New GTA 4 screens

While the amount is certainly huge, AAAness doesn't guarantee system sales while even DLC of GTA seems to be safe bet. 50 million worth? Probably much more. Need to see new GTA 4 of course.

On a related note, I wonder what will happen to "Microsoft paid for Bioshock time-exclusivity" rumor.

Wow, that's great news, that the content will be major, expansion pack type content. And a really smart move for MS.

If the episodic content is really good(and it better be for that price), 360 could become the primary console for GTA, the complete opposite of last generation.

For some reason, that response reminds me the fanboys petitioning for DMC4 exclusivity. ;)
whoa... MS really is showing some fangs this generation... sounds like the content will indeed be substantial.

doubtful we're just looking at map pack type content. More than likely it's game extending $30 type content, most likely even distributed as a disk version extension of the game on the shelf in 2008 (as well as DL).

good for them now having Halo, Madden and GTA (and a GTA+ version) with a looming price drop going into this Holiday season and possibly a 65nm chip. Quite a turn about from last generation when they were sucking hind tittle in the GTA area.
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I reckon it is called episodic content, because it will have some actual story, maybe similar in length to main story from GTA IV but divided into two parts? If these are fully fledged expansions of the main game (with this amount of money I would assume they are), they willprobably get a lot of media coverage, ie. bigarticles in Game Informer and other magazines andon websites. So yeah, I think it will be quite a big deal maybe not necessarily this Fall (but we'll be reminded about that on every step probably), but in 2008, when all these articles describing enhancements, new chracters, story, locations begin to show up.
For some reason, that response reminds me the fanboys petitioning for DMC4 exclusivity. ;)

For some reason, YOUR response reminds me broken logic.

How can this possibly bad news for X360 owners. If MS poured 50 million into R* lap in order for them to make some episodic content, chances are that R* will make some cool content, based on the amount of money they are giving.

If MS spend a billion dollars on this, i would expect this episodic content to be godlike :p

If they spend a million i would expect a mappack...
For some reason, YOUR response reminds me broken logic.
If you say so.
How can this possibly bad news for X360 owners.
Who claims it can be? I even think exclusive content is good for console owners in general (in the short and medium run), same goes for DMC4. If you don't see any similarity with the petition, please feel free to assume you are the logical one.
If MS poured 50 million into R* lap in order for them to make some episodic content, chances are that R* will make some cool content, based on the amount of money they are giving.

If MS spend a billion dollars on this, i would expect this episodic content to be godlike :p

If they spend a million i would expect a mappack...

Please clarify, if MS hadn't given any money, you think 360 owners wouldn't get any interesting GTA4 content in 2008 (downloadable or otherwise)? Or do you think MS will give this content for free?

MS is not really paying for additional content options for 360 owners, it is paying for exclusivity of those options. Don't you agree?
MS is not really paying for additional content options for 360 owners, it is paying for exclusivity of those options. Don't you agree?

Could be, but Peter Moore was one of the first who used 'episodic content' in just about every interview I read two years ago (E3 2005), so it's hard to tell really.
Just to pour some water on the blazing rumor, the far more sensible way to read the conference call quote is that Take Two estimates they will take in $25 million selling each episode of new content. There is no reason to believe the $50 million in question is a payment from MS based on that information.
In terms of exclusive content MS won't actually be paying a cent for it, MS have just put the money up front. R* have already got the cash and so don't really need to charge for it or work that hard at it.

In the end Xbox live users will be the ones paying the real $ for the privilege of getting exclusive content.

It seems MS did pay $50 million for the exclusive deal.

Where does it say that?

It seems they are discussing potential revenue's, and could easily be discussing the sales revenues that will be generated on release of the content, rather than some sort of MS payoff.

Evan Wilson - Pacific Crest Securities
Thank you. And as it relates to the deferred revenue chunk associated with the episodic content on X-Box 360, you can see that $25 million of that moved into short-term deferred. Could you give us any sense of when that’s going to hit the P&L? Will we see $25 million at one time and then the second 25 or will it be a slow bleed?

Lainie Goldstein
The first 25 is for the first episodic content package that’s supposed to go out and that is in March of ’08. That’s why it moved into current because it’s in the next 12 months. The second 25 will be for the second episodic, the episode, and that will be later in fiscal ’08.

If MS paid Take2 wouldn't they alerady have recorded that revenue? Not waiting until March 08?

It seems Take2 is just expecting each episode to generate roughly 25million in sales, if we guess $20/episode, that's ~1.5 million copies, assuming MS takes a slice off the top.
Where does it say that?

