More praise for x360 from Japanese developers

seismologist said:
I dont think ease of programming has ever mattered. In the end, he'll end up developing for PS3 anyway but his games just wont look that hot.

Of course it matters. Profit matters. Less costs = greater profit.

Ease of development is important, just not as important as installed base. Installed base ensures you sell more of your product, which can justify a higher initial investment(development cost)

With the 360 it has the largest installed base and the cheapest initial investment, if you don't think that will contribute greatly to increased 3rd party support you're dreaming.

It also has a very stable future, so there isn't the risk that was associated with the struggling dreamcast, it's backed by MS so it clearly is here to stay.
seismologist said:
I dont think ease of programming has ever mattered. In the end, he'll end up developing for PS3 anyway but his games just wont look that hot.

All depends. Xbox 360 will have a bigger market share at first and if its easier to program for it will get more developers making games .

Since cost of producing a tittle is x amount lower than ps3 and the market is y amount higher than the ps3's market .

So what you get is that xbox 360 has z amount of games more which will cause b amount of people more to buy it .

This is what happened with the ps2 .

It was out over a year early and had a much bigger installed base (over 10 million at the xbox 1s launch) .

So for developers even though it was harder to program for the market was much greater and thus they could make back more money from the game even with higher production costs than on the xbox that had cheaper production costs but a much smaller installed base .
The main 3rd party support that MS is lacking are Japanese developers. I dont think ease of development will push many of them over the edge.

The future of 360 may be more stable than Dreamcast but you have to remember in Japan they're working off a tarnished reputation. The first Xbox bombed worse than the Dreamcast over there. So there is alot of risk.
jvd said:
All depends. Xbox 360 will have a bigger market share at first and if its easier to program for it will get more developers making games .

Since cost of producing a tittle is x amount lower than ps3 and the market is y amount higher than the ps3's market .

So what you get is that xbox 360 has z amount of games more which will cause b amount of people more to buy it .

This is what happened with the ps2 .

It was out over a year early and had a much bigger installed base (over 10 million at the xbox 1s launch) .

So for developers even though it was harder to program for the market was much greater and thus they could make back more money from the game even with higher production costs than on the xbox that had cheaper production costs but a much smaller installed base .

This reasoning is so flawed. People didn't buy the PS2 because it had more games. It was all about popularity.
We'll just have to wait until Sony starts preparing for it's Japan PS3 launch to get a clearer picture of what's really happening.
Sony is pretty much unstoppable at this point. it doesnt matter how hard Cell is to program for. if it's that bad, they can always just code to the PPE and GPU, skipping the SPEs for a few software generations, and sell a boatload of games because PS3 will have the userbase.

[/sony mode]
scooby_dooby said:
With the 360 it has the largest installed base

That's a vacuously true statement, isn't it? That could drastically change when PS3 launches. Expect a handful of really smart devs to figure out some ueber-magic they can pull off on the Cell and then license out their tricks to all the lesser mortals. Once somebody releases a real milestone on the PS3 in terms of programming, development will snowball from there.
Megadrive1988 said:
Sony is pretty much unstoppable at this point. it doesnt matter how hard Cell is to program for. if it's that bad, they can always just code to the PPE and GPU, skipping the SPEs for a few software generations, and sell a boatload of games because PS3 will have the userbase.

[/sony mode]

Looks like M$ is doomed!!! Ohh noes!!!

This is certainly going to be an interesting console generation.
boltneck said:
That may be true.. But overall their graphics are still quite behind the Xbox. Especially the slightly blurry, lower detail tendency of their textures. I also see that they still have some pretty significant jaggy issues even with current games. Something that seems to have been getting ignored for some time now.

I just bought a new slim line PS2 with a few games. I have been playing an Xbox and a PSP for a while now. The Games are fun on the PS2. The Graphics are lacking. I don’t see where any master developer has overcome this yet.
the xbox's hardware is more advanced than the PS2's-its as simple as that. Its irrelevant whether or not a dev fits his head around the technology and manages to come up with something truly extroardinary on the PS2....chances are that it could be done on the xbox, as well, and more effectively, at that. The PS2's hardware has its strenghts in some areas-some of which may surpass the xbox if they were to go head-to-head-but overall, the xbox is the more powerful of the two for an obvious reason: better hardware.
Anyone who thinks that devs should quit whining and put some more work into the projects should maybe spend a week at a studio during crunch time. Maybe that'll change their minds...
Laa-Yosh said:
Anyone who thinks that devs should quit whining and put some more work into the projects should maybe spend a week at a studio during crunch time. Maybe that'll change their minds...

Totally agree.

I am sure I am nobody compared to STI engineers, but the more I look into Cell the more I wonder about it's design decisions. I am starting to wonder if they are worryig about emulation, anyone know? It seems to work for the ps2, I have yet to see a working emulator for that system, and its getting old.

Any one care to enlight me on Cell's advantages while avoiding the BS?

PS: I am not saying its a bad CPU, but I have yet to see why its better than traditional designs. Does not look like the solution for the future to me so far.
I wonder if the difficulty with Cell has to do with the learning curve or with difficulty in general. that's a big difference. If devs "just" have to learn to adapt to it then I think there is no problem but if it's going to be a continuous struggle..
drpepper said:
Talking the talk and walking the walk are different things. Let's see the games.

Sony has always overcome this "it's too difficult to code for..." mantra by releasing kick ass 1st party titles. Not to mention third party titles.

In another year this wont even be a factor.

Yeah but back then PS2 had all the time it needed to allow developers get to know the hardware with no competition from MS or Nintendo. This time PS3 has a very strong and easy to develop for Xbox360 to contend with and Revolution on the heals of PS3.
I dont want to hear "it's easy to program for".

I want to hear "it's incredibly powerful".

That's what matters, the latter not the former.
Bill said:
I dont want to hear "it's easy to program for".

I want to hear "it's incredibly powerful".

That's what matters, the latter not the former.

Since 'incredibly powerful' is directly related to "its easy to program for" you should probably care equally about both.
Bill said:
I dont want to hear "it's easy to program for".

I want to hear "it's incredibly powerful".

That's what matters, the latter not the former.
I don't want to hear either. Frankly, I think all this 'this console is so great and easy and powerful and uber' rah-rah is just marketing bullshit, and nobody in their right mind should pay it the least bit of attention.

What counts is the games these devs release, and if they're fun or not. And not to forget, looks good or not.

So I would rather see they put their money where their mouth is, STFU and get back to work.
Bill said:
I dont want to hear "it's easy to program for".

I want to hear "it's incredibly powerful".

That's what matters, the latter not the former.
Whatever. If you give an African bushman a Stealth Bomber, I could still beat him down with a stick.

What's power if you can't use it?