That was an advertising slogan though, which we know are nonsense. There's a difference between a motto and a claim, like "can render Toy Story in real time" or "supercomputer on a chip". These PR companies have really gone to town sometimes. MS's come more to mind - I don't know if they just push the claims harder or they are just even more fanciful with their technobabble or what. Sony tends to make ballsy claims, and then show a bunch of fake CG trailers, rather than make spurious hardware claims; as least in my impression. MS comes out with things like 'power of the cloud' and 'aggregate bandwidth' which sound more technical, and perhaps as a result are more technical false and disprovable than airy-fairy marketing. Car manufacturer's tend to present unrealistic images of driving, but these are clearly works of fiction rather than false technical presentation.Even some consoles moto's have been incredible lies, "It only does everything". Yet there wasn't vocal objections to that PR Lie.
"Only does everything" clearly doesn't involve picking the kids up from school and doing the ironing, but gets across in a simple message the confused positioning of PS3 as an all-on-one entertainment box. There's nothing really wrong with that. The Motorstorm trailer OTOH was pure horseshit, same as MS's power of the cloud claims. I think both have received their fair share of blowback.