News & Rumours: Playstation 4/ Orbis *spin*

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Interesting ! But Sony has many designs.

iPhone's signature is the one push button and the icon grid. They remove or hide everything else. The original iPhone is not like the Sony one. It's curved and plastic behind, with a metallic rim around.

iPhone 4 is glass-covered, still retaining the button and icon grid.

iPhone 5 is aluminum but taller.

For iPhone 6, they may evolve the casing further but the button and icon grid most likely won't change.

Edit: In terms of design, I think Job's folks deal with "how it works" end-to-end: The responsive multitouch, rubberbanding, the Springboard, AppStore and stuff. They consider those an integral part of the design.
Interesting ! But Sony has many designs.

iPhone's signature is the one push button and the icon grid. They removed or hide everything else. The original iPhone is not like the Sony one. It's curved and plastic behind, with a metallic rim around.

iPhone 4 is glass-covered, still retaining the button and icon grid.

iPhone 5 is aluminum but taller.

For iPhone 6, they may evolve the casing further but the button and icon grid most likely won't change.

london-boy and I are talking about the Iphone 4 which was inspired by an imaginary "SONY" design created by a Japanese designer from within Apple. The original Iphone 1 though was not inspired by any SONY inspired aesthetic.

Personally I love seeing SONY's industrial design choices over the years, some I hate and some I like.
london-boy and I are talking about the Iphone 4 which was inspired by an imaginary "SONY" design created by a Japanese designer from within Apple. The original Iphone 1 though was not inspired by any SONY inspired aesthetic.

Personally I love seeing SONY's industrial design choices over the years, some I hate and some I like.

If it's the case shape, we can probably find other similar designs too. As long as companies don't copy/clone another product too much, and have their own (real) value-add, they can generally get away with it.
Amazon! It's like I can touch them!

How many rooms do you have? How many vitas? If the first is more than one, and the other is less than two, you probably won't have your vita laying ready and waiting in the room where your PS4 is not. Also, the time it takes to boot a could walk up to your PS4 and switch it on faster than you can turn on the vita, poke at the home screen to start the remote play app and connect.

Yeah, there's also vita sleep mode, which drains the battery. I had mine drain out the other day and it took nearly TWO HOURS of charging over USB to bring the battery back up to a point where it would even let me turn the system back on... Not recommended!

It was just an example where you could put it. I don't see what's so stupid about it, if you're so determined that the bubble is a notification widget, well alright then, as of now it isn't the notification widget anymore. It's the quick access widget, ok? :devilish:

Why? It's a base function of the system, or sony wants it to be anyway. Wifi isn't an app you have to start to enable, for example. It's a hindrance to universal adoption by customers simply by requiring unnecessary extra steps to use. If you want people to use something, it has to be as simple and easy as possible to use. Any extra effort - any at all - will just make some people not bother, and the more people who don't bother the less support you get for the feature, and less support will mean fewer will bother, which means even less support still, and so on it goes until you end up with a lame duck of a feature and a lame duck of a gadget, like PS3 camera for example.

It needs to be built into the OS directly. There's no reason not to.

The whole port of a portable is having it where your console isn't. And who is waiting for their Vita to boot? It wakes up from sleep mode instantly. My Vita can go days in sleep mode without appreciable battery drain. If you are leaving your Vita in a drawer for months at a time that is a you problem, not a Vita problem.

And remote play isn't a "base function". Base functions are things like volume control or wifi. Remote play is literally just one more application of the hardware. Launching an app on Vita is effortless. Your concerns are bizarre and illogical.
Another power demonstration from Sony on how to build Consumer Electronics, it really puts the competition to shame and makes me wonder why Nintendo and Microsoft doesn't get help from CE giants like Panasonic, Samsung etc when they build theirs..

Internal PSU for the win
Memory. If the client functionality, including whatever it needs to buffer incoming audio and video, won't fit into the current OS RAM reservation.
It would of course only reserve resources at runtime.

Do we know what the specific implementation is for Vita remote sharing?
I don't think the specifics have been explained, but it's likely not that complicated really. It's a combination of h.264 video, some form of audio stream (compressed or not compressed is unknown, maybe it could get away with raw audio as vita is stereo only and modern wifi should be able to handle it, but it'd still be ~128k/sec for CD quality, so maybe it is compressed after all.) Then you have control input packets going the other way back to the PS4.

I've not read much about it other than it's pretty low latency like the Wii U.
It's pretty low latency in the ideal case, it may not be that low latency in the real world since remote play has to share your wifi network with other devices. If you can make sure nobody's downloading while you remote play (or your steam client doesn't suddenly start updating 12GBs worth of stuff out of the blue), your gaming experience should be good, but this could vary. We'll have to see how it works out in the real world... Wiiu sidesteps all this by having a dedicated wifi stream just for the gamepad.

They probably didn't know Sony's internal design.
From what I understand/have read, Apple hired the Sony person who drew that original sony design - which predates iphone - and the two are virtually if not completely identical. The design drawings show this quite clearly, from the rounded corners, large screen/thin side bezels, slot-shaped headpiece opening, full-cover front glass, single round push button. It's all present in Sony's original design. :devilish: Not sure about the rear side though, I don't remember seeing any images of those.

The whole port of a portable is having it where your console isn't.
Dunno bout you, but around here (and I think in most peoples' houses), portable things end up where the person who last used it put it down. Do you organize your portable things according to specific criteria, such as average distance to your other portable things so that they'll be evenly spread out across your home or such...? I don't think most people bother with that.

