Microsoft Xbox E3 2013 Events - Xbox: A new Generation of Games Revealed

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As someone who has a good gaming PC, $499 is a tough sell for either XBOne or PS4. Is access to a few exclusives worth that kind of investment? Especially when that $499, put towards a new graphics card will deliver better performance in multiplatform titles than either are capable of.

I'd assume most don't have a PC they can just throw a new graphics card into. So that comparison isn't really apt for a lot of people. For those that do, it is a tough sell, but console exclusives have been the only real reason to jump from PC to console anyway.

It's interesting that the new 360 isn't getting a price cut. I guess they want to continue to sell it for another year or so with Xbox One sold as the premium device.
They had me at Halo.

Still that's one expensive console. It'll get plenty of use for the TV/movie features anyway. Signing people in automatically with facial recognition and VC will see this one used by everyone in the house. Unlike the current consoles, only switched on to run games, or when smart TV apps are too clumsy.
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As someone who has a good gaming PC, $499 is a tough sell for either XBOne or PS4. Is access to a few exclusives worth that kind of investment? Especially when that $499, put towards a new graphics card will deliver better performance in multiplatform titles than either are capable of.

The inclusion of Kinetic/PS4Eye , move, 2ºscreen are what really makes console worth for gaming. Plus the conforts of the coush/bed+gamepad to gaming.

That or having a small pc or a laptop for a variety of reasons (energy saving, size, portability, price...), or having a linux pc that is better for many things but not gaming...

It's interesting that the new 360 isn't getting a price cut. I guess they want to continue to sell it for another year or so with Xbox One sold as the premium device.

it's confirmed no price cut? awful.

I guess announcing 499 for Xbo solves a lot of "but they cant price it at (IE 399) that when 360 is still 349!!!" type problems :LOL:

that new form factor is slick though.
For a lot of people, gaming on PC just isn't the same thing. My PC is more than twice as powerful as ps4, I have a 30" monitor... And I'd rather just sit in my easy chair with a controller in front my hdtv.

I was expecting a lower price point considering how low they've aimed, although it has been 8 years, but price was never a barrier to me. The games lineup looks much better than the 360s meager launch lineup. They'll sell out over the holiday regardless, I don't expect there will be substantially cheaper competition.
Not all, but the majority of the conference time and games shown. I was looking at the conference from the perspective of whether I buy it as a second console. I've been mostly a PS and Nin fan (I know it's hard to tell).

Spark is an LBP clone.
First party racing games are the norm and there are great ones everywhere.
Quantum Break is B-Movie acting, and from the trailer, the storyline too.

I agree Sunset overdrive looks cool, I forgot about it. That makes one game in the whole conference I'd buy. YMMV. These are my personal tastes.

Yup, personal tastes. :)

For myself, Project Spark was the most interesting title. Mostly from the standpoint of being able to create content using a tablet, smartphone, or PC for a game on console. And to be able to see what people are able to come up with when they are not limited to creating content with a traditional console controller.

I think the showing was very strong. The game lineup was solid and quite good looking. Price is a bit high.

My thoughts exactly.

Regarding the price, something little cheaper would have been nice. But on the other hand, the new smart phones are about 600€ or more, so if we can get Xbox One for 499€, one can call it cheap :)
I was surprised that the KI reveal wasn't used to show the new matchmaking, it seemed at the time that the unbalanced competition was going to result in a new game with more balanced players. Either having her bring her friend in to beat the developer or replacing the developer with someone who was more casual.... Missed opportunity.
$499 = we aren't going to lose money on hardware in the Xbox division anymore.

Overall a good showing. Without a doubt it was games games games games games.
Just got home. What did I miss!?

I'm guessing the MS conference isn't available anywhere online yet? Damn timings...
For a lot of people, gaming on PC just isn't the same thing. My PC is more than twice as powerful as ps4, I have a 30" monitor... And I'd rather just sit in my easy chair with a controller in front my hdtv.

I do this on my PC for multi-plat games, except I do it at 1080P/60FPS and better quality graphics than the current consoles.
For a lot of people, gaming on PC just isn't the same thing. My PC is more than twice as powerful as ps4, I have a 30" monitor... And I'd rather just sit in my easy chair with a controller in front my hdtv.

Well, building a gaming PC just for the living room shouldn't be such a hassle. I didn't do it before because of convenience. But now? Why not. Getting a XBox pad and do the whole installation/management of a 2nd living room system by remote should be no problem.
Why everything that is tag on the xbox most be true for the PS4 as well.? I just don't get this MS has charge for online play for 11 years sony hasn't that alone proves that no everything MS does sony will do it.:cry:

To play some games online on the PS3 required an online pass. Not all games were free. And the price is just my guess. People asked for games and MS delivered by the bucket load, now we get the feint praise based on the games don