News & Rumours: Playstation 4/ Orbis *spin*

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First came the console wars. The came the console shipping wars. Now we have the console box wars.

When will the madness end? :runaway:

Only when both sides get tired of fighting :LOL: This of course will not happen until these consoles ship and people are playing actual games as opposed to playing games with numbers and PR jazz and rumors and leaks and ....
Sony even has MS beat in the packaging department. :yep2:

Yep. Of course, packaging can make a huge difference. Lots of empty space around the console can inflate the box size. It's to be expected Sony can fit more on a palette, more in a container, and ship for less cost per unit than MS though.

Yeah and I forgot MS fits a Kinect in too.

But to begin with of course the XBO console is much bigger.

These consoles will be packed very tight. They always are (surely you've purchased a few). Actually pretty amazing how efficient they are.

Only when both sides get tired of fighting This of course will not happen until these consoles ship and people are playing actual games as opposed to playing games with numbers and PR jazz and rumors and leaks and ....

It never ends. It does ebb and flow. It's very bad now because it's the start of a gen and people think one or the other can land a knockout punch.

Things cooled down over the last 2-3 years of PS360. Sales and graphical trends were entrenched, nobody was vulnerable. Things were stable. You simply weren't going to get a sea change of the situation.
Yeah I guess it makes sense to have much more per pallets, the PS4 is half the volume of xbone + power brick.
Box is small... because system is using less power than PS3 Slim. Cooling the heat will not be a problem. Expect one big slow working fan and good internal design that will enable good flow of air across all the major components.
It's less power than the Fat but it's certainly more than the Slim. I can't wait for a tear down, this is my number one engineering question that remains unanswered. Sony keeps dismissing the question when asked.

My guess so far is they they'll use normal heat pipes or maybe vapor chamber, but I'm hoping to see something fancy like a graphene heat spreader, or a loop heat pipe. Panasonic have developed a loop heat pipe design and they are close friends of Sony, so it's not impossible.
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Just re-read the translation, many PS3's, 100 million Vita's, and an initial shipment from Foxconn of ~2 million or less but greater than 1.5 million. Which would be inline with the GameStop and Sony rep pre-order rumour. What isn't listed, though mentioned, is the quantity that Pegatron are shipping.

But the 90 per pallet doesn't add up with 20 boxes per pallet. That would be 4.5 units per box. Unless there is a PSEye in each box as well... ;-)
Look at the pallets in the back (the fully wrapped ones) they are sideways and have 3 boxes wide.
You're right. Different orientation to the boxes on the left, you can see 3 repeated patterns. A pallet is 3x2x5, 30 boxes. So 90 per pallet is possible.
3 x 2 x 5 high is 30 boxes. 3x PS4 per box is 9 per pallet. Assuming each layer is 3x2, it's hard to tell.

Edit. Never mind, too slow :)
I see each as layer as 3 + 2, not 3 x 2.

Clearly there's a row of 2 on the near pallet on the left, the further away boxes are a little harder to see but it looks like there's a row of 3 there.

I honestly don't know what you folks are looking at to see 90 units per pallet :-? I make it 75 if there's 3 ps4s per box.

seems strange all the layers are stacked the same too, whenever I've worked stacking or receiving goods on a pallet it's *always* been SOP to alternate the layers, helps with pallet stability.
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Look at the pallets in the back (the fully wrapped ones) they are sideways and have 3 boxes wide.

Oh, I can see that now. 3 rows, 2 deep, and 5 high. So 30 boxes with 3 consoles per box.

So that's 90 per pallet as opposed, we're guessing, 54 per pallet for the xb? Not that it makes any difference but it does lend credence to the pre-orders. It would be interesting to find out how many, on top of the ~2 million from foxconn, Pegatron are shipping.
If the foremost pallet is turned 90 degrees you'd get the same look as the ones in the back.

So, potentially a 66% console pallet usage advantage for Sony (or 40% deficit for MS). Barring any pallet upgrades for either side of course.

I think we finally know what Kaz meant by that quote, 'Why go first, when your competitors can look at your specifications and come up with something better?' It was always about the pallets ;)
*AHEM* This is not a versus thread, so don't go bringing versus material into it. It never ends well for those who do in the console forums. Thanks.
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