News & Rumours: Playstation 4/ Orbis *spin*

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Bliizard dev has mentioned to Gamestop that for now they dont have plans to support Remote Play on PS4, but that could change.

This is really troubling, expecialy for VitaTV users that will not have problems with text [720p stream on big TV]. In any case, Diablo3 is game with lot of grind, Vita RP support will be a godsend for a few quick runs on the go. And if other devs can choose to ignore RP, then this service may become a barren wasteland. Sony NEEDS to enforce it IMO.

Gaffers managed to stir up twitter a little, we will know more details soon:
The sticks do feel soft to the touch. Mine is still too new to judge.

If the outer soft/rubbery layer is removed, will it affect performance ?
Oh that would suck for a $60 product.

I went through 3 or 4 DS3s because of that cheap rubber cover over the sticks.
So for those of us who don't feel like feeding some random joker's obsessive need to get seen on youtube, what's this all about? :p
PlayStation Access is quite a good program, I would recommend watching their videos. Very professional dudes honestly, and funny.

Edit - Sorry it is OPM UK, they are very good as well though.
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That's the thing, I didn't use them that heavily.

Just poor quality.

Plus, when you move the sticks, some white powder comes out of the ball joints.
The pictures of damaged DS4 show clear sign of abuse and the dents aren't easy to make without a deliberate attempt.

I have two DS3 which I used alternately for over 5 years. Still no damage to any of the stick pads. But one has both shafts and rims very rough with white abrasion residue (the other DS3 is still smooth to this day). I certainly played heavily, finished over a hundred games, platinumed a few, and I had an OCD moment with GT5 where I had to finish everything and get all 1100 cars. I did all except I gave up at the 24h races, I guess I'm not crazy enough, yet :LOL:
I've worked my way through 2 Sixaxise's and 4 DS3's. The plastic around the stick wears away eventually and the stick starts to slip from it's mount. But my controllers have seen incredibly heavy use and the attentions of two small children.

The reports about the DS4 are a little worrying, if it is just facia damage and doesn't impede the actual controllers use then it's not an issue. But if it does affect the controller then it'll be a sore point!
The DS3 shafts are their major weakness. They demonstrate wear within weeks of use. Should have been made of something more durable, or at least the slot where they are mounted rounded so it doesn't carve up the plastic.
What do you guys do to your controllers?? I've played with my PS3 controller non stop for about 3 years and have never encountered those kinds of issues...
What do you guys do to your controllers?? I've played with my PS3 controller non stop for about 3 years and have never encountered those kinds of issues...

It depends on the style and pace of the games you play.
It depends on the style and pace of the games you play.
I don't think it does. The design is such that just rolling the stick around, it wears against the lip of the mounting hole, which is fairly sharp against a fairly soft plastic. Pretty much every game where you press up on the left stick for forwards is going to erode the stick.

If people aren't experiencing this, my first would be different models of controller with different plastics. I never had this issue with PS2 controllers. I first noticed it when my controller started sticking forwards. I thought the spring had gone, before examination showed the groove in the stick that was getting stuck on the lip.
The guys in the vid mention that after a few days of testing, DS4 sticks showed clear signs of wearing...wheras another guy said he had no problem whatsoever...might be that only a certain percentage is problematic?!? I hope not...
I've long ago learnt to use only exactly the pressure or movement that actually matters, and using only the right muscles. Perhaps that has helped. Remind me to teach this to my 5yo before the 29th :p
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