Movie Reviews 2.0

Take it you don't like either Miyazaki or Oshii films then?
I don't hate them, but I like Paprika, Rhoujin-Z and the first Appleseed a lot more.
Paprika is Satoshi Kon's last film - he died of stomach cancer last year. Terrible shame as the films he made (Perfect Blue, Millenium Actress, Tokyo Godfathers and Paprika) are some of the best subjective reality tales anime has produced. He also did a really good TV series, Paranoia Agent, too which I love dearly.
Paprika stands alone though, it's neither DEEP nor mostly character driven ... it has the appearance of DEEP in places, but it's actually just an internally consistent scifi/fantasy story with very little loose ends (hell
even if it was an unconventional relationship the girl even gets her boy in the end
). Which is why I think it didn't do so well ... plot driven movies with a story line where events can be interpreted unambiguously, that's just way too gauche isn't it? Sigh.

PS. never noticed it's an adaptation of a novel, that kind of explains it.
Looper 8/10

I may be grading on a curve (if I consider Children of Men a 10, this is a definite step down), but this was surprisingly good.

Flight 7/10

Another excellent Denzel Washington performance, but this movie suffered from LotR syndrome: breaking up the "heavy," serious mood with humor verging on farce. I hate that, but I can understand how they'd want to lighten the mood a bit, considering how the trailer and advertising ("action-packed mystery thriller?!") were selling a different movie, at least to me. It's a movie about battling addiction, based around an awesome flight scene.

And, yeah, Satoshi Kon's movies are terrific (haven't seen Perfect Blue yet): right up there with Miyazaki.

Looper has super high rotten tomatoes scores too I need to watch it.

I thought Flight was a pretty good movie to be quite honest, but yeah from the trailer I thought
"Hmm some plot by the govt/evil corporation to down the plane and kill one person on board averted by tricksy piloting skills"

I never read any reviews or was exposed to anything else and started watching it... WTF? :LOL:
I didn't like looper that much. It's not a bad movie but I didn't feel like I was watching something I would like to watch again.

It's kind of a "second choice'' movie to me. You'll watch it because you have nothing better to watch, not because you want to watch it.
Just finished watching Skyfall on bluray. Movie most easily summed up into "jolly good romp" IMO. Definitely 8.5, maybe even 9/10, I'd say.

Apparantly, 50th anniversary for Bond, never really paid enough attention to that when the movie came out in cinemas I guess because it feels like a bit of a surprise to me. Also, a lot like circles being closed, wrt. certain characters, nods to the past, jokes and so on.

As usual in action movies, anything involving computers can pretty much be disregarded completely as far as accuracy to reality is concerned. It's pretty much handled like magic in these kind of movies, Skyfall included. You don't know how the on-screen characters are doing what they're doing and you're not supposed to. Just nod and smile, and hang on for the ride. I'm willing to give the movie a break here because it's a good movie. Bad movies...not so much. Still, it's the weakest point of the plot - or excuse for one, depending on how benevolent you feel.

The rapport between Bond and various other characters is very good. It had me chuckling to myself a great deal, especially the bit in The Car when M says, "it's not very comfortable, is it?" I nearly fell out of my chair after that exchange!

I really love the new tack they took on M in Casino Royale and in this movie; never saw A Quantum of Solace so I can't speak of that. Judi Dench is a lot more cynical, more acidic now than she ever was in her stint with Brosnan. Not to say she was exactly motherly during those years either, but this angle works really really well. Daniel Craig himself is also an excellent Bond I think. The grittier, grimier character he plays works a lot better for what Bond actually does in these movies than with any of his predecessors. Heresy...perhaps. Yet I stand by my views. :D

I have always enjoyed all incarnations of Bond, but with Craig there's a certain amount of gravity and realism for a character that was always utterly ridiculous really, unlike with say Roger Moore's flippant blaséness for example. (Although several of the Moore Bonds rank amongst my most well-liked teenage-years movies ever, so don't get me wrong.)

If anything done with computers is the weak spot of the movie, maybe the badguy is the 2nd weakest spot. He's suitably enigmatic - and psychotic - for a Bond villain, and for once he doesn't actually intend to blow up or otherwise completely annihilate the world. But he's also totally unknown to Bond, and indeed almost everybody on the planet, and his grudge and motive for what he does is that he's pissed at M for personal reasons. Feels a little weak, especially considering all the blindly obedient movie-goons he ends up (uselessly) throwing at Bond before the flick is over.

Where's the charismatically narcissistic rich mogul with delusions of grandeur of old Bond flicks? Ah yes. Those who wanted to blow up the world. *ahem* Yes well, maybe we can have one movie where we skip that kind of character cliché... Didn't expect the homoerotic nod though - guess it was inevitable at some point, Bond apparantly being something of an icon in certain circles it seems. Guess it doesn't hurt that Craig's physique is more defined than even Connery's in his early days as a bodybuilder. Not that Craig's exactly my type I must say, but I hope that scene got some moviegoing bigots' panties in a bind though!

...And so we have a Moneypenny who's good with sniper rifles? Well, decent, anyway...heh. That was not expected either, and could lead to some interestingly explosive banter in movies to come. The studded leather door is also a nice nod to the past, as is Moneypenny's desk, but she certainly never used to type on a Sony Vaio before! LOL.

