Movie Reviews 2.0

UP. Beautiful movie.

I didn't cry. :no:

Ok, just a little...

OK, quite a bit!

Watch this at the cinema with my wife for a nice relaxed night out. At the time, we were going through quite a traumatic time with fertility treatment. That worked out well. :D

For our next date night we just rubbed our eyes with hot sauce for the same effect...
I thought the characters were just so dull, underdeveloped, one-dimensional and cliched. I also thought the world wasn't properly developed and explained. Why did people start to build cities on wheels in the first place? If fuel is such a premium resource in this world, aren't those kinds of cites the most idiotic and wasteful idea people could have possibly come up with?
The whole thing felt like multiple books were sqished into one 2-hour film. The only scenes I genuinely enjoyed were the ones with the heroine's "foster dad".
Just saw Mortal Engines in glorious 4K Blu-ray and it was pretty awesome, surprisingly so. Not sure why it bombed, I liked it a lot and it looks incredible.

It's one of the very few examples of a film that wasn't merely shot at an 8K resolution. It also went through a proper 4K mastering pipeline. (Even a mega event film like Avengers Endgame went through a 2K digital intermediate stage. So technically you're just watching a 4x upscale if you went with the expensive 4K bluray option)
Why did people start to build cities on wheels in the first place?
Its a quite blunt metaphor (/insert correct literary term) for Economic Darwinism aka Neoliberal economics of the West since mid-late '80s.
Then centrally-planned & 'grounded' China comes to the rescue at the end.

That was pretty much the only thing I found enjoyable about the whole thing.
Well I think I actually groaned out loud in the theatre but I was particularly impressed that a political plot like that is even allowed in our late-USSR style post-truth media sphere where all things positive about socialism are verboten
Well the basic story of The Matrix doesn't make any sense either but its still a great movie :cool:

Some of us would also argue that Economic Darwinism makes very little real life sense either but its still the predominant economic orthodoxy of the West :runaway:
The basic premise of the Matrix makes sense, though. Just as the premise of The Terminator makes sense. Sure, they may fall apart scientifically once you dig a little deeper (the rule of thermodynamics dictate that keeping us alive meant the machines had to spend way more energy on us than they were ever gonna be able to harnest from us. We're exceptionally poor batteries), but there's an in-universe reason why things are as they are besides hey, wouldn't this be a neat visual. I mean, even the majority of hard sci-fi movies play fast and loose with the laws of physics.
I mean they did give some kind of narrated explanation 'there was a major economic crisis -> the surviving people started making moving cities and so began the era of Civic Darwinism' or something like that.
Its a weak excuse for a big steam-punk setting just like The Matrix has a weak excuse for a big cyber-punk setting.
Robin Hood (2018) and King Arthur (2017). The first one was weird. I didn't like the modernised setting, still middle ages but hairstyles and clothing were somewhat modern. A bit boring, as well.

The second one was quite entertaining, IMO, even though it wasn't critically acclaimed. It had some absurd moments but overall it was fun, the plot was decent and it was very appealing, visually.
Joker was just incredible, a really dark character development piece of art. Go into this knowing that it has nothing to do with DCU other than the concept of the Joker villain.

I give it 5 maniacal laughs out of 5
Maleficent 2.
I didn't expect the whole thing about Maleficent's kind and the multicultural/tribal vibes... this seemed a bit forced or out of context for me. But
the movie was beautiful and fun.

Oh, and underpowered Flora, Fauna and Merryweather are a disappointment, though.
Finally got around to watching End Game. Thought it was alright but
the whole bringing everybody back to life thing was kind of lame IMO. Besides that I think it's cheap from a plot perspective, how would that even work? So it's been 5 years, one would assume production of food etc. has adjusted accordingly. Suddenly there are double the people again. No food, no homes etc. There would be near instant fight for resources which in turn would likely result in even lower production, causing even more shortages and thus more fighting.

Also watched the Apollo 11 documentary. Story wise nothing one wouldn't have seen/heard before but some really nice images. I think it's all original film that has been restored?
Your expecting realism from a superhero movie ?

No but I am expecting some level of plausibility.

I can believe with enough time and money you can build something like iron man. I can believe a mutated spider bite can turn you into Spiderman. I can believe aliens and Gods exist. I can even buy into some magical stones existing.

But I cannot believe that what they did will result in anything other than a giant cluster fuck.