My name is Paul, I'm 16, and I have a drinking problem.

surfhurleydude said:
That's fine, but if we were asked to compare lives, I don't think there's any doubt who would have the more exciting and fun life. Girls, parties, what else is there to live for?

Again: It's telling that somehow "Alcohol" is a prerquisite (to you) for "girls and parties."

And "girls and parties" being "it" as far as what there is to live for...spoken like someone who not only can't get enough of either, but someone who has a very shallow view of what life IS actually all about.

Sorry man, happens.

Yes, I relay that message to my Aunt and Uncle. I'm sure they will feel relieved that this is the attitude that youth apparently takes today.

I do not find it humorous at all that you think that every single person that drinks will drive drunk.

I do find it humorous that somehow you think I said any such thing,

Have you been brainwashed by your parents propaganda as well?

And what propaganda would that be? That alcoholism is a disease that can ruin your life?

If someone kills one of my family members, I'm not going to stop drinking because of it.

Nor did I say you should.

It's not the alcohol's fault the person drove, it is the driver's.

So...the driver (without the alcohol) is as likely to get into an accident?

This world is about responsibilities,

Indeed it is. And what exactly is irresponsible about supporting a no teenage drinking policy?

and you think you are all high and mighty because you are attempting to place the sins of all drunk drivers on all of those that drink.

Wrong, as usual.

1) Drunk driving is not the only ill effect of alcoholism.
2) Alcoholism in general is the problem.
3) If you want to avois alcoholism and the problems that come from it, the only sure solution is to avoid alcohol.

I don't advocate the banishment of alcohol. But I do advocate that teenages not be put in situations where they are ripe to abuse it...because most of them are not equipped to evaluate the cosequences and act responsibly.

In other words an "open bar teeage party" is a bad idea.

I don't hate all black people and think that all black people are horrible drivers because one person that happened to be black hit my car.

Glad you got that off your chest. Now if you can explain how that has anything to do with the conversation or my viewpoint, you'lll get a cookie.

Need I remind you the 18th amendment was repealed for a REASON.

Need I remind you that this is not about banishing alcolhol. This is about preventing TEENAGE BINGE DRINKING and the situations that foster that environment. Need I remind you that the legal drinking AGE in most states is 21....and that's for a REASON.

You are having a massive stereotype problem.

Lol...all I can do is laugh at that statement. :)
4. Your liver can process approximately 1oz. of alcohol an hour.

Your absolutely kidding me? I destroyed 30oz of a 8% 40 in less than an hour on Monday. On an empty stomach.

Maybe this is why my mouth was kinda numb.... whole body actually.

At any rate, I'm just gonna stay away from the alcohol.... though it's hard at this age. I can try anyway.
Paul said:
4. Your liver can process approximately 1oz. of alcohol an hour.

Your absolutely kidding me? I destroyed 30oz of a 8% 40 in less than an hour on Monday. On an empty stomach.

Maybe this is why my mouth was kinda numb.... whole body actually.

At any rate, I'm just gonna stay away from the alcohol.... though it's hard at this age. I can try anyway.

well, you figure 8% at 30oz is about 2.4oz of alcohol, which is the equivelant of 6 shots (standard 40%) in an hour. That's a bit high for how I usually drink, but it's not that bad (unless you are doing that for multiple hours). I'm always more impressed that people can consume that much liquid. I guess two pints in an hour isn't that bad, but any time I drink beer that fast I generally am done after 2-3 just because my stomach feels so full.

Anyway choosing to quit isn't a bad idea. I'd honestly say make a decision for how long you want to quit for, say 2-3 months and stick to it religiously. When it's up, then decide what you think about it. I think you'll have a much harder time convincing yourself to not drink otherwise. This way, you'll have a nice block of time during your life to compare to the time when you were drinking, and decide how you want to proceed. Deciding not to drink can be a good decision, but make sure you are making it for the right reasons. I know people who are scared to death to drink, but it's becuase they are so obsessed with the idea of being in control of their lives that they absolutely refuse to drink a single drop (even for a toast), and to me that seems kind of sad.

ninelven said:
Paul said:
Your absolutely kidding me?
Heh, its has been a while and I was wrong. One can typically only process 1/2 oz. of pure alcohol an hour, though 10% is typically expelled from the body.

Information here and here.

No no, I wasn't doubting you or anything heh. I was just shocked.

But guys.. I think it's gonna be ok, I repaired the major damage today and I'm gonna stop this alcohol shit before I end up killing myself or someone else one day.
Wise decision Paul, I actually have drunk a lot more than that and have ended up with a wife, baby and motrgage for my sins. I asked my wife to marry me 12 years ago after drinking a bottle of wine, so be careful !!!

I'd like to ask the USA people in this thread what the legal minimum ages in the USA are for

1) Buying and drinking alcohol
2) Buying a gun
3) Getting married
4) Getting divorced
5) Fighting for your country
6) Appearing in a porn movie

Myself I would say decision 1 is the least problematic, so assume it is the lowest age. Is that right ?
dizietsma said:
Wise decision Paul, I actually have drunk a lot more than that and have ended up with a wife, baby and motrgage for my sins. I asked my wife to marry me 12 years ago after drinking a bottle of wine, so be careful !!!

