News & Rumours: Playstation 4/ Orbis *spin*

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wheras another guy said he had no problem whatsoever...might be that only a certain percentage is problematic?!? I hope not...
Likely more of an issue with how much force you apply to the stick. There's really no reason to grind the stick against the rim, but some people simply are rougher with how they play. My DS3 wears when I play SSD, I can feel it. I try not to, but it's hard when you have to jam the sticks round and round quickly.
Some additional detail on the disc based game installation/caching.
  • Starts "caching" automatically.
  • A certain amount of data will need to be installed before you can play.
  • The amount of required up front data will vary by game (e.g. Knacks requires tens of seconds, KZ:SF requires 2 and half minutes).
  • As you continue to play the rest of the disc is "cached" to the drive.
  • The entire disc is eventually installed.
  • A game's cached/installed data can be deleted manually by the user.
  • They considered making it automatically delete after a game has gone unused for a while, but settled on giving the user full control (I would rather they make auto delete an opt-in or out option, best of both worlds).
  • Games are not played from the disc drive, apparently, it is only there as an installation medium (so no dual streaming content from HDD and ODD, if I'm reading correctly).
The article also gives the impression the game begins installing as you put it in the console, and not just when you launch the game. But that's not entirely clear. While I would prefer a manual install option from the menu, if it starts installing as soon as I put the disc in (and gives an indication as to progress) that would be a decent alternative.
  • Games are not played from the disc drive, apparently, it is only there as an installation medium (so no dual streaming content from HDD and ODD, if I'm reading correctly).
Probably so digital download customers won't have a worse gameplay experience than those who buy physical copies. Also, it will mean the ODD shuts the frag up after it is done caching the game. I must say listening to my wuu's drive whirring away constantly all the time gets mighty tedious very quickly. One of the major reasons I don't touch that console at all really.

The article also gives the impression the game begins installing as you put it in the console, and not just when you launch the game. But that's not entirely clear.
Would be really nice if it started installing immediately (since that would save time), but I wouldn't expect it. Unless there's some kind of install script built specifically for every game the console can't know which areas of the disc to copy first. After all, data is probably not written completely sequentially on the game disc...

We'll know in a couple days. One of you lucky Murricans and Canucks gotta step back from starting a game on your new consoles in the name of science and just let it sit on the XMB/menu for a while to see if it starts pre-installing or not! ;)
Probably so digital download customers won't have a worse gameplay experience than those who buy physical copies.

That's my guess, as well. Likely the lesser of 2 evils to avoid GTA:V type issues of digital vs physical.

Would be really nice if it started installing immediately (since that would save time), but I wouldn't expect it. Unless there's some kind of install script built specifically for every game the console can't know which areas of the disc to copy first. After all, data is probably not written completely sequentially on the game disc...

I'm not expecting it, but their (Kotaku's) wording leaves the possibility open.

If you are playing a disc-based game, the system will begin caching the disc when you put it in the console and get ready to play. The game is saving part of itself to the system's hard drive. The amount of data that has to be saved before you can start will vary per title.

The "get ready to play" part is rather ambiguous, however.

We'll know in a couple days. One of you lucky Murricans and Canucks gotta step back from starting a game on your new consoles in the name of science and just let it sit on the XMB/menu for a while to see if it starts pre-installing or not! ;)

I aim to do just that. Sometime before launch, I plan on creating User FAQ threads for both the PS4 and XBO. Whatever questions I get in advance I'll test out when I have the system (along with anyone else willing to test their system) and share the results. I was originally thinking I'd take some YouTube videos to address each question as well, but that's obviously out of the question for now.
Unlike the Xbox One's philosophy with Kinect voice commands that control everything from turning on the console to searching the online store, the PlayStation 4's camera / mic array can only interpret a handful of relatively basic voice commands. The console can't be "woken" while in standby mode by voice, for instance, nor can you command a video playing on Netflix to pause. In fact, at launch, none of the third-party apps on the PlayStation 4 will allow for voice commands -- something Sony reps tell us they "hope" more apps will integrate in the future. The console can be turned off using voice, and you can command it to open games.

At Sony's big PS4 review event in New York City this week, few of the commands were demoed, and zero gesture commands were shown. Outside of facial recognition for logging in, it looks like Sony's next game console isn't focusing too much on competing with Microsoft on a point-by-point basis in terms of camera / mic-based input.

Of course, reps also told us that more functionality will be added over time. And hey, considering that the camera may actually be included in the retail box down the line, it sounds to us like you're probably safe waiting for a few on grabbing one this Friday -- unless you really, really want to play The Playroom. Frankly, we respect that.
Not too shocked on basic voice command functionality. It doesn't seem like something Sony is trying to push at all. Though I wish they would talk about how accurate they perceive it to be.
Some interesting points from engadget
- party chat may have several lobbies 8 people each
- friends in lobby can switch games together seamlessly
- gameplay streaming described
- double tap home button switches between two apps
- play as a guest is safe for your data
- ps store is organized and improved

Finally talked about game broadcasting. Is it possible to password lock the broadcast ?
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