It seems they are discussing potential revenue's, and could easily be discussing the sales revenues that will be generated on release of the content, rather than some sort of MS payoff.

That's how the story was linked, but you may be right. I don't know why they would record $25 million unless they just estimate these things and hope they get close. There must be some MS money or licensing fee discount somewhere else there is no reason to limit the episodes to the 360, the PS3 is the machine with a guaranteed HD after all.

It seems MS did pay $50 million for the exclusive deal.

Thanks for re-linking.

Small duckets in the grand scheme of things. While it's not so cut and dried, by the few tidbits we had in the call, YOU can take away that MS WILL of paid $50 for either exclusivity/licensing rights for the episodic content.

A minor investment for what this could mean in the long run. Even if each episode costs at the minimum 800pts($10), MS will make a sizeable chunk of that $50 mil investment back rather quickly (less then 2 years of release of the game.) If they up that price, then even more profits. I am sure MS won't get all $$ out of each sale, but a good portion.

To put the $50 mil in perspective:

...Our decline in revenue year over year was primarily due to the strong sales last year of the Elder Scroll 4 Oblivion, which was launched in the 2006 second quarter and represented about $81 million of revenue in that period.

If Oblivion is generating that type of revenue, GTA IV is going to shatter that.
If MS paid Take2 wouldn't they alerady have recorded that revenue? Not waiting until March 08?

It seems Take2 is just expecting each episode to generate roughly 25million in sales, if we guess $20/episode, that's ~1.5 million copies, assuming MS takes a slice off the top.

Not neccesarily. With the move into short term deffered, its for tax reasons on guaranteed income, not potential income. I am leaning toward the $50 mil total to be exclusive rights agreement for the content.

Trying to put the pieces together, this was a pre-determined agreed upon sum ($50 mil) for the rights to release 2 unique episodic content releases.

While the 2nd part of your comment makes plenty of sense as well, I just don't see that working in financially. They wouldn't defer that $25 mil off of projected sales.

Which all comes back to the rumor mill we have been seeing with PS3 to receive 'episodic content.' I can see PS3 getting some type of 'downloadable' content, it just wont be 'episodic' in nature. If that makes any sense.
I'm very dubious about the financial sense of $50 million to secure episodic content, when the episodic content is so staggered from the game. When GTA4 launches, it'll launch exactly the same on PS3 as well. If people are to buy the XB360 version over the PS3 version on the weight of XB360 getting unique content down the line, won't that need to be heavily advertised? Is a download pack, not visible in stores, going to reach out to new customers 6 and 12 months after GTA4 and get them on-board? And $50 million worth of new customers too?

The only people I can see this affecting are GTA fans who haven't yet bought a console, or perhaps who weren't considering getting an XB360 alongside their existing PS3 but might now, who will get an XB360 for the extra content over the following year. Everyone else either already has a PS3 or XB360 and will buy the game for their console, or those wanting a console for this game will either buy the cheaper machine or base their decision on the rest of system features and software.
If these episodic downloads are as big as Liberty City Stories in content each (as rumoured) and Microsoft & Take 2 make media buzz about it (and I bet they will), it definitely will matter not necessarily this, but next year.

UPDATE 2 - Microsoft paid a reported $50 million advance to secure exclusive Grand Theft Auto IV downloadable content for Xbox 360. Next-Gen spoke with Microsoft and analyst Michael Pachter about the deal.

Stock analysis site Seeking Alpha reports (via NeoGaf) that that Microsoft will be forking over a a $50 million advance to GTA IV publisher Take-Two in order to secure exclusive GTA IV downloadable content.

Speaking to Evan Wilson of Pacific Crest Securities, newly-appointed Take-Two CFO Laine Goldstein said in a recent earnings call that the first batch of downloadable content should be available in March 2008 followed by another episodic download later in the year.

“The first $25 million is for the first episodic content package that’s supposed to go out and that is in March of ’08. That’s why it moved into current because it’s in the next 12 months. The second $25 million will be for the second episode, and that will be later in fiscal ’08,†Goldstein said.

Goldstein was addressing Wilson's question regarding the "deferred revenue chunk" (i.e. the money Microsoft paid Take-Two in advance) as it relates to GTA IV's downloadable content.

Next-Gen contacted Wedbush Morgan Securities analyst Michael Pachter, who further explained the deal. "What Microsoft did was pay a $50 million advance," he said, much in the same way a big-name author receives a payment in advance of his or her next book.

