C:\Program Files\NovodeX SDK 2.1.2\Bin\win32>link.exe /dump /exports NxPhysics.dll
Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 7.10.3077
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Dump of file NxPhysics.dll
File Type: DLL
Section contains the following exports for NxPhysics.dll
00000000 characteristics
41B483E7 time date stamp Mon Dec 06 08:08:07 2004
0.00 version
1 ordinal base
41 number of functions
41 number of names
ordinal hint RVA name
1 0 0004C5F0 NxBoxBoxIntersect
2 1 00090EE0 NxBuildSmoothNormals <------------ See the RVA
3 2 0004A5C0 NxComputeBoxDensity
4 3 0004A6F0 NxComputeBoxInertiaTensor
5 4 0004A590 NxComputeBoxMass
6 5 0004A6D0 NxComputeConeDensity
7 6 0004A6B0 NxComputeConeMass
8 7 0004A690 NxComputeCylinderDensity
9 8 0004A670 NxComputeCylinderMass
10 9 0004A630 NxComputeEllipsoidDensity
11 A 0004A5F0 NxComputeEllipsoidMass
12 B 0004A570 NxComputeSphereDensity
13 C 0004A740 NxComputeSphereInertiaTensor
14 D 0004A550 NxComputeSphereMass
15 E 0007AF20 NxCreatePMap
16 F 0007A660 NxCreatePhysicsSDK
17 10 0000B640 NxFluidAssert
18 11 00039630 NxFluidDebugAABB
19 12 00039570 NxFluidDebugArrow
20 13 00039260 NxFluidDebugLine
21 14 00039470 NxFluidDebugPoint
22 15 000392D0 NxFluidDebugSphere
23 16 000391B0 NxFluidDebugTriangle
24 17 00039610 NxFluidFree
25 18 000395F0 NxFluidPAlloc
26 19 000588F0 NxJointDesc_SetGlobalAnchor
27 1A 00058B20 NxJointDesc_SetGlobalAxis
28 1B 0004DBE0 NxRayAABBIntersect
29 1C 0004DDD0 NxRayAABBIntersect2
30 1D 0004E120 NxRayCapsuleIntersect
31 1E 0004D780 NxRayOBBIntersect
32 1F 0004CB10 NxRayPlaneIntersect
33 20 0004CDE0 NxRaySphereIntersect
34 21 0004CEB0 NxRayTriIntersect
35 22 0007AFF0 NxReleasePMap
36 23 0004DA10 NxSegmentAABBIntersect
37 24 0004D1C0 NxSegmentBoxIntersect
38 25 0004D4B0 NxSegmentOBBIntersect
39 26 0004CBC0 NxSegmentPlaneIntersect
40 27 0004C040 NxSeparatingAxis
41 28 0004E7E0 NxSweptSpheresIntersect
8000 .data
1F000 .rdata
E000 .reloc
1000 .rsrc
102000 .text
Of course stream processors are only good at processing streams As I posted elsewhere regards GAMMA research, I think the key to using stream processors is finding ways to present problems in a stream-friendly way. Computer training to date has been to reduce number of operations from O(N) to O(log N) and the like, using conditions and branches. We'll probably see a change where these ideas are thrown out the window and the ideas become how to get O(N) whacked throw as quickly as possible.Gubbi said:DiGuru said:Think about this: there are very many successful stream architectures in use (most at the API level) at the moment, while symmetric multiple thread architectures still suffer from a lot of serious problems.
Other than obvious stream oriented problems (embarassingly parallel) what are stream architectures succesful at ?
Shifty Geezer said:Computer training to date has been to reduce number of operations from O(N) to O(log N) and the like, using conditions and branches. We'll probably see a change where these ideas are thrown out the window and the ideas become how to get O(N) whacked throw as quickly as possible.Gubbi said:DiGuru said:Think about this: there are very many successful stream architectures in use (most at the API level) at the moment, while symmetric multiple thread architectures still suffer from a lot of serious problems.
Other than obvious stream oriented problems (embarassingly parallel) what are stream architectures succesful at ?
Shifty Geezer said:It's too early to say what can and can't be done on stream processors in the long run. We need brainiacs to come up with new mathematical models to complement the steam architecture.
jvd said:No shader performance but stellar performance none the less
mboeller said:jvd said:No shader performance but stellar performance none the less
Sorry for being late to this discussion inside the discussion:
But 8 times multitexturing and EMBM, so more or less this Kyro+Elan System would be as good as the Flipper but with DOT3 on top.
Going with an 2x Kyro + 1x Elan System would have helped too.
DemoCoder said:Well, if Smooth Normals is really where it is eating most of the CPU, that means it is vertex bound, since it looks like the purpose of that function is to calculate vertex normals.
It seems between SmoothNormals and ReleasePMap, most of the time is spend interpolating normals and creating and releasing voxels.
Fox5 said:Hmm, I don't recall any bump mapped dreamcast games except for tomb raider, and even then the bump mapping wasn't that good. Shading wasn't very good either, I don't ever recall seeing shading beyond what was seen on the n64.
DemoCoder said:GPUs are both streaming and multithread architectures. It's not really either/or. The streaming creates opportunity for massive parallelism, and the multithreading allows hundreds of vertices/pixels to be inflight.
Neither XBGPU or CELL are very multithreaded compared to GPUs. A real multithreaded CPU would look something like Sun's Niagara processor. And a stream+multithread very would look like SPE + Niagara.
There are two challenges being mushed together: converting algorithms to be parallel and converting algorithms to be streamable. Usually, if you can convert something to be streamable, it is amenable to multithreading.
Fox5 said:Just curious, what would Itanium be?
BTW, what defines what a stream processor is?
Do we have a real use for 50 billion dot products per second? No, not really. AI is not vector-based. Physics is not vector-based (only a small percentage of it is). Game logic, networking, memory chasing, I/O, none of this is vector-driven.
Ryan Shrout said:I dont know exactly how the new console will perform, but from what i have been hearing from the developers, the PS3's cell processor in particular has the workings inside to out perform a PC with a PPU.
Do we have a real use for 50 billion dot products per second? No, not really. AI is not vector-based. Physics is not vector-based (only a small percentage of it is).