Morality test

72/28 here.

Closed-Minded 93% Open to New Experiences

Disorganized 30% Conscientious

Introverted 83% Extraverted

Disagreeable 44% Agreeable

Calm / Relaxed 55% Nervous / High-Strung
Based on your answers to the previous questions, your overall score on a conservative/liberal dimension of moral attitudes--compared with the general population--puts your percentile at 72, with the 99th percentile indicating the most liberal possible rating. Another way of explaining this is to say that out of 100 randomly-selected people, you will most likely be more liberal than 72 of them.

* You tend to hold progressive/liberal values, but are more traditional on some aspects.
* When it comes to social morals, you feel that society's current laws need to be more liberal and flexibile across the board.
* You believe that government is too conservative and would prefer it to change several of its political and practices.

* You are somewhat conventional.
* You tend to do things somewhat haphazardly.
* You probably enjoy spending quiet time alone.
* You tend to consider the feelings of others.
* You aren't particularly nervous, nor calm.

Seems like it's biased considering how many here has 72 (I mean, we can't all be in 72nd place :) ).

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Blitzkrieg said:
75% Liberal 25% Conservative

the same here

Based on your answers to the previous questions, your overall score on a conservative/liberal dimension of moral attitudes--compared with the general population--puts your percentile at 75, with the 99th percentile indicating the most liberal possible rating. Another way of explaining this is to say that out of 100 randomly-selected people, you will most likely be more liberal than 75 of them.
This test is absolutely correct from a scientific standpoint

Based on your answers to the previous questions, your overall score on a conservative/liberal dimension of moral attitudes--compared with the general population--puts your percentile at 100, with the 99th percentile indicating the most mean badass mofo possible rating. Another way of explaining this is to say that out of 100 randomly-selected people, you will most likely be more badass than any of them.
With that score, are you the guy known as "Vysez"?

0% Liberal, 0% Conservative, 100% Badass
Tim said:
Cheater, LIAR!!!! :oops:

I'm the most liberal idiot on these here boards....
