Or are the first levels during which caching happens designed in such a way, that they need a bit less HDD bandwidth to account for the background caching?
Hotel in which the review event is being held
Some new info from Greg/IGN
- PSN Trophy Rarity goes: Common, Rare, Very Rare, and Ultra Rare.
- For PS4 Share videos, you can't just send the video files off your hard drive to a thumbstick or other storage device "on Day 1."
- If you want to see someone's real name on PS4 -- even if they're a PSN friend -- you have to send a "name request." They have to approve.
- RE Name Request: There isn't a "accept all Name Requests" function, but PlayStation made it sound like that was coming in the future.
- The PS Eye can log you into your PS4 a la the Kinect, but you have to be holding the DualShock 4 -- face/controller in specific spots.
- I'm on a quest to get 2k friends, which could make that PS4 social feed a nightmare. But you can turn off updates from individual friends.
- The overall PS4 UI is super-slick and quick. It works like the videos. Nerdily, it's what got me super-psyched for Friday.
- A cool new PS Store fact: movies no longer have to be downloaded. You stream all the films from the Store.

He said embargo on UI and store has gone now. They prepare a post/video about all this stuff.
Sony should allow us to change our PSN ID.
That's a much needed feature imo.

A question: can you guys pre-order PS4 titles form you regional PS store?
I am from EU and I can't pre-order a single one of them and I went on the UK store and it's the same.

Was EUK left out of the pre-order program?
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A question: can you guys pre-order PS4 titles form you regional PS store?
I am from EU and I can't pre-order a single one for them and I went on the UK store and it's the same.

Was EUK left out of the pre-order program?

Preorders have gone form USA store already. Maybe will appear in EU closer to EU release?
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