How many rooms do you have? How many vitas? If the first is more than one, and the other is less than two, you probably won't have your vita laying ready and waiting in the room where your PS4 is not. Also, the time it takes to boot a could walk up to your PS4 and switch it on faster than you can turn on the vita, poke at the home screen to start the remote play app and connect.
Yeah, there's also vita sleep mode, which drains the battery. I had mine drain out the other day and it took nearly TWO HOURS of charging over USB to bring the battery back up to a point where it would even let me turn the system back on... Not recommended!
It was just an example where you could put it. I don't see what's so stupid about it, if you're so determined that the bubble is a notification widget, well alright then, as of now it isn't the notification widget anymore. It's the quick access widget, ok?
Why? It's a base function of the system, or sony wants it to be anyway. Wifi isn't an app you have to start to enable, for example. It's a hindrance to universal adoption by customers simply by requiring unnecessary extra steps to use. If you want people to use something, it has to be as simple and easy as possible to use. Any extra effort - any at all - will just make some people not bother, and the more people who don't bother the less support you get for the feature, and less support will mean fewer will bother, which means even less support still, and so on it goes until you end up with a lame duck of a feature and a lame duck of a gadget, like PS3 camera for example.
It needs to be built into the OS directly. There's no reason not to.