Megadrive1988 said:I forcast one of three main possibilities
1.) PS3 decimates Xbox 2 and GCNext, actually INCREASING Sony's console marketshare to 80~90% from its current ~70%
2.) Xbox 2 does significantly better than Xbox, reducing Sony's marketshare by 10-20% from it's present ~70% to 50~60%. Nintendo does about the same with GCNext as its done with GCN.
3.) my real hope though, is, that both Nintendo and Microsoft do better by at least 10% each. giving them ~25% of the console market each. with Sony obviously clinging onto half the market.
Microsoft will be stronger competitor with the Xbox Next. They have been building their 1st parties up (RARE should be going full steam), they'll have a much improved ecomonic model for the hardware platform, LIVE will be available from day one, and Peter Moore, a verteran of the console biz, is in upper management helping out.