Dave Baumann said:I think I discussed the possability of this with NVIDIA over a year ago. If you have a notebook with a doking station thn you could have an external PCIe connector to that docking station - remove the notebook from the dock and use integrated graphics, put it on the dock and use highe performance graphics in the docking station. Alteratively, the same could be done with an SLI syste, cutting down the number of lanes to the docking station (8 lanes, plus SLI connection).
Again, this has allready happened in the notebook area years ago.
Docking stations allow PCI data through the connectors and it is (well.. actually was) common to have a "full desktop" docking station available for your notebook.
Insert PCI cards and have them available at your whiff (for instance, extra network adapters etc.)
And yes, before Win2000 IBM told us that they and M$ were working on "hot swapping everything" this includes cards, memory and cpu's.. well, so far it's only the cards and memory (memory RAID is another example of this.)