sweet...GI: You’ve talked about how your soldier is a first person actor. Could you discuss what this means?
Pitchford: Since the first person genre was created, the player character has actually been a disembodied camera with a gun (we call it a “view model”) bolted to the camera. The dream is to not be a disembodied camera, but an actual character in the world.
Our approach to this dream is to basically create what amounts to a third person simulation – with a character that can maneuver through the world and cast shadows, that has on his body the things that he is carrying. Also that he can interact with the world by doing things such as vaulting walls and for all of the animation and movement to look and feel natural and correct when you’re looking at it from that third person view.
Then, you take that character and instead of having a third person camera, you put the camera where it should be – in his eyes. Now you have a first person actor.
Of course, we had to develop some technology to help smooth out the eyes a bit so we don’t make people vomit when they run and their head bobs all over the place. But the effect works and is very natural. When you look down, you can see yourself. You see your own shadows on the ground. You can look at your chest and see how many grenades you have left hanging off your chest. When you reach a wall and climb over it (yes, you can climb over walls), you can see your hand actually plant on the wall as you vault your legs over it. It’s really cool and it’s something you’re going to see a lot more games doing as everyone moves more completely into the next-generation.
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