Joe DeFuria
surfhurleydude said:Well what is wrong with ultra-hip/popular kids?
Nothing...until / if the hip and popular kids come down on self-proclaimed dorks because there is something different about them. (Be it looks, grades, participation in social "norms" like drugs / alchohol, etc.)
...and pretty much the only people that didn't drink were the kids of average intelligence that wanted to appear smarter than everyone else by studying all the time to make good grades while some of us just got them fine.
In other words, there was something wronf with the kids who didn't "drink?" You said earlier that the "choice" not to drink is fine....and yet I continue to see you harp on some aspect of any kid who doesn't drink.
Now, the kids who didn't drink were on some mission to "appear smarter" than you?
My philosophy is that if you're dumb enough to drink and drive, then you deserve whatever happens to you. And if you end up killing someone else, or more than one person, hopefully their souls will automatically enter heaven for being taken too early, and the drunk driver will go straight to hell.
Yes, much consolation when YOUR kid is the innocent victim. Or like my cousin (was at college), who was WALKING on a sidewalk along a road and was hit and killed by a drunk driver.
But the driver had a "social life" I it's all A.O.K.