News & Rumours: Playstation 4/ Orbis *spin*

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Some random bits....

Actual article:

While being always online is not necessary, a network connection is important to fully enjoy the features of the PS4.

The PS4 will initially act as a stand-alone web server for the PlayStation App. In the future there’s the possibility of this to be expanded through the cloud, with the PS4 and PlayStation App interacting through the cloud, allowing cooperative play between multiple players.

The secondary chip for ultra-low power operation will mostly activate at night from 1 to 4 AM and download any required update automatically. It will also activate when software is purchased through external means like the PlayStation App.

Power consumption will vary greatly depending on the performance of the game played.

The noise level of the console during operation is generally much lower than it was on the PS3.

The PS4′s cooling fan has a low noise level and stepless speed control (meaning that it will increase its speed to match heat smoothly and not in sudden steps like the one on the PS3).

Since the Blu-Ray player is 6x instead of 2x (like the one on the PS3 was), the spinning noise is actually louder. Ito-san feels it’s not annoyingly louder and it will be countered by caching data on the hard disk drive. It’ll be mostly audible during the initial spin-up.

The Audio/Video performance (for movies and music) of the PS4 will target PS3 levels at launch, but will be improved through updates, for instance with the addition of 4K, as Sony is also an Audio/Video company.

The theme of the PS4 is “Personalization”, meaning that it will offer an experience tailored to each individual.

The PlayStation 4 releases on November 15, 2013 in North America for $399.
The theme of the PS4 is “Personalization”, meaning that it will offer an experience tailored to each individual.

They keep saying this but I fear that we won't be able to personalize/customise UI or controls in-game.
That's meaningful personalization/customisation and that's what I would like to see in a console.
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The UI is shiftable. And controls in game are up to the developer, not Sony. Mandating things like that is a good way to get your support dropped.
Japan's Great Developers Discuss the PS4

A few quotes...

We'd been working with the PS4 before we started developing Deep Down, but even since then we had impressions like "it's very easy to get ahold of," "it's easy to scratch where it itches," "you can quickly realize the sort of result you want to show."

We were able to reach the level of quality that we showed at the February PS conference relatively quickly after starting development. We could tell that it would be fairly easy to move something of that quality at something like 60 fps in real time.

I look at the Deep Down visuals we have now and think, "Nice one, Capcom!" so I feel that given the time, we could do a lot more. With the PS4, you could say that I'm not satisfied so much as I feel it has further untapped potential

The PS4 has plenty of memory, the CPU speed is fast… It doesn't have any weak points. Until now we've often had to spend time dealing with the memory, but with the PS4 it feels like what we made comes out as we've made it. So the overall impression from the development floor has been, "we can't cut corners anymore." If we cut corners, you can see the difference with other titles. It feels like we've entered a level where we have to ask how we can use these specs and show something to express a good game.P
We are used to say that the GPU of the PS4 is what makes a difference, but I am glad to know that Jaguar is a pretty impressive piece of hardware considering the low consumption of that nifty CPU. I always fancied this CPU and I think this pretty much confirms it.

I don't think that console games aren't going to be CPU limited with this CPU. Or... in the alternative, its relatively "low" speed allows for better latencies, something I read here and I think it's important to remember.
nice little yosp interview:

The Last Guardian is definitely in development. It's now practically obvious they moved it to PS4.
Q: I'll wrap up with an inevitable question which you're probably not going to answer. The Last Guardian - where is it? It's in this building [Sony Studios Japan] somewhere, presumably?

Shuhei Yoshida: Yeah, in this building!

Q: What console is it coming out on?

Shuhei Yoshida: Ahh... That, I cannot talk about.

It doesn't seem to make any sense for it to a PS3 title so late in the lifespan. I know they have PS4 kits in their office, because I heard them talking about them...

Shuhei Yoshida: So, we're waiting for the right time to re-introduce The Last Guardian in an appropriate way. I can't... Well, the game is in development, and it's well staffed, and Ueda-san is here, working - even though he's not a Sony employee, he's dedicated to the product. But we're not ready to update yet.

The hiatus that was talked about at one time, that's over now? It's back in full production?

