My friend has fallen victim to a pyramid scheme


Retarded moron

These guys are a pyramid scheme.
I noticed this before my friend showed me the pamphlet, which had no company name, trademarks or copyrights whatsoever(These are the first things I look for when I suspect something). It instead had all these nice pictures of a "pipeline" and people labelled as "Emerald" and "Diamond" and so forth along with the amount they earn next to the words.

We spoke about this for an hour and a half.

The idea is that a circle is split into 4 parts, each part of the pie contains the kind of people that live in the world.
There are the welfare socks, rich people, common people and independent businesses.
Common people do 90% of the work and earn 10% of the profit.
Rich people do 10% work and earn 90% profit.
You can plot this on a graph by splitting up a circle into quadrants (remember trig?).
1st quadrant are the rich people. If you were to plot x^2 on a graph and cut out the curve on the negative path on the graph you will get a curve with positive curvature going up towards infinity.
Then there are the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quadrants which weren't discussed much but he mentioned that those in the first quadrant don't have much work to do(I had to convince him that everyone has a lot of work to do, including Bill Gates).

I told him that I wanted to run my own business and he mentioned that it's not worth it because if you join Network 21(He told me that's what they call thmselves) that you will not have to do anything on your own.
He had about 10 or so CDs from Network 21 which is supposed to explain this stuff in great detail.
The guy is really convinced that these people are legitimate. I didn't try to stop him, I believe he will find out eventually for himself.
He also stated that he will pay a "small fee" to see the suits from these people talk.

Anyone heard of Network 21? These guys (according to search results) are run by Amway and they are known scammers.
The whole system is an absolute mess, and they all go off inspirations of Robert Kw*** whatever his name is, they guy who wrote "Rich Dad, Poor Dad". Or at least that's what they all refer to. I had like 5 people in the last 3 years try to talk me into it.

Its a load of horse shit, and primarily due to the fact that in order for it to work you need to buy their Amway products and try to sell them. If you can get other people to sell them for you then you get a margin from them.

The whole process is made for peasants an idiots who want a get rich quick scheme. They should all be shot down (businesswise)
A friend of mine fell victim to the same scheme. He ended up 1) not making any money 2) damn well losing every friend he got due to his repeated tries to sell overpriced crap products to them. In addition, he has now firmly established himself as a "fool who falls victim to pyramid schemes", which isn't nice :)

Your friend should use Google and see for himself. There aren't many nice things written about Amway out there.
We've had a couple "friends" that are into this crap. We stopped hanging out with them, because every date/get together turned into a sales pitch. All they could talk about was how much money they were going to make, and how dumb we were for working normal jobs.

Last I heard, they weren't making all that much, and they pretty much spend every waking moment trying to sell crap and get other people to join. Hell, a couple Saturdays ago I was hit up by one of their cohorts when I was at the bookstore. Just came up and started talking to me, acting like he was my best friend. I was confused at first, until he started talking about his company, and how big they are. Got on the subject of me and my wife moving to Australia next year, and he said "We have offices there too." After about another minute my wife caught on and asked, "Let me guess, Quixtar?" The look on the guy's face was priceless, as he knew he was screwed. We went to find management, to get him kicked out of the store, but he'd already snuck away. <- the scam company they're with, started by the original scammers themselves, the founders of Amway. Note that Network 21 is a child company of Quixtar.
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Its at least a better product than what a former boss of mine got into: He joined a pyramid sale chain who sold plant music, who was to get plants to grow better.