Need images paying £10 - £50 depending on quality



You probabily don't know me however i have been searching around the internet for forums and so ar this is the best in which i came here for. I do go onto some Gfx sites such as gamernders and their i am called KingOfHearts. However i came here for the following.

i need some fantasy images made.

- 5 devils like nasty fanatasy warriors
- 5 neutral like half bad, half good who do not like fighting
-5 Good who dont like fighting but will stand their ground.

I also need a fortiforcation made, Start of as a small building and develops into a great empire,
I also need some animals made, some steed that develops into a giant beast.

these are fantasy images so make them up no real boundrys :)

The final piece is i need a image made of a battle between fantasy warriors, Good V Evil. Try and make it 3d if not dont worry :bounce:

I do not need full rights but am able to change them around without having a copyright label on me so they are made to the company Loadosia,

I am willing to pay atleast £10-20-30+ depending on the quality of the image itself, Do not copy images and paste them here you can edit any images just make them your own.. (Preferd OWN made images)
The images i would love to be 3d but an be 2d
there are quite a few games that contain suitable models you could either import them into a modeling programm or run a multiplayer game and get a frew freinds to pose
rune + heretic2 a a couple that come to mind
also unreal tournament has some 3rd party models/skins that you could use