Movie Reviews 2.0

Netflix actually made a solid movie. It's written/directed by Jeremy Saulnier, who did Blue Ruin and Green Room. It has a lot of his trademark suspense and realism. It looks like an action movie from the trailer, but it feels very different from almost any other action movie you'll watch. I enjoyed it. The middle third brings it down a little bit, but it's a good 7/10 for me.

Trap... Please don't watch. You will lose many brain cells. Just not worth any of your time, far better movies out there to try out.
When it comes to M. Night Shyamalan I think about whether I want to see any more of his films at all. The basic ideas are sometimes ok but the realisation is poor. Nothing good is made of the idea.
When it comes to M. Night Shyamalan I think about whether I want to see any more of his films at all. The basic ideas are sometimes ok but the realisation is poor. Nothing good is made of the idea.
I've always wondered how the guy who made The Sixth Sense somehow descended into absolute trash. How does talent leave one person so suddenly, and more importantly how does he get financing for his movies when they have all pretty much been huge flops since then?
He made multiple financial sucsessfull movies. Split had a low budget and high box office.

The Village was his best movie from my point of view.