Neon Genesis Evangelion

People seem to see stupid things that just don't make any sense and call it a mindfuck a lot. That's definitely the case with NGE. It moves to deus ex machina and just gets completely stupid. I couldn't even bring myself to watch EoE, because I hated the thing far before the last two episodes.
The Baron said:
People seem to see stupid things that just don't make any sense and call it a mindfuck a lot. That's definitely the case with NGE. It moves to deus ex machina and just gets completely stupid. I couldn't even bring myself to watch EoE, because I hated the thing far before the last two episodes.

You should try watching it. It kinda makes sense, in its whole nonsensical way.

Kinda like people who keep watching Lost today. I'm so fed up with it now, i am just watching to see if anyone dies really, but i know nothing is gonna get solved, not much is gonna make sense, so i'm just watching it for the hell of it. Then at the end i know something big will happen and i'll be happy again.
I watched the series (NGE) when it aired here some moons ago.
I liked it, though the final episodes were a big disappointment, as they brought little to the "plot".
I haven't yet seen the alternative end "movie", I'm a bit confused now... are there two of those movies, the "Rebirth" and "End of Evangelion"??? Which one is better?
The Baron said:
People seem to see stupid things that just don't make any sense and call it a mindfuck a lot. That's definitely the case with NGE. It moves to deus ex machina and just gets completely stupid. I couldn't even bring myself to watch EoE, because I hated the thing far before the last two episodes.

I honestly can't think of anything in Evangelion that can't be explained in one fashion or another, particularly if you take End of Eva as the true series ending rather the final few episodes. You really should check it out.
rabidrabbit said:
I haven't yet seen the alternative end "movie", I'm a bit confused now... are there two of those movies, the "Rebirth" and "End of Evangelion"??? Which one is better?

'Rebirth' is simply the first part of the 'End of Evangelion' movie, that was tagged on to 'Death' (the resume of the TV series) for whatever reason. So, if you've seen the TV show, skip 'Death and Rebirth' and go straight on to 'End of Evangelion'.
Yes to anyone confused, the end of the story is the "End of Evangelion" movie. If you don't see that, then you don't see the end! And it's a big ending too!!!
Just to explain a bit further

The two movies released "Death & Rebirth" and "End of Evangelion" contain possible endings apart from episodes 25/26.

"Death" just contains scenes from episode 1 to episode 24. Basically it's a movie that summerises all the 24 episodes so you wont find anything new in it.

"Rebirth" continues from episode 24 containing new and exciting action but it ends on a cliff hanger.

"End of Evangelion" continues from the cliff hanger and contains two endings within itself.