No but I am expecting some level of plausibility.
I can believe with enough time and money you can build something like iron man. I can believe a mutated spider bite can turn you into Spiderman. I can believe aliens and Gods exist. I can even buy into some magical stones existing.
But I cannot believe that what they did will result in anything other than a giant cluster fuck.
There would likely be trouble, but it would likely be very dependent on the location.
The most advanced economies would be heavily automated and have built-up inventories of things like housing (unlikely people would expend resources unprofitably to demolish everything just to fit extant needs), and production of goods and food is much less dependent on population the more intensively mechanized the agribusiness is.
On top of that, higher standard of living countries would by default have many products with long shelf-life and inventories of those that would likely be around in some amount as a buffer.
Some countries are exceptionally profligate in what they overproduce, store, and waste. A 2014 estimate for the US indicated its annual food waste per-capita alone would be enough to support a doubling of its population (dangerously close to starvation, but not accounting for reserves, ramped production, or the on-average excessive caloric intake that isn't wasted).
Countries with less mechanized agriculture, less built-up infrastructure and housing, and more labor-intensive economies would drop in productivity and feel the pinch more acutely.
Severe repercussions in many areas would seem plausible, but I think they could be survivable and in many places managed. It would be particularly more manageable with a corps of superheroes or advanced institutions and nations like SHIELD and Wakanda with avowed and demonstrated altruistic aims.
In absolute terms, even in the real world, I think those types of magical backstops might not be all that necessary. Given the capabilities of the mightiest economies and logistics networks in the history of the world, the most lacking resource is the heroism.
In terms of wastefulness, perhaps this is an area where even in Thanos' logic his plan was flawed. Given how disproportionate some populations are in their consumption and waste, an even distribution of removed individuals could still leave consumption past the point of whatever magical tipping point he imagined there was, depending on just how unsustainable the most consumptive societies are.