The bit I expected the least was for M to die. Although getting to know her first name I guess it was inevitable. If anything I expected the old geezer to croak, either from a heart attack or defending M from the villain or both simultaneously. Oh well. That's one cliché they avoided including in their script...
So I watched dredd and I have to ask: Does the score of the movie take into account the expectation of how bad it will be? I mean it had pretty high rotten tomato score, but it was no more than a 5/10 for me. Just quite average.
Oh... Don't go and say that. I just bought Dredd the other day. Now you're making me regret it.

No, I haven't seen the movie yet.
I think it's quite subjective. For those whom grew up with 2000AD comics and hated the Stallone Dredd, the new version is far closer to the comic (apart from the city design). If I had no clue whatsoever who Dredd was, I might not have enjoyed it as much as I did maybe?
Well, I didn't exactly grow up with Dredd, I didn't learn of him until I was about 16 years old. And yeah, I absolutely hated and despised the Stallone movie, other than the intro sequence which was very well executed IMO. The rest was absolutely terrible and dreadful though.

Ok, so I started watching it, and that was pretty much the most disgusting movie I've ever seen. Truly, what kind of fucked-up borderline psychopaths wrote and filmed that shit? The connection to Dredd is obviously tenuous at best to begin with, and add the splatter movie level gore and violence on top, disgusting. Absolutely vile!
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Well, I didn't exactly grow up with Dredd, I didn't learn of him until I was about 16 years old. And yeah, I absolutely hated and despised the Stallone movie, other than the intro sequence which was very well executed IMO. The rest was absolutely terrible and dreadful though.

Ok, so I started watching it, and that was pretty much the most disgusting movie I've ever seen. Truly, what kind of fucked-up borderline psychopaths wrote and filmed that shit? The connection to Dredd is obviously tenuous at best to begin with, and add the splatter movie level gore and violence on top, disgusting. Absolutely vile!

You mean... Dreddful!?
You know, I kept thinking I should choose another word instead of that one (because of the punability it offers), but in the end decided against it. :)

Finally got around to watching "Wolverine" by the way, on bluray. Pretty alright action flick. Not spectacular in any way I suppose, but decently enough executed on most every level. It was certainly better than The Incredible Hulk IMO, which rates it amongst the upper bracket of the Marvel superhero productions.
The connection to Dredd is obviously tenuous at best to begin with, and add the splatter movie level gore and violence on top, disgusting. Absolutely vile!
Some would say gore and violence are an obvious connection to Dredd itself ... at least for a large part of the writers/artists who used him, there is a rather large variance in Dredd comics.
I've not read any Dredd in years, but nothing I've read was anywhere near as graphic as this. Shit, no movie I've ever seen has, period...

Dredd shoots a lot of people for sure in the old comics I read when I was younger, but close-ups of bullets punching holes in bodies and cupfuls' worth of bits of bone, teeth, tissue, brains and gore flying out is not what you see there. Considering Dredd is typically published in 2000AD (or was, unless they've gone bankrupt along with half of the rest of the printed magazines in existence), which is a regularly published comicbook sold in ordinary stores, if it had this extreme level of detailed violence in wouldn't remain in print for long that I'm pretty sure of.
In this day and age sure, but back when 2000AD was around and doing Dredd, there wasn't the same level of restrictions as there is today. I definitely remember some Dredd comics bring quite violent and gory.
I've read a lot of 1980s Dredd, and nowhere is there any innards flying around the panels in gratuitous, slow-mo (err, still-life...) fashion.
Well I am glad I am not the only one... so what was with the rotten tomato score then? I really don't get it. I was watching it and thinking that the
plot where you are stuck in a tower and have to kill everyone
wasn't new or exciting either. I just did not get why it rated as high as it did.
I didn't actually finish watching the movie so I don't dare click on your spoiler - even though I probably won't bother to finish it, ever. It just didn't feel like Dredd, him versus a gang of regular drug-dealing thugs? Realistically, how is that supposed to work anyway? I don't get it. Realistically (lol... talking about comic book characters in terms of realism. ;)), after Dredd shoots about 10 of them without effort, how likely are the rest to want to go up against him, I'm just asking. Yet they keep on coming.

...And suppose they actually manage to off him. Heck, him and Anderson. That's two dead judges. Then what? They live happily ever after in infamy, ruling their little city-block kingdom forever? Hell no. Justice Dept - who of course know where Dredd went - is gonna march in with 50 judges, clean that pigsty right out. They're not very smart, those people.

*sigh* Movie script writers. Kill 'em all, I say. :p
Ok I just saw looper. It was fun, but there were mistakes. Definitely worth watching, but maybe like a 7/10.
Basically they just seem weird how they deal with time travel. The characters are stupid in general. Like after the killing rampage why in the hell would Bruce take a skimpy revolver only to hunt down the great evil kid? Why did he kill himself at the end when he could have done lots of other things?

Time travel movies are always a mess though.
Yes, unless they are one way (into the future only).

Saw Untouchables yesterday. French movie, very heart-warming. Maybe a little overhyped but definitely recommended. Also saw Hick, which was a weird movie, containing perhaps a little too much vitriol from LA against certain US States, but still had some good acting.

Still really enjoying Real Humans (Swedisch series).