Joe DeFuria
surfhurleydude said:That's fine, but if we were asked to compare lives, I don't think there's any doubt who would have the more exciting and fun life. Girls, parties, what else is there to live for?
Again: It's telling that somehow "Alcohol" is a prerquisite (to you) for "girls and parties."
And "girls and parties" being "it" as far as what there is to live for...spoken like someone who not only can't get enough of either, but someone who has a very shallow view of what life IS actually all about.
Sorry man, happens.
Yes, I relay that message to my Aunt and Uncle. I'm sure they will feel relieved that this is the attitude that youth apparently takes today.
I do not find it humorous at all that you think that every single person that drinks will drive drunk.
I do find it humorous that somehow you think I said any such thing,
Have you been brainwashed by your parents propaganda as well?
And what propaganda would that be? That alcoholism is a disease that can ruin your life?
If someone kills one of my family members, I'm not going to stop drinking because of it.
Nor did I say you should.
It's not the alcohol's fault the person drove, it is the driver's.
So...the driver (without the alcohol) is as likely to get into an accident?
This world is about responsibilities,
Indeed it is. And what exactly is irresponsible about supporting a no teenage drinking policy?
and you think you are all high and mighty because you are attempting to place the sins of all drunk drivers on all of those that drink.
Wrong, as usual.
1) Drunk driving is not the only ill effect of alcoholism.
2) Alcoholism in general is the problem.
3) If you want to avois alcoholism and the problems that come from it, the only sure solution is to avoid alcohol.
I don't advocate the banishment of alcohol. But I do advocate that teenages not be put in situations where they are ripe to abuse it...because most of them are not equipped to evaluate the cosequences and act responsibly.
In other words an "open bar teeage party" is a bad idea.
I don't hate all black people and think that all black people are horrible drivers because one person that happened to be black hit my car.
Glad you got that off your chest. Now if you can explain how that has anything to do with the conversation or my viewpoint, you'lll get a cookie.
Need I remind you the 18th amendment was repealed for a REASON.
Need I remind you that this is not about banishing alcolhol. This is about preventing TEENAGE BINGE DRINKING and the situations that foster that environment. Need I remind you that the legal drinking AGE in most states is 21....and that's for a REASON.
You are having a massive stereotype problem.
Lol...all I can do is laugh at that statement.