whilst youre gonna find a few zealots that prefer obj-c to c++ or c# or whatever (apple user's to a man I expect), but I doubt youre find anyone objectivelysay so. BTW Its quite a bit slower than c++ or C to boot.
I was just using objc n hour ago concating 2 strings
NSString *fileandtype = [file stringByAppendingString".xml"];
vs something like
string fileandtype = file + ".xml";
Objective C is, of course, pretty old. However, speed wise it's probably still faster than C# or Java in most case. C++, on the other hand, is not a dynamic OOP language, so it's nature to be faster.
Operator overloading is an important feature of C++ and also controversial for its complexity. I don't think Objective C will ever have operator overloading, but some synthetic sugar is still possible. For example, in Xcode 4.4 it's now support easier use for NSArray, NSDictionary, etc. For example, instead of writing:
[array objectAtIndex:i]
Now you can write:
Or to initialize an array like this:
array = @[a, b, c];
instead of
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:a, b, c, nil];
Personally I still like C++ more, but C++ is really a very complex language.