In other words, he said, the $50 million is not a fee that Microsoft paid Take-Two solely to secure the rights for the content. Rather, Microsoft is confident that Take-Two's portion of the revenue generated by GTA IV content downloads will surpass the $50 million advance paid.

"Microsoft basically said that it's happy to pay [Take-Two] in advance $50 million in revenue that [Take-Two] is going to receive from GTA IV downloads," he said.

Microsoft takes about a 30 percent cut from Xbox Live Marketplace content sales, according to Pachter.

Taking that 70/30 split (publisher/Microsoft) and the $50 million advance into account, Microsoft is apparently confident that GTA IV download revenues over Xbox Live will be at least $70 million.

If revenues don't meet that figure, Take-Two will have to return some of the advance, according to Pachter. But he said that there's no reason to believe Take-Two would actually miss that revenue target.

He also stated, "By giving this advance, Microsoft did extract from Take-Two the promise to make [GTA IV content] exclusive. But there will not be any downloadable content for PS3, at least for some time. My guess is at least for a year."

Next-Gen also contacted Microsoft for comment regarding the exclusivity deal, but the firm opted not to confirm the terms of the deal. "The quality, depth and breadth of our Xbox 360 portfolio is a testament to the great relationships we’ve established over the years with our third-party partners," read a prepared statement from Microsoft. "Just as we recognize how important their video game titles are to driving an unrivaled gaming experience on the Xbox 360, they recognize the immense value of having their titles on our platform. Xbox 360 is easy to develop on, we have the largest online social network on television with Live and we’re in more homes than any other next generation console in the world.

"At the end of the day, our third-party publishers own their IPs and ultimately decide where they’re going to take their franchises, and we’re thrilled that they’ve made the choice to build for the Xbox 360. Microsoft does not comment on business arrangements with our partners."

Calls to Take-Two were not immediately returned as of press time. contacted Wedbush Morgan Securities analyst Michael Pachter, who further explained the deal. "What Microsoft did was pay a $50 million advance," he said, much in the same way a big-name author receives a payment in advance of his or her next book.

In other words, he said, the $50 million is not a fee that Microsoft paid Take-Two solely to secure the rights for the content. Rather, Microsoft is confident that Take-Two's portion of the revenue generated by GTA IV content downloads will surpass the $50 million advance paid.

"Microsoft basically said that it's happy to pay [Take-Two] in advance $50 million in revenue that [Take-Two] is going to receive from GTA IV downloads," he said.

Microsoft takes about a 30 percent cut from Xbox Live Marketplace content sales, according to Pachter.

Taking that 70/30 split (publisher/Microsoft) and the $50 million advance into account, Microsoft is apparently confident that GTA IV download revenues over Xbox Live will be at least $70 million.

If revenues don't meet that figure, Take-Two will have to return some of the advance, according to Pachter. But he said that there's no reason to believe Take-Two would actually miss that revenue target.

He also stated, "By giving this advance, Microsoft did extract from Take-Two the promise to make [GTA IV content] exclusive. But there will not be any downloadable content for PS3, at least for some time. My guess is at least for a year."

great clarification!


In other words, he said, the $50 million is not a fee that Microsoft paid Take-Two solely to secure the rights for the content. Rather, Microsoft is confident that Take-Two's portion of the revenue generated by GTA IV content downloads will surpass the $50 million advance paid.

"Microsoft basically said that it's happy to pay [Take-Two] in advance $50 million in revenue that [Take-Two] is going to receive from GTA IV downloads," he said.

Microsoft takes about a 30 percent cut from Xbox Live Marketplace content sales, according to Pachter.

Taking that 70/30 split (publisher/Microsoft) and the $50 million advance into account, Microsoft is apparently confident that GTA IV download revenues over Xbox Live will be at least $70 million.

If revenues don't meet that figure, Take-Two will have to return some of the advance, according to Pachter. But he said that there's no reason to believe Take-Two would actually miss that revenue target.

Well that about sums it up.

I am a little surpised actually. It's a WIN/WIN for MS.

Here, take this nice lump sum of money, that YOU will make off of the episodic content that WE will release for you on XBOX Live. If your game blows, and doesn't sell as much, well, you can put the check in the mail to pay us back the difference. All while keeping the content off PS3.

Ingenious. This is why Peter Moore was so excited.

It was also interesting to see some numbers for what MS gets from Marketplace sales. I am curious if that is across the board, or just for this title? Hmmm...
Of course we may see a director's cut on the Ps3 considering it has 25GB discs. With all the games coming in the Fall I doubt I will buy GTA4 on day one and no way I'm DLing episodes on any platform which have zero resale value.