My Sony 52XBR4 vs Pioneer 5070 review


So I picked up a 52XBR4 a few days ago to see how it stacks up to my Pioneer 5070 as I got bit by the upgrade bug. My sources are Motorola Comcast HD DVR (component), Toshiba HD-A1(HDMI), 360 Elite(HDMI), PS3(HDMI). Neither has been professionally calibrated but I've taken various post calibration setings of avsforum and then tweaking them to my liking.

720p vs 1080p. When I'm sitting up close, such as during video games, the 1080p really cleans everything up and the picture is quite crisp. I like it! At around 10ft, that advantage is not noticeable though.

White levels. Tie. The Sony has brighter whites but they don't seem as uniform as the Pioneer. It's like I can see color bleed into the white.

Brightness. Sony. My room is pretty dark so cranking up the brightness isn't a concern. The Sony can certainly go brighter if needed but after tweaking the settings the difference is not noticeable.

Black level. Pioneer wins. I have backlight bleeding issues on the Sony. Esp. the top left corner that seems like flashlight in the corner. Off axis, the blacks on the Sony turn to crap. The overall consistancy of the Pioneer makes it a winner.

Colors. Pioneer. Look at the Sony head on or within screen width and the colors look good but off axis, colors go bad like the black levels. The Pioneer colors are "smoother" if that makes any sense.

SD processing. Pioneer wins. I mean seriously wins. Watching the NE/MIA game on SD right now. It's terrible.

Additional Sony issues. Smoothvision is by far the most gimmicky thing in some time. Just completely ruins it for me. Luckily you can turn it off. I imagine the same people who like Vivid mode would also be drawn in my smoothvision. Blurring. I don't think I need to elborate much on this. It's clearly there for me. Yes, I've turned everything off that could be causing it.

Overall. Outside of the 1080, this isn't an upgrade to my 5070. I'll play around with it some more and let it break it for a week or two but unless something dramatic happens, it's going back. I'm going to wait on CES and see what comes out. If nothing major, I'll get a Pioneer Pro150 elite and call it a day for some time.

I know many people love this set and on it's own, it's very nice. It's just that I have something decent to compare it to and for me, it doesn't justify a new purchase.
I don't suppose you can or will return it, eh? It really doesn't sound like a satisfactory "upgrade". :(

Oh I forgot to add that I appreciate your review/experience with it. :) I do recall my friend's 42" XBR3, and it had some pretty ugly scaling/processing for regular SD cable TV. Kinda sucks that way, but it is pretty awesome for gaming and watching DVDs. He and his family just aren't really ready to plunge into High Def programming really.
I got a Panasonic 700 series plasma a few months back, and I just can't stand to look at LCDs anymore. I'd never consider an LCD over a plasma unless the technology drastically improves in the future.
No surprise here - decent plasmas still have quite the edge over decent LCDs. Hopefully there's a Kuro in my near future! ;)

Still, thanks for the review.
I was happy with my 40" X series Bravia until I went to my mates place the other night. He has a 60" Pioneer Plasma and it makes my TV look like shite. :cry:
Hi, I have an 52XBR4 and It is a very nice set with great blacks, colors , and a ton of settings. This TV just needs to be tweeked .

SA 4250HD component, PS3 HDMI. My eyeballs are 7-8 FT. away from the set , clouds, flashlights are non existent on my set . Some SD looks like crap and some SD looks real good, I would say the crappier SD brodcasts are the source problem not the TV's ....