News & Rumours: Playstation 4/ Orbis *spin*

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Very interesting. IMO, cost will be a huge hurdle for something like this. $149 or bust.

For good VR, I'd actually be willing to go as high as the $300 range. Assuming of course that support is good. It really comes down to price. If Occulus Rift ends up costing $300 and Sony's is drastically more expensive, I'd more likely go back to PC gaming when I upgrade my laptop in a year or two.
PS4 won't allow you to install games to an external drive.
Bandwidth over USB 3.0 should be good enough.

It's been discussed elsewhere (or before). The question (may be) not so much the bandwidth but the performance of random USB drive, along with security. (a suggestion was to allow 'archiving' of games, as per steam).

I'm amazed this is the first we're hearing of it.

We know that both companies have an interest in the technology, and Sony have developed 2-3 VR devices already... this news isn't a great shock, although the timing is somewhat interesting.

Obviously, the price would be vitally important, along the functionality of the device. (use the existing video encoder with gaikai streaming to send the image to the goggles = very low latency, very cheap?)
They could treat this like Move, and have it be a budget item, sadly it's not cheap though.

Or they could make it a premium item where it costs upwards of $200 or $300.

Won't know until it comes out. I can imagine it will be criticized for either direction it goes in.

It would be good to enter this area proactively. Oculus Rift has shown there is interest.

I also hope they offer support for Oculus Rift on PS4, it would be great to allow third party peripherals which offer the same/similar features.

I am surprised they are actively going in this direction this early in the generation. Which is a good thing. Move came very late to the party on PS3. I don't think it would've changed much for sales of Move, but it probably didn't help either.

Muahaha~ if true, very glad to see the continuity from their PS3 3D work. It'd be great for core gaming. Hope they price it correctly and are easy to wear.

This will cushion their longer term and risky Gaikai-over-WAN venture.

There was a rumor about Playstation Omni-viewer. Perhaps this is it. Wondering what's the controller scheme.
Sony's HMZ offerigns to date have used cutting edge tiny OLED screens, one per eye. If they go the Oculus Rift route, they could produce a far cheaper device. 7" 1080p screens, are commonplace enough that sourcing at a decent price shouldn't be too hard. As a core-gamer experience, if priced right this could be a game changer. If there's only one platform that support COD in AR head-tracked headset, that could secure a noteworthy proportion of the leet core gamerbase and driver others to adopt even without a headset. But it's way to early to tell. Depends entirely on what the product delivered actually is.

Interestingly there's been little talk of 3D next-gen. 3D rendering is a requirement for VR, so low level support in the system would be valued. I suppose a 1080p headset would require effectively 720p rendering of the game, one 720p screen's worth of pixels per eye. With 1080p a target for games, 3D at 720p might be quite comfortably accommodated, especially if design tricks reduce the total overhead to < 2*pixels.
I think at $300 I would still think that's relatively cheap. It's audio-display after all. I wouldn't be surprised if it is more expensive initially.

It would be great if they also support the Oculus Rift though, but we'll see.

It's definitely not unsurprising. Yoshida already tweeted a reply on a question about Oculus Rift that was very enthusiastic, and Sony has shown various related hardware experiments, some of which even reached the store (I got to try one of the Sony 3D HMDs earlier this year, and the first one was released in 2011).

On the other hand, I'm a little sceptical still - it will still come at a rendering cost, and with PS4's likely to be taxed to the max, it's not the same as the PC situation where you can just buy a more expensive GPU and then play 1 year old games or older. ;)

Ideally, they'd release a slightly more expensive PS4 that has twice the original PS4s power and can render the 2D games in 3D without framerate and IQ loss.
On the other hand, I'm a little sceptical still - it will still come at a rendering cost, and with PS4's likely to be taxed to the max, it's not the same as the PC situation where you can just buy a more expensive GPU and then play 1 year old games or older.
As I say above, games rendering at 1080p should support 720 per eye (960x1080 to be exact) without trouble, unlike this gen where games targeting 720p had to render 720p *2 for 3D.
Sony planning to reveal VR HMD at TGS
This could be great! I would have thought they'd wait a while longer until the cost can come down a bit. While Sony's OLED solution is better than the Occulus Rift (rectilinear lens, better resolution, much better contrast), it comes at a high production cost, because these small OLEDs are made on silicon. I'd be surprised they can sell something like the HMZ-T2 for less than $600.

I think the best bet would be to be compatible with Occulus and also offer a high-end device as an alternative. That would really help VR take off and get wide adoption. Gamers with money would get the Sony one for better quality, and the more casual gamers would get Occulus.
There was a rumor about Omni-viewer being a "see-through" goggles. i.e., suitable for AR also. But we shall see.

Would be happy as long as they do a proper, reasonably priced VR set for now.
They had half of last gen with 3D support to find out how to make concessions. 60fps games should be fine running at 2x30Hz and 30fps games need to cut back on features and/or resolution to get there. The good news is if Driveclub has support, the game might reach 60fps for everyone.
This could be great! I would have thought they'd wait a while longer until the cost can come down a bit. While Sony's OLED solution is better than the Occulus Rift (rectilinear lens, better resolution, much better contrast), it comes at a high production cost, because these small OLEDs are made on silicon. I'd be surprised they can sell something like the HMZ-T2 for less than $600.

I think the best bet would be to be compatible with Occulus and also offer a high-end device as an alternative. That would really help VR take off and get wide adoption. Gamers with money would get the Sony one for better quality, and the more casual gamers would get Occulus.

Yes some sort of standard VR data format would be ideal.

Guess it's time to buy a 3D Blu-Ray pr0n for R&D purpose. Thank you based NSF.
Ideally, they'd release a slightly more expensive PS4 that has twice the original PS4s power and can render the 2D games in 3D without framerate and IQ loss.

One possibility is that the PS4 GPU is "unbalanced" because it wasn't designed for 1080/720@2D.
Muahaha~ if true, very glad to see the continuity from their PS3 3D work. It'd be great for core gaming. Hope they price it correctly and are easy to wear.

This will cushion their longer term and risky Gaikai-over-WAN venture.

There was a rumor about Playstation Omni-viewer. Perhaps this is it. Wondering what's the controller scheme.

It would be funny that after all, dualpixels web that talked about the omni viewer could end up being right:
As I say above, games rendering at 1080p should support 720 per eye (960x1080 to be exact) without trouble, unlike this gen where games targeting 720p had to render 720p *2 for 3D.

Maybe right. I don't think a 1080p @30fps game would suddenly be doing 60fps at half the resolution, but it's not impossible of course ...
As I say above, games rendering at 1080p should support 720 per eye (960x1080 to be exact) without trouble, unlike this gen where games targeting 720p had to render 720p *2 for 3D.

Does it have to be one screen per eye?

Or could it be 2 layered screens a la 3DS?

I wonder which would be better.
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