[Multiplat] Battlefield 3

Dice said GOW3 also use the same radiosity tech? Thought the lighting looks great in GOW3 if not some of the best.
Have to see if they can make their claim true.
They said next gen graphics now with BF3.
Must have been talking about pc then with dx11 support and main platform:LOL: Still love you DICE and forever will
Well, this game may actually be a good demonstration of the kinds of upgrades that we can expect from the next hardware generation's launch titles. Better resolution, more detailed textures, higher shadow and lighting fidelity... and maybe a few extra graphical features.
According to what tweet,can we get that link?:smile:

Anyway,I would not be surprised for it to be console shot if it were 720p because buildings a bit further are quite simple in geometry.It's not that its bad,just that its not something that looks like out of this world for PC game.

Lighting though looks totally bad ass.Would be happy if they could get that to work on consoles,along with nice AA.I think they will bring AA to consoles because it seems like they are focusing on that...
I still think MLAA does a noticeably better job of edge smoothing but SRAA hides sub pixel aliasing better indeed.
What does SRAA stand for? I mean the "SR" part !

We introduce a new technique for subpixel reconstruction antialiasing (SRAA). The core idea is to extend the success of MLAA-style postprocessing with enough input to accurately reconstruct subpixel geometric edges. SRAA operates as a postprocess that combines a G-buffer sampling strategy with an image reconstruction strategy. The key part is to sample the shading at close to screen resolution while sampling geometry at subpixel precision, and then estimate a superresolution image using a reconstruction filter. That superresolution image is then filtered into an antialiased screen-resolution image. In practice, the reconstruction and downsampling occur simultaneously in a single reconstruction pass. Our results demonstrate that SRAA can approximate the quality of supersampling using man using many fewer shading operations, yielding a net 4-16_ speedup at minor quality degradation compared to shading at each subpixel sample.

Wow that was eye popping, I'm getting this kind of feeling when I first saw Doom 3. The lighting just looks so beautiful.