Shuhei Yoshida: Hiatus, I never... It was Jack Tretton! He used that term, and I said no, hiatus is misleading. It was a hiatus in terms of releasing new information. The game has never stopped - the team has always been here. They're going through the re-engineering of the game, so the team size is smaller, because it's more engineering focused right now.
Coincidentally enough there is some kind of PR truce between the companies ahead of the PS4 and X1's launch date.

Yoshida says Microsoft are smart people and praises their change of policies.

Additionally, we have Ken Lobb from Microsoft said he will buy a PS4 and bickering about PS4 and X1 won't get people anywhere.
Coincidentally enough there is some kind of PR truce between the companies ahead of the PS4 and X1's launch date.

Yoshida says Microsoft are smart people and praises their change of policies.

Additionally, we have Ken Lobb from Microsoft said he will buy a PS4 and bickering about PS4 and X1 won't get people anywhere.

Let's face it the systems are far closer together than they are apart. Both systems are breaking the same new ground. GPGPU, modified 8 core mobile APU for gaming, Cache coherency of one form or another, Lots of synergy :devilish: for devs trying to use these systems to make some great games.

The PC will not bother doing some of these things such as cache coherency ( or is that in a spec somewhere ?? ) or lots of GPGPU at least for a while so there will be room for console only games that will rival PCs for a while especially if sub 1080p with good scaling becomes common. :smile:
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Let's face it the systems are far closer together than they are apart. Both systems are breaking the same new ground. GPGPU, modified 8 core mobile APU for gaming, Cache coherency of one form or another, Lots of synergy :devilish: for devs trying to use these systems to make some great games.
Aye. System wars = so yesterday. (...In my dreams, anyway. ;))

If I was made of money - and had unlimited shelf space - I'd buy both an xbone and PS4, but as both are somewhat of a premium at my place I'll settle for PS4 only since it is smaller physically and has internal power supply, which saves some additional space. Also, I don't know if I have enough space for kinect to work in my crowded place even though the minimum distance is shorter now.

Both consoles will be great I'm sure, with great games coming out for them. Xbone controller looks awesome. Very nice, clean design.
Aye. System wars = so yesterday. (...In my dreams, anyway. ;))

If I was made of money - and had unlimited shelf space - I'd buy both an xbone and PS4, but as both are somewhat of a premium at my place I'll settle for PS4 only since it is smaller physically and has internal power supply, which saves some additional space. Also, I don't know if I have enough space for kinect to work in my crowded place even though the minimum distance is shorter now.

Both consoles will be great I'm sure, with great games coming out for them. Xbone controller looks awesome. Very nice, clean design.

Why can't we live in PEACE !! :p... Of course where is the PROFIT in that ? ;)

I personally don't think the PS4 is "settling" unless there is a very strong reason to get the Kinect but then again I have no real use for the TV features or exclusives until say Halo or even more interesting Next Gen Gears of War :D Titanfall just means a new graphics card for me and I was gonna get one anyways :cool:
Epic is probably going to try to rob Microsoft blind to keep Gears of War exclusive ...

Just looking at what GTA5 generated across PS360 in three days, I would think 3rd parties developers would rather stick with publishing their own wares. The question is; why hasn't MS/Epic taunted GoW latest chapter?

As an FYI, an untitled (tentative) PS4/XB1 Epic (or developed by Epic) game was listed in the GameStop database at one time for October 2014. However that, and quite a few other titles are no longer visible in system (usually canceled or delayed product). If I had to guess the title, I probably go with the next Unreal chapter or saga.
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Just looking at what GTA5 generated across PS360 in three days, I would think 3rd parties developers would rather stick with publishing their own wares. The question is, why hasn't MS/Epic taunted GoW latest chapter.

As an FYI, an untitled (tentative) PS4/XB1 Epic (or developed by Epic) game was listed in the GameStop database at one time for October 2014. However that, and quite a few other titles are no longer visible in system (usually canceled or delayed product). If I had to guess the title, I probably go with the next Unreal chapter or saga.

The last installment didn't do so well though did it? The general buzz around Gears has kind of died out since Cliffy B left Epic. Perhaps it's just not on the radar anymore? Which is a shame really, as the only games I bought on my 360 were the Gears series and Halo.
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