New Crackdown Screens

Guys, gotta save something for the sequel. ;)

I normally don't do pre-order. However if Crackdown 2 is coming out, I'll be signing up for pre-order. BTW, I haven't had a good night sleep in a week because of Crackdown...I'm staying up too late to play the game...and it's really hard to put down. If it weren't for work...I would be home playing it now. :))
I normally don't do pre-order. However if Crackdown 2 is coming out, I'll be signing up for pre-order. BTW, I haven't had a good night sleep in a week because of Crackdown...I'm staying up too late to play the game...and it's really hard to put down. If it weren't for work...I would be home playing it now. :))

Keep it up and you'll be at home indefinitely. :devilish:
Has anyone listened to Major Nelsons podcast for this week? He talks with one of the audio engineers for Crackdown. The amoutn of work and detail that they put into the sound is crazy. The sad part about it is most people never notice. I thought it was neat that my sub when nuts when my buddy was blowing stuff up on the otherside of Pacific City, but I never thought they did that on purpose (per se). Or how the quality of the music is different when a car door is open versus closed. Or how the office sounds and the nightclub sounds were dependent on the time of day.

What is you guy's thoughts on the matter, I know that we got caught up with the graphics but what do you guys think about the other stuff.
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I guess he would be disappointed to know that I've spent the entirety of my time playing Crackdown with music from my iPod :oops:
I guess he would be disappointed to know that I've spent the entirety of my time playing Crackdown with music from my iPod :oops:

Sadly seconded.

I found the in game music to be rather tiring and boring and virtually unlistenable. While I do keep the sound effects on, i turn them down some.
I too, turned down the in-car music. But all the sound effects are still on default. The guy says that there is an audio setting to compress the dynamic range for those folks that need to hear everything but not have stupidly loud explosions. I was just amazed at the level of work they did, you guys should listen to Majors podcast.

Are most games that involving with sound?
music != game-audio

I'm sure his efforts made their way through your speakers.:smile:

No not really. Given how loud the car engine noises are, and you can't turn them down independently, in-game audio was pretty low in general for me. Low enough not to be able to appreciate the subtleties they seem to have implemented.
Has anyone listened to Major Nelsons podcast for this week? He talks with one of the audio engineers for Crackdown. The amoutn of work and detail that they put into the sound is crazy. The sad part about it is most people never notice. I thought it was neat that my sub when nuts when my buddy was blowing stuff up on the otherside of Pacific City, but I never thought they did that on purpose (per se). Or how the quality of the music is different when a car door is open versus closed. Or how the office sounds and the nightclub sounds were dependent on the time of day.

What is you guy's thoughts on the matter, I know that we got caught up with the graphics but what do you guys think about the other stuff.

I agree, the sound (and attention to detail in the game in ALL regards) is exemplary!

I also love all the translucent windows at night. :D
Like everyone else said, the in-car volume level (and crappy music tracks) drowns out the subtleties you are talking about. Outside of the car, however, acoustic detail is noticeable -- like wind licking a tall building (or an agent who has jumped from one) and the creepy sounds freaks make before pushing up daisies.
Like everyone else said, the in-car volume level (and crappy music tracks) drowns out the subtleties you are talking about. Outside of the car, however, acoustic detail is noticeable -- like wind licking a tall building (or an agent who has jumped from one) and the creepy sounds freaks make before pushing up daisies.

I almost never drive (all 3 stars and 4 in explosives) so I rarely hear the music. Also I turned music nearly all the way down in menu so when in car it's just a subtle background noise.

I love the sound of the wind whistling around you as you leap in mostly silence from top of one tall building to the next. :cool:
Im having a good time finding the agility and hidden orbs. Looking for orbs seems to be the most satisfying part of the game. I look up and see a orb and then I scan the surrounding buildings to see whats the best way to get there. It can be like trying to solve a puzzle at times.

Outside of that, I find the gameplay terribly lacking. The thin storyline and the mission structure seems soo incomplete. Greater character development of the minor and major bosses with some nice cutscenes would of been nice. Every boss encounters usually plays out the same way for me. I usually only attempt to do the missions when I just happen upon them when looking for orbs. It makes me believe outside of leveling up most of the game is an afterthought.

I haven't been through the whole game so I may be off in my assessment but this game could of been so much more. Its done a lot to differentiate itself from GTA but it seems to avoid alot of what makes GTA enjoyable to play.
Im having a good time finding the agility and hidden orbs. Looking for orbs seems to be the most satisfying part of the game. I look up and see a orb and then I scan the surrounding buildings to see whats the best way to get there. It can be like trying to solve a puzzle at times.

Outside of that, I find the gameplay terribly lacking. The thin storyline and the mission structure seems soo incomplete. Greater character development of the minor and major bosses with some nice cutscenes would of been nice. Every boss encounters usually plays out the same way for me. I usually only attempt to do the missions when I just happen upon them when looking for orbs. It makes me believe outside of leveling up most of the game is an afterthought.