I'd like to ask the USA people in this thread what the legal minimum ages in the USA are for

1) Buying and drinking alcohol
2) Buying a gun
3) Getting married
4) Getting divorced
5) Fighting for your country
6) Appearing in a porn movie

Myself I would say decision 1 is the least problematic, so assume it is the lowest age. Is that right ?


I would just like to add that when you get dumped 3 days before proposing marriage it is okay to get drunk for a few days strait.
So you like too drink? If you think it is becoming a problem then it likely is. I think some are more predisposed to the habit then others. Myself at one point years ago now thought that I might be becoming alcoholic but the problem seemed to fade away after time. I spent the better part of my teenage years pursuing girls/alcohol/drugs. Drank heavily from 20-25 (three or four times a week.) and then moved in too live with a real alcoholic and proceeded to drink every day for about 3 years. But I don't feel that alcohol is a horrible problem for me at this point.(8 years later.) I might have a few drinks one night a week (mostly on my days off, usually beer.) I guess my whole take on the matter is that if you feel you need to drink then you are dealing with a problem. Otherwise I can not really wag my finger and moralize the whole matter. If you are thinking you need to drink then smarten the fuck up. Heh. I distract myself with intellectual pursuits/games/family/movies etc.. I rarely get board even when I am by myself.(boredom is something that would indeed drive me to drink.) I will echo what others have said in that you just need to sit back and put things in perspective and don't go making a bigger problem out of this then it really is else you will create a self fulfilling prophesy.
Joe DeFuria said:
I've been drinking for years now and I'm fine...

Too easy...

Ever been to england? Or perhaps how about any where else in the world that has traditional customs. As a part of growing up in britain you learn how to drink alchol, its in our culture. Call it a social cop out if you wish, but i've been both sides of the atlantic and believe me I've seen the difference in the two.

There drinking is considered a drug that is somehow legal, but is just as bad as everything else and will mess you up.

Here it is something that fathers and sons do, friends family. Would you tell a jamaican that they are too weak for smoking dope, even though they have grown up around it? Let me inform you about something else you have NO CLUE about. Most of my friends tend to drink 7 or 8 drinks when we go out to get fresh and loose their inhibitions in order to dance. Personally I don't need drinks to dance, I quite enjoy it anyways, and sometimes I'll have one or two beers then go to soft drinks.

If I were to just have soft drinks nobody would care, and if they did I'd tell them where to shove it. I drink beer because I like the taste and am well aware I can look after my body and hydrate it to limit the effects.
Paul said:
4. Your liver can process approximately 1oz. of alcohol an hour.

Your absolutely kidding me? I destroyed 30oz of a 8% 40 in less than an hour on Monday. On an empty stomach.

Maybe this is why my mouth was kinda numb.... whole body actually.

At any rate, I'm just gonna stay away from the alcohol.... though it's hard at this age. I can try anyway.

30 oz is how much in pints?
sytaylor said:
Paul said:
4. Your liver can process approximately 1oz. of alcohol an hour.

Your absolutely kidding me? I destroyed 30oz of a 8% 40 in less than an hour on Monday. On an empty stomach.

Maybe this is why my mouth was kinda numb.... whole body actually.

At any rate, I'm just gonna stay away from the alcohol.... though it's hard at this age. I can try anyway.

30 oz is how much in pints?

He's a lightweight if two pints of hard cider equivalent is making him numb.
dizietsma said:
I'd like to ask the USA people in this thread what the legal minimum ages in the USA are for

1) Buying and drinking alcohol
2) Buying a gun
3) Getting married
4) Getting divorced
5) Fighting for your country
6) Appearing in a porn movie

Myself I would say decision 1 is the least problematic, so assume it is the lowest age. Is that right ?
I think the studies have shown that raising the drinking age to 21 has had a (dramatic) reduction in drunk driving incidents in the US.

Driving is endemic here in the US, whereas in Europe you typically get around via public transport.
Driving is endemic here in the US, whereas in Europe you typically get around via public transport.

I believe that statement is too broad and generalised. Public transport in the UK is typically poor. ;)
Tahir said:
Driving is endemic here in the US, whereas in Europe you typically get around via public transport.

I believe that statement is too broad and generalised. Public transport in the UK is typically poor. ;)
Possibly, though I think urban living is more prevalent in Europe than in the US, which makes taxis and walking/biking viable.

I know the nearest restaurant/bar to my house is probably 5 miles (though I'm a bit 'in the sticks', as it were).
Tahir said:
Driving is endemic here in the US, whereas in Europe you typically get around via public transport.

I believe that statement is too broad and generalised. Public transport in the UK is typically poor. ;)

In the US people commonly drink and drive (I'm English and was surpised how much when I first moved here), despite much more severe penalties than in the UK.

In a lot of ways it's hard to avoid, few people live close enough to a Bar to walk, and public transport is somewhere between bad and non existent.
Paul said:
At any rate, I'm just gonna stay away from the alcohol.... though it's hard at this age. I can try anyway.

I don't know if staying away will be the best option. Drinking far less, knowing when to stop, and actually enjoying your drink would be a far wiser decision. You should also train yourself in saying no when it's needed.