my theory about UFO's


i have a monster
Actually they arent coming from another planet from deep space but are actually
human beings from the future who have mastered the art of time travel.
The reason why they are sneaking around with there flying machines is because they dont want to change the timeline .


AKA the 4400 is a great show :D
Holland had a good harvest this year, heh?
My theory on UFOs is that they're inconsiderite jerks. Total assholes. I get along with like, everyone, but I've heard the stories and it doesn't take a genius to see these aliens are bad apples.
Actually they arent coming from another planet from deep space but are actually
human beings from the future who have mastered the art of time travel.
The reason why they are sneaking around with there flying machines is because they dont want to change the timeline .


AKA the 4400 is a great show :D

Humans from the future must all be gay with all those alien anal probes stories you read about.
Humans from the future must all be gay with all those alien anal probes stories you read about.

You know, you don't need to be gay to enjoy anal stimulation!!

Aaaaanyway, yes The 4400 is one great show!! Felt a bit disjointed this year (S.3), but i still loved it, especially the end.
there are quite a lot of SF comics and bookwriters saying in the future everybody is gooing to be gay.. and all women will die out.
babys will be made outside of your body in giant laborotories.
there are quite a lot of SF comics and bookwriters saying in the future everybody is gooing to be gay.. and all women will die out.
babys will be made outside of your body in giant laborotories.

That'll suck.

Kinda like in the 40s when all the books expected everyone to have their own helicopter by the 1960s.
there are quite a lot of SF comics and bookwriters saying in the future everybody is gooing to be gay.. and all women will die out.
babys will be made outside of your body in giant laborotories.

How did we get from the propisition that UFOs are in fact Earth resident time travellers from the future, to the assertion we will all end up Gay? Anybody met some of these time travelers and if so, were they Gay? :D

Saludos Amigos
Actually they arent coming from another planet from deep space but are actually human beings from the future who have mastered the art of time travel.

There actually is a very similar conspiracy theory among a small group of American Creationists.

Now, many creationists believe that Evolution is just an evil conspiracy of materialistic and atheistic scientists who want to destroy faith in God. Creationism has always had the problem that there is tons of evidence out there that clearly supports Evolution and counters the claims of Creationism.

And that's where UFOs come in. Some Creationists believe that UFOs are nothing but time travel machines invented by scientists (i.e. atheistic materialistic anti-God conspirators) in the future and they use these things to go back in time to plant fake evidence for Evolution. Some famous creationists, like Henry Morris, disagree with this, though. They believe that UFOs are fallen angels.
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I read a theory once that there were so many UFO crashes and landings because they were so bad to fly. All the controls are in the middle but because the UFO's are disk shaped and thus are designed to spin all the occupants are flung on the outside by the g forces and so cannot reach the controls.

It makes me laugh when people get probed. Why do the Aliens have to probe humans when all the info is on the Internet ?

Also, I'm sick of these egg head aliens with big eyes ..the greys .. back in my day when people had long hair and were hippies the aliens also had long silver hair just like us as they looked out of their port holes. What happened to the port holes as well, now nobody mentions them.

And another thing, in the good old days we used to have some fantastic photo's of UFO's, you could see everything like port holes and markings and maybe even legs out of the bottom of the craft, but since the march of technology and video footage all you get are lights or blurred images or jerky images. Not a pot hole in sight.

Hmmmm ...