If you are leaving your Vita in a drawer for months at a time that is a you problem, not a Vita problem.
I haven't owned my vita for months yet. I just had it lying on a shelf, sleeping, for a while and when I picked it up again it was completely drained. It had slept itself to death. Would be good if there was some kind of limit on how long it sleeps, like 24 hours maybe, and then it suspends to flash and shuts off instead or somesuch. Coming back to a dead gadget when you want to use it isn't very fun after all.

And remote play isn't a "base function".
True, not as long as it remains a friggin app you have to start. But that doesn't mean it has to work this way - or actually, SHOULD work this way. I don't understand why you are resistant to actually improving a good idea. You don't need to start an app on the wiiu gamepad to have connectivity work, it's inherent to the device itself. There's no reason vita should be any different if sony seriously want to push this connectivity aspect - and they have all reason to, considering how friggin poorly vita has been doing so far.

Your concerns are bizarre and illogical.
Nope! On the other hand, you're displaying apologist illogical behavior. ;)
Dunno bout you, but around here (and I think in most peoples' houses), portable things end up where the person who last used it put it down. Do you organize your portable things according to specific criteria, such as average distance to your other portable things so that they'll be evenly spread out across your home or such...? I don't think most people bother with that.

I agree except that you've been arguing that this will always be next to your PS4 which is a bizarre and ludicrous assumption without any basis.

I haven't owned my vita for months yet. I just had it lying on a shelf, sleeping, for a while and when I picked it up again it was completely drained. It had slept itself to death. Would be good if there was some kind of limit on how long it sleeps, like 24 hours maybe, and then it suspends to flash and shuts off instead or somesuch. Coming back to a dead gadget when you want to use it isn't very fun after all.

Suspending to flash is what sleeping is. Leave it for weeks and it will run down. This is no different from what will happen to a 3DS, iPhone, iPad, Nexus 7 or any other battery powered electronic device. If people want to have those things ready for use they know to plug them in regularly so they can charge.

True, not as long as it remains a friggin app you have to start. But that doesn't mean it has to work this way - or actually, SHOULD work this way. I don't understand why you are resistant to actually improving a good idea. You don't need to start an app on the wiiu gamepad to have connectivity work, it's inherent to the device itself. There's no reason vita should be any different if sony seriously want to push this connectivity aspect - and they have all reason to, considering how friggin poorly vita has been doing so far.

You haven't suggested any improvement, nor have you shown what is wrong with the app metaphor. There is no argument in favor of a change, you've just said they should change it without demonstrating any associated benefit. The WiiU is completely different as the gamepad is not an independent device. The PS Vita is perfectly happy to do something else while someone plays your PS4. It neither needs to, nor should it be slaved to the PS4 in the manner you suggest. The WiiU gamepad serves no purpose independent of the base console. It's either in use, or off.

You keep saying they should reduce barriers to use, except all of your ideas on how it should work are far less convenient. Starting an app on the Vita is not a stumbling block. Having to go to the other side of the house to wake up your PS4 and initiate a remote play session from the console is an enormous barrier. Starting an app on the Vita is not a barrier. Finding a system menu for a feature you may not even know exists to get it to start working is a large barrier.
There is a difference with Wii U in that the Wii U can't do anything else. I probably wouldn't mind a shortcut under the Home button on the Vita though, but this seems fine for now.
Nice little surprise for North American PS4 owners.
After months of anticipation, we’re just a week away from the launch of PlayStation 4 in the United States and Canada. Starting at midnight on November 15th, you’ll be able to see for yourself what the future of gaming and entertainment looks like.

The network now expands across a wide array of digital entertainment including incredible multi-player gameplay, availability of full games day and date, streaming movies and TV shows, and a premium cloud-based music service. We are excited to provide those of you in the US and Canada with a special promotional voucher in every PS4 box* that includes:

$10 Sony Entertainment Network wallet credit for PlayStation Store
30-day free PlayStation Plus membership trial
30-day free Music Unlimited service trial**

Out of the box, you can immediately experience everything PlayStation Plus for PS4 has to offer and have access to millions and millions of songs through Music Unlimited. The $10 credit can be used towards anything in the store including new PS4 launch titles, such as Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag, Battlefield 4, Call of Duty Ghosts, and Killzone Shadow Fall.
Look for the voucher when you open your PS4 box and let us know what you’re excited about playing, listening, or watching by using #PS4 on Twitter.

Just leave the RemotePlay app running.

If you use it all the time, it's likely the last screen you left the Vita on. Wake the unit up and reconnect.

Otherwise, swipe to the LiveArea and reconnect.

No need to hunt for the app among the bubbles.
And the same was true of Apple products even before Jobs came back. Remember the pizza box LC Macs? Didn't even need a screw driver to open and everything just snapped into place, very clean.
I guess you've never taken apart a PowerMac G4 Cube or the early iMacs or any hardware from that era. Fucking terrible.
Nice little surprise for North American PS4 owners.
Well, it's actually a bait to get people hooked on profitable content delivery. The credit is valuable but there's nothing nice about the gesture's motives. Not that I begrudge Sony nor would have them do things differently.
I see ! I disappeared for a few months. Came back to find $10 credit in my XMB inbox. Didn't know why I got it. Thought Sony missed me. ^_^
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