I haven't been through the whole game so I may be off in my assessment but this game could of been so much more. Its done a lot to differentiate itself from GTA but it seems to avoid alot of what makes GTA enjoyable to play.

I agree about the missions but TBH, I love the open sandbox nature and given all the special abilities, trying to acquire Achievements outside of the missions is a game in itself. :cool:
Outside of that, I find the gameplay terribly lacking. The thin storyline and the mission structure seems soo incomplete. Greater character development of the minor and major bosses with some nice cutscenes would of been nice. Every boss encounters usually plays out the same way for me. I usually only attempt to do the missions when I just happen upon them when looking for orbs. It makes me believe outside of leveling up most of the game is an afterthought.

I was going to agree with you and say that the three gangs are staffed by cookie cutter cronies. I was going to say that sub-bosses occupied the same managerial roles with the only difference being the scale of their operation. I was going to say that this was a recipe for repetition.

But I've changed my mind.

The developers have poured too much new tech into this project to have missed the obvious. And after reading "The Trouble with Patents" at Gamasutra, it all makes sense. One-dimensional characters, an anorexic storyline, and bland boss battles are probably intentional -- another entity(s) may own the patents for multifaceted characters in a video game, a fantastic storyline, and climatic boss battles (as crazy as that sounds). So to stave off potential lawsuits, the publisher may have tiptoed around the patent minefield. ;)

[size=-2]Sega made the game Crazy Taxi. Fox Interactive made the game Simpsons Road Rage, a knock-off of Crazy Taxi. Sega sued for infringement based on patent '138, which basically says this:
  • You drive around in a city, rather than a race track.
  • There's an arrow that hovers around, pointing you to where you should go.
  • Cars have an invisible aura around them of "danger zone" and a bigger aura around that one called "caution zone." Virtual people in the danger zone jump out of the way. Virtual people in the caution zone stop walking, rather than walk into danger.
  • The size and shape of the auras described above can change based on the speed of your vehicle.
Now, Simpsons Road Rage and Crazy Taxi are incredibly similar games, and no one is even denying that. But the concept of driving around in a city where virtual people jump out of the way of your car is not exactly what Thomas Jefferson had in mind when he said that patentable inventions were to be new and useful, and you can forget about non-obvious. I also don’t think he’d be too happy that no one can make a game where you drive a car around a city with virtual people who jump out of the way…FOR TWENTY YEARS. The big picture of protecting the R&D of entrepreneurs is certainly not served by patents like '138.

Neither is it served by Namco's patent 5,718,632, giving it a twenty-year government-sanctioned monopoly on using mini-games during another game’s loading screen. I don’t know how else to say this, but the idea of putting a mini-game in a loading screen is "obviously obvious." - Gamasutra[/size]​
Has anyone else seen horizontal lines occasional appear on the screen? It's starting to bug me.

P.S. The Shai Gen area is definitely the most fun in the game.
It's official... after 15 mos of playing Next Gen, I have finally found a game that captures my imagination with Achievements. :LOL:

I can not put this game down.... so much fun maxing out your character and leaping from building to building, taking out bad guys and doing impossible stuff. the achievement list is huge and fun.

Also I get an amazing feeling of vertigo when I'm up high on the rooftops. the draw distance is amazing and it really feels like you are high in the air. The feeling of jumping reminds me of when I used to play a Playstation 1 game, I think it was Jumping Flash?
It's official... after 15 mos of playing Next Gen, I have finally found a game that captures my imagination with Achievements. :LOL:

I can not put this game down.... so much fun maxing out your character and leaping from building to building, taking out bad guys and doing impossible stuff. the achievement list is huge and fun.

Also I get an amazing feeling of vertigo when I'm up high on the rooftops. the draw distance is amazing and it really feels like you are high in the air. The feeling of jumping reminds me of when I used to play a Playstation 1 game, I think it was Jumping Flash?

yep - Jumping Flash

I get the same butterfly in the stomach feeling when jumping from a rooftop area that you aren't sure you'll make only to find out, you didn't and the ground is progressingly moving towards you only to have your agent bounce off the ground in his death. It's odd the game has this effect on me considering many others do not and my fiance just looks at me funny when I try to explain it to her. :LOL:

The game is digital crack and I'm glad I beat it as it was getting rdiculous. :oops:

coop = replay.
i bet if Crackdown 2 is coming then they are going to put "Gears of War 2 beta multiplayer invitation"


I don't think it's necessary. I think enough people that have bought Crackdown (regardless of their original intent) are sold on the "franchise" if they choose to produce a sequel.

Of course a Beta for GOW2 wouldn't hurt. ;)