might this be because I'm actually gay?

Sage said:
Killer-Kris said:
you were taught sex is bad/dirty?


hey, at least I didnt want to very seriously cut off Sage's penis and testicles this time.

So yeah, you're still straight (much to the dissapointment of some I'm sure), which I really doubt that doing it with guys is going to help the matter much.

Now solving this little problem is definitely beyond the realm of my untrained ass. I'd only suggest the obvious, therapy, support groups, etc...
Don't say "untrained ass" around london-boy or rabidrabbit or zurich. They'll want to break you in. Slowly and Deeply. ;)
Natoma said:
Don't say "untrained ass" around london-boy or rabidrabbit or zurich. They'll want to break you in. Slowly and Deeply. ;)

and you don't, Nate?
Sage said:
during the entire drive home he wasnt even swallowing his spit because he was afraid that he'd end up infecting himself with some dissease that the chic had (although he really has no reason to assume that he would contract anything) and he would have gotten from kissing her. As soon as he got home, he gargled mouthwash, washed his hands and forearms with anti-bacterial soap, dumped the clothes he was wearing in a special pile to be washed numerous times before being worn again, and then jumped into a scalding hot shower and used anti-bacterial hand soap all over his body, even his face and his weenie (and yes, he was using protection but still felt the need to wash his weenie)

So, I'm thinking that maybe this is a gay behaviour. Or is it normal?

That is normal. There are chicks where you don't want to wash yourself since the smell of her skin is so enjoyable that you want to feel it a few hours longer :) but for the rest - I also wash myself imediately and change my clothes. Taking a shower together is nicer though.
Guden Oden said:
(Besides, what kind of a person would have their washing machine in the KITCHEN?! :))

Many here in Germany. Dunno why, I was also wondering when I first saw it.
Killer-Kris said:
Now solving this little problem is definitely beyond the realm of my untrained ass. I'd only suggest the obvious, therapy, support groups, etc...

The best therapy is much more, better sex with more beautiful women. He's still a beginner, that kind of "dirty" feeling is perfectly normal. One gets used to it eventually.
How did i know that eventually this thread would have become about me.

The Bitch said:
Don't say "untrained ass" around london-boy or rabidrabbit or zurich. They'll want to break you in. Slowly and Deeply.

I don't do charity.

The Bitch said:
Nope. I'm not a whore.

... Cause i am?

sy said:
L-B is more hyena than wolf... he's sneaky. </l-b bait>

At least i'm not CLOSETED!
london-boy said:
sy said:
L-B is more hyena than wolf... he's sneaky. </l-b bait>

At least i'm not CLOSETED!

Liking Mariah Carey, you couldn't really be closeted and get away with it now could you? I spent sunday morning watching a local rugby game on a windy field on a hill in yorkshire. Then went home, without being gang raped by all the players. Indeed, I saw said players out later, who offered me alcholic beverages for turning up in support. I had to drive though, and then talk to womens.

On a side note, I saw this HAWT girl who keeps givin me the eye, but is always with a group of her friends. Must say hi to her. Make me.
sytaylor said:
london-boy said:
sy said:
L-B is more hyena than wolf... he's sneaky. </l-b bait>

At least i'm not CLOSETED!

Liking Mariah Carey, you couldn't really be closeted and get away with it now could you? I spent sunday morning watching a local rugby game on a windy field on a hill in yorkshire. Then went home, without being gang raped by all the players. Indeed, I saw said players out later, who offered me alcholic beverages for turning up in support. I had to drive though, and then talk to womens.

On a side note, I saw this HAWT girl who keeps givin me the eye, but is always with a group of her friends. Must say hi to her. Make me.

Sage, how do you define your sexuality? (is it defined by who you):

1) Fall in love with.
2) Are emotionally attracted to.
3) Have sexual relations with.
4) Fantasize about.

Personally I'd rate 1 as most important, 2 and 3 as equal and 4 the least important.

If none are true about guys then I don't think you're gay (or bisexual) ;)
Humm only thing that stood out for me in that story was the fact that Sage you are definitely only a few steps away from being totally ga-ga. It definitely ain't normal to talk about your sexual crap all the time on some hardware forum nor is it normal to start talking in the 3rd person. Apart from the gay issue (which seems like a non-issue) you are losing your identity...

Mufu is hinting something at you.. if you don't get it then I think it is too late already.