Need new LCD advice


Anyone know if there are any LCD's on the market that meet these criteria:

DVI input
16:9 or 16:10 aspect ratio
<25ms response time

I know Sharp and Sony at least have 17" LCDs that meet those criteria but I'd prefer something a little larger if possible. It seems the manufacturers are coming out with the next gen about now, so I'm wondering if anyone has heard of any such LCD among the new rollouts. Thanks!
I believe viewsonic has a 27" that meets your criteria, but it might be a bit on the pricey side. :)

Edit: It occurs to me that most of the 16:9 inch lcd displays are actually (HD)TV displays or multimedia centers. So you may wind up paying for features you don't need to get what you want.
AlphaWolf said:
but it might be a bit on the pricey side. :)

heh, you just had to show me that one huh? Now I'm gonna be tempted to blow a huge chunk of my student loans on it!

AlphaWolf said:
Edit: It occurs to me that most of the 16:9 inch lcd displays are actually (HD)TV displays or multimedia centers. So you may wind up paying for features you don't need to get what you want.

No, I want to turn my PC into a multimedia center, and if I can get HDTV support with the monitor, it's a plus. I'll be in school till ~2007, and am looking to buy something that will satisfy both my work and entertaining needs for the foreseeable future. That one might, if I can afford it. Thanks for posting it.
Sxotty said:
Seems a decent deal, and promises future screens with 21" and 16ms (I know this is an issue I bought a 19" a while back and there were none under 25ms (the 25ms one I got from viewsonic did streak and I could see it)

Thanks, I've bookmarked that Dell. It's all good except the "hardwired" 4:3 aspect ratio. Although the price looks good so I could probably live with it.

I've heard Apple is about to refresh their displays. I might wait to see what they come up with. Their current 20" is just what I'm looking for, but the replacement might improve that response time and give it a prettier aluminum casing.
AlphaWolf said:
I believe viewsonic has a 27" that meets your criteria,

By the way, I notice the resolution on that is 1280x720. Shouldn't it be higher for a 27"? It seems most 21" 4:3 LCD monitors are 1600x1200.
I believe they are that resolution because it exactly meets hdtv specs (a guess). I merely posted that one cuz it was something I was looking at as a possible TV for me :). A higher resolution wouldn't really help with televison type use.

I don't doubt there are better available models elsewhere to suit your purposes.
My primary use for it will be as a computer monitor that I'll be doing webapp development and some digital imaging on, but it will also double as my TV, and considering I want it to last a while, that HDTV support is attractive. I like the size b/c I thought it would be awesome for multitasking such work, at least until I saw that resolution. Now I'm not so sure. Seems like I might just end up with a big screen but with everything on it proportionately increased in size. Maybe I need to see one of these in person so I can judge better what kind of workspace it creates.
1920x1200 would be ideal, but do you know of any coming soon? My CRT is killing my eyes, I can't wait much longer.
AnandTech recently had an article about all the new LCD technology which is due in the next few months. I skimmed through it and can't remember if much was said about wide-screen displays, however. Much of the information was about 16ms screens IIRC.

The article should still be listed on their front page.
Thanks, I checked that out too. Maybe I'll just get the new Dell and save some $. Looks like it won't be till the next generation that what I want will be readily available.
PiNkY said:
...just go apple

That's the conclusion I just came to last night, after looking at just about every monitor company's offerings I could find. There are no widescreen, >25ms, DVI, >17" displays with acceptible resolution for a computer monitor. There are plenty with combinations of those traits, but there's always something missing. Looks like the Apple 20" Cinema Display is the one that comes closest, lacking only the >26ms response time. I guess I can deal with a little bit of ghosting... Too bad Apple has delayed their new monitors until the next gen G5, I bet the new 20" will have that response time I want. I just don't want to wait that long...
Umm I am confused didn't the one I showed you have those traits?

To be quite honest I think the current Apple LCD's are really sub par, just terrible deals at the moment. There was a time though when they wer decent but the lcd market has come alive since then.
Sxotty said:
Umm I am confused didn't the one I showed you have those traits?

Assuming you're referring to the Dell and NEC mentioned in that thread, they've got everything but widescreen (16:9,16:10). But perhaps 16ms response in a 4:3 screen is better than 25ms response in Apple's Cinema Display... Tough choice...
Ah I see sorry I did not notice you stated you wanted wide screen...

Hey I just noticed you had ithaca listed, I was there all summer (researching at cornell)
Cool, I too am at Cornell. I've been here since June taking an immersive Japanese course, FALCON in case you heard of it. What were you researching?