Build your team
interact with NPC...Colin Firth
Get orders...Get some kit.
Walk a bit, chat to your mate.. dialog gives some backstory.
Interact with an NPC....Andrew Scott
Come across an interesting place (german dorm etc)
Have an unexpected event...trip wire...go thru a pre-determined sequence...crumbling tunnel, jump a gap, get out
Walk a bit more
Come across another interesting pace (abandoned place)
Explore...gather milk
Have an inexpected event...plane crash...fight...
Have an interaction with an NPC ...Mark strong
Use a vechicle. Notice how there's several large vehicles and dozens of men, but neither "playing char" notices them, they just 'appear'
Come across an interesting place (building after broken bridge)
Have an unexpected with sniper
Get knocked out (a common 'time-passing' technique in games)
Come across an interesting place
Have an interaction with an NPC...woman with child...use milk gathered real addition to the story line except she tells you to follow the river
Have a fight
Get carried down river....nicely in keeping with what the NPC said
In an exhausted state, have a semi halleucinagenic (sP?) experience..merest sound...walk towards it, entire paltoon of soliders listening in complete silence to the dulcent tones of a squaddie singing some somber tune...