HolySmoke said:
1st: Paul, RELAX. Judging by what I've read here, you're most definitely NOT an alcoholic.
Actually, none of us here know enough to pass judgement on whether he IS or IS NOT an alcoholic. Including you. The point is, he doesn't like where he's at.
2 pints in an hour? Been there, done that, no big whoop. Hell, when I was learning to drink I went through half a liter (~ 1 pint) of 40% vodka in less time than you did (obviously passing out).
I must, say, I find the "my penis is bigger than yours" drinking comparisons here very sophomoric.
You're just learning how to drink, and if you think you may be an alcoholic only based on THAT, then you're being way too paranoid.
Um, I think he's basing his self-assesment not on some "inexperience" with drinking or knowing his limits, it's that he "loves to get fucked up". That he doesn't have any perticular regard for limits... and that after he woke up from his latest escapade, the first thing he did was ask for more.
For the rest of you: Don't forget that apparently McDonald's is also "poison". So is coffee, sugar and bacon. There is literally NO fundamental difference between any two things that are a) bad for you, and b) make you feel good.
Hey, you're talking about being naive? And you equate alcohol with fast food? Sorry, I don't recall super sizing your meal having sever consequences with respect to judgement and your state of mind. I also don't recall much concern about abusive households due to excess bacon grease.
To much excess of anything is bad. But if you see literally "NO fundamental difference" here, you're the naive one.
So you "alcohol consumption is evil and you're going to hell if you drink"-psychos here need to BACK THE FUCK AWAY FROM THIS KID!!!!!
Oh, and I wouldn't be one to toss around accusations of others being psychos...
He does NOT need your INSANE advice!
Um...what "insane" advice was given to him?
If you've never been a "social drinker" and don't even know the *very difference* between "use" and "abuse" then you have no fncking idea what you're talking about, and are damaging the kid rather than helping him.
And if you think abusers never started as "social users", then you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. If you think "abusers" and alcoholics just start off with the INTENTION of being an abuser, then I think you have no fucking idea what you're talking about, and are damaging the kid more than helping him.