News & Rumours: Playstation 4/ Orbis *spin*

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So far based on no real scientific insight, I might add. Just as a precaution, to prevent lawsuits for fringe cases.


For certain 3D cinemas (e.g., in the theme parks), they have those warnings because young kids may be spooked by the realistic (usually loud and explosive) film and environmental effects.

When he was 4, I brought my kid to one of them. He screamed and flipped behind his chair to hide. I had to yank him from behind and dash for the exit. :runaway:
It looks nice, nothing earth shattering, compared to the older consoles it's almost boring. Brings it perfect in line with the XB1 that also looks nice.. and just as boring :)

I think the PS4 vents are a tad too aggressive but we can't see them from the shots above.

The nice part is probably its size. If it replaced my PS3, I can move my AppleTV inside the TV console.
No. It's when MS tries to spread FUD about PS4 and Sony immediately makes them look foolish, that's the smackdown. They should probably stop trying to pick fights they can't win. I'm a little worried they're desperate enough to adopt their full on political attack ad strategy they're using to fight Google right now.
Smackdown! Everybody start fighting! AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!

Everybody paint themselves in their team colours, and we can all start punching each other!!!!!!!
No. It's when MS tries to spread FUD about PS4 and Sony immediately makes them look foolish, that's the smackdown. They should probably stop trying to pick fights they can't win. I'm a little worried they're desperate enough to adopt their full on political attack ad strategy they're using to fight Google right now.

Makes them look foolish by coming up with (apparently) retail PS4's days/weeks later?


I'm pretty sure it would have happened eventually. In fact, I'm 100% positive.

I mean, your presupposition for MS winning this fight was apparently that Sony never shows a retail PS4. As if that was a reasonable outcome.
Makes them look foolish by coming up with (apparently) retail PS4's days/weeks later?

The photos emerged yesterday, the same day as the Ars published Penello's ill conceived words on the subject.

I mean, your presupposition for MS winning this fight was apparently that Sony never shows a retail PS4. As if that was a reasonable outcome.

It was obviously a fight they couldn't win, which is why Albert's attempt to spread FUD in such a gross, transparent manner was so dumb. That was my point.
The photos emerged yesterday, the same day as the Ars published Penello's ill conceived words on the subject.

It was obviously a fight they couldn't win, which is why Albert's attempt to spread FUD in such a gross, transparent manner was so dumb. That was my point.
Actually, all he said was that it seemed a little unfair that MS was called out for developers using PCs instead of final hardware when Sony had done exactly the same, only worse, because their devkits aren't even the same form factor as the retail kit and that he hadn't even seen a PS4 in a retail form factor yet. Anything else you read into it shows more about what you think than what Penello said.
Actually, all he said was that it seemed a little unfair that MS was called out for developers using PCs instead of final hardware when Sony had done exactly the same, only worse, because their devkits aren't even the same form factor as the retail kit and that he hadn't even seen a PS4 in a retail form factor yet. Anything else you read into it shows more about what you think than what Penello said.

There has been plenty of discussion on Gaf and other places about PS4 not using retail kits... IMO he should stick to commenting on their vision - acting like the victim and pretending there are double standards won't work very well.
Penello dun goofed and melted down a bit yesterday methinks. But it's understandable, given the immense pressure he must be under these days.
Actually, all he said was that it seemed a little unfair that MS was called out for developers using PCs instead of final hardware when Sony had done exactly the same, only worse, because their devkits aren't even the same form factor as the retail kit and that he hadn't even seen a PS4 in a retail form factor yet. Anything else you read into it shows more about what you think than what Penello said.

He must not have been paying much attention to the mass media over the last few weeks then. There have been multiple shots of retail units, including Jimmy Fallon.

It just sounds like sour grapes from a company unused to not getting its own way. It's also apparent why he would be against changing discs, he doesn't look like he does an awful lot of physical things. Like standing up etc. Lol
He must not have been paying much attention to the mass media over the last few weeks then. There have been multiple shots of retail units, including Jimmy Fallon.

It just sounds like sour grapes from a company unused to not getting its own way. It's also apparent why he would be against changing discs, he doesn't look like he does an awful lot of physical things. Like standing up etc. Lol

Fat joke? Ouch :)

I find it kind of interesting. A high level PR executive feeling the need to wade into the filthy mob of fan boys at gaf to do work. I guess we can't deny the level of influence forum folk's rants and gifs can have on bigger scale. The hardcore's opinions flow downward to the uninformed these days.
It's a poor choice to dirty his hands the way he has in this latest phase of messaging. If their goal was to repair the Xbox One's busted image by acting contrite and trying to humanize the division like it appeared to be in the immediate aftermath of the policy 180s, a lot of that work is being undone recently as they start to get argumentative and resort to spreading FUD about the competition. It makes their "We're really nice now, and we're listening to what you want!" tack appear disingenuous in retrospect.

Having Albert engage with NeoGAF was a good idea in principle. His mistake was not sticking to facts about Xbox One and instead trying to spin perception about PS4 (especially when his claims are completely unsubstantiated and obviously biased).
The view point depends on what side of the fence you sit on. Personally, I didn't see a problem with it(no surprise there). I'm also not surprised at how the opposition took to his comments either. That side was always looking for a reason to disparage him. It was going to happen sooner or later. I also don't think it did any damage. People already made up their minds. There's not a lot anybody can say to change minds between now & launch. I would just move along.

Tommy McClain
It wasn't just about the Ars quote, though. In the same day he made the spurious car analogy about the spec difference to Rev3 and posted that nonsense about DirectX programmers and secret tech miraculously erasing the paper gap in his GAF meltdown. In that context it's hard to pretend his claiming no one has seen PS4 software running on real systems, or wondering aloud why no one has seen the inside of the case, all while trying to act the victim were innocent remarks.
Gakak-Z developer mentioned on PAX that Dualshock 4 controller is perfectly supported by the Windows without any drivers via USB connection, even touchpad.

This is great news, but because there is 0 chance DS4 will be officially xinput compatible, I dont see it having big support by the devs [many PC games today REQUIRE xinput gamepad].
Actually, all he said was that it seemed a little unfair that MS was called out for developers using PCs instead of final hardware when Sony had done exactly the same, only worse, because their devkits aren't even the same form factor as the retail kit and that he hadn't even seen a PS4 in a retail form factor yet. Anything else you read into it shows more about what you think than what Penello said.
The problem here is that BF4 is being publicly demoed for XBO using high spec PCs, while the PS4 build shown on devkits has drawn criticism over its performance. Then you have Major Nelson claiming the game will be shown at PAX Prime running at 60fps on XBO, with said demo crashing to a Windows desktop. I can see why one party might be drawing a bit more criticism.
Not to mention Al stating games would look the same or better on X1, which Sony has also stated. o_O

At this point I am ready for the bs to end and the real retail kits to start running. Hate this part of console launches.

Edit: yep I know it is easy to get passionate about your work, and regret what you thought was harmless, a few days later. ;)
I have to admit, I'm not seeing the aesthetic beauty that others are seeing. It's a black slab.

I saw them at the last e3, I thought it looked much better in person than you can tell from pictures. Part of that is because when you see it in person the unit is actually smaller than you'd expect so it looked cool, to me anyways.
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