This morning between 7 and 7:30 AM local time the floodgates for preorders of the PS4 opened on most Japanese major retail websites. How fast did it sell out? Very, Very Fast.
All the Japanese online stores in which the console has gone up for preorder in the window mentioned above, including Amazon Japan, Yodabashi Camera, Bic Camera, Sofmap, Edion and Rakuten Books ran out of stock extremely fast. Some within mere minutes. Amazon Japan was the one to last the longest, for about 40 minutes.
Update – 9:00 Japan Time: Amazon Japan reopened preorders, probably after receiving a further allocation of units from Sony. We’ll see how long these will last. All other retailers are still completely sold out.
Will be interesting to see if a home console can be successful in Japan again.
Why can't we live in PEACE !!... Of course where is the PROFIT in that ?
I personally don't think the PS4 is "settling" unless there is a very strong reason to get the Kinect but then again I have no real use for the TV features or exclusives until say Halo or even more interesting Next Gen Gears of WarTitanfall just means a new graphics card for me and I was gonna get one anyways
PS4 debug unit for demo:
6 more weeks to launch.
That same site reports Sony has re-registred Psygnosis as a trademark.
Hybrid memory cube, stacked memory and stacked processors are soooo yesterday. Its all about the stacked system on system (SoS). Hynix aint got nothing on this baby.
“[Sony's] been pretty flawless so far,” Pachter said, speaking on the company’s perfect rolling out of the PS4, and its strong advantage over Microsoft. “Everything they’ve said about PSN has been pretty flawless, and it sounds like there’s value for the cost [of PS4].”
Pachter added: “I mean the only thing they’re gonna have a problem with is supply disruption. That million preorders they talked about, which I understand now is up to one and a half million, that’s a lot of consoles. That tells you that there’s not going to be a lot of boxes behind the first million and a half, so there’s going to be supply shortages.”
Has Sony detailed the PS4's support for media formats (and things like supported H264 levels)?
I have all my movies ripped to my portable external HDD and they currently work flawlessly on the PS3 (though not on many other HDTVs/Bluray players) so I hope the PS4 doesn't go backwards in that regard.
PS3's main fault in that respect is that it only works with external HDDs formatted in FAT32. Bothered the heck out of me due to the 4GB filesize limit. So PS4 better supports NTFS.
Decoding itself shouldn't pose any problems for PS4.
PS4 can't support ntfs which is proprietary to windows.
Running BSD it should be fairly easy to implement ntfs-3g drivers for compatibility if they wanted to.