News & Rumours: Playstation 4/ Orbis *spin*

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Yeah I passed by the 989 Hillsdale Playstation buildings a few times.

I thought Sony already have offices in that "new" building years ago ? Is it near EA ? I used to have an office in Twin Dolphins Drive, near Sofitel.

I have bad memory though. :)
Sony’s Shuhei Yoshida Talks About “Millions” of PS4 Preorders, feels like the “Challenger” in North America.

Translation from Dualshockers

It’s a little hard to talk about specific numerical values, but the proportion [between North America and Europe] is pretty much the same we had with the PS3. However, because of the large number of people in North America and the size of the market, I feel the market share there is a little low [compared to Europe].

I’m not saying that the PS4 is losing at the moment, but the Xbox 360 was very strong in North America. That’s why we’re working there with the mindset “we are the challengers.” I think that when you have a strong rival, it’s good for the market as a whole. We want to do our best so that we won’t be defeated (laughs).

Original article:
... with great food around your new office and the Northern peninsula, you will be well fed for the battles too !

[size=-2]Cooking Papa, Ramen Dojo, Ramen Parlor, The Counter, Indian cafe in Oracle, etc. etc. so many yummy places~[/size]
Sony is indeed challenger not the challenged in the US so it would be stupid of them not to admit it publicly.
Yap, they should run like a startup if they want to challenge MS (core gaming) in US, and Apple (casual gaming).
I don't think Xbox 360 outsold PlayStation 3 in the North America because of the way Sony is managed internally. Fucking everybody off before the PlayStation 3 launch with their crazy bullshit, launching a year late, their product having a challenging architecture for developers to exploit, a poor multiplayer infrastructure and a higher cost product were bigger detractors.

Sure, most people forgave Sony, or just forgot what giant asshats Sony had been but by that time Microsoft were entrenched.
I’m not saying that the PS4 is losing at the moment, but the Xbox 360 was very strong in North America. That’s why we’re working there with the mindset “we are the challengers.” I think that when you have a strong rival, it’s good for the market as a whole. We want to do our best so that we won’t be defeated (laughs).
I interpret this as... it's not losing in America.
I don't think Xbox 360 outsold PlayStation 3 in the North America because of the way Sony is managed internally. Fucking everybody off before the PlayStation 3 launch with their crazy bullshit, launching a year late, their product having a challenging architecture for developers to exploit, a poor multiplayer infrastructure and a higher cost product were bigger detractors.

Sure, most people forgave Sony, or just forgot what giant asshats Sony had been but by that time Microsoft were entrenched.

Well... MS won't stand still either. If they want to have a bigger lead and still make money, they need to run like a startup.
Amazon, Google and Apple are making headway too.
Well... MS won't stand still either. If they want to have a bigger lead and still make money, they need to run like a startup.
Amazon, Google and Apple are making headway too.

I don't necessarily disagree, I've not given it much thought, but why do you think a startup management structure would work better for Sony and Microsoft?
That would suggest that the Xbox One is keeping the lead that the 360 had in the US currently.

No. He is stating, MS has a great/large US install base of XB360 users, probably more than PS3. Something the PS4 will have to contend with (i.e. flipping veteran XB360 users into PS4 users). As of now, preorders in America favor PS4 largely over XB1.
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Much shorter top management decision cycle, find/raise $$$ to fund strategic investment that give the startup purpose/reason to live, measurements and more thrifty in non-essentials, hire the bests, ...

And focus !
No. He is stating, MS has a great/large US install base of XB360 users, probably more than PS3. Something the PS4 will have to contend with (i.e. flipping veteran XB360 users into PS4 users). As of now, preorders in America favor PS4 largely over XB1.

We dont actually have that data.
We dont actually have that data.

But we do have a stack of anecdotal evidence from developers, stores etc. But from the recent Sony comment it would seem that the pre-orders in America weigh in favour of MS but that was to be expected. But not by very much which is the surprising part.
But we do have a stack of anecdotal evidence from developers, stores etc. But from the recent Sony comment it would seem that the pre-orders in America weigh in favour of MS but that was to be expected. But not by very much which is the surprising part.

Actually there is no anecdotal evidence MS has more pre-orders in NA, the opposite in fact.
We dont actually have that data.

If we were to go by VGChartz numbers alone, which doesn’t even include Wal-Mart’s and Best Buy preorders numbers… PS4 as of August 29th, 2013 is far ahead of the XB1 in preorders in America alone.

FYI: Best Buy PS4 preorders are very much so in PS4 favor… by a huge margin. ;)

The figures themselves are approximations of pre-order sales made only in the United States, and have been compiled in order to compare and estimate the current general positions of each console in the market before their release.

The PlayStation 4 currently dominates the charts with around 600,000 pre-orders–a substantial jump from the previous pre-E3 estimates which were around 75,000 pre-orders–whereas Microsoft’s Xbox One contender has 350,000 pre-orders
Actually there is no anecdotal evidence MS has more pre-orders in NA, the opposite in fact.

That's what I was trying to say. The anecdotal evidence points to a higher PS4 pre-order ratio worldwide. But the recent comment from Shuhei Yoshida would seem to indicate that, though, they're happy with the state of NA pre-orders but they might not be higher than the XBone, which are estimated to be ~600k I think.
That's what I was trying to say. The anecdotal evidence points to a higher PS4 pre-order ratio worldwide. But the recent comment from Shuhei Yoshida would seem to indicate that, though, they're happy with the state of NA pre-orders but they might not be higher than the XBone, which are estimated to be ~600k I think.

I think he is talking about the generation, not the launch. It's like a fighter talking about a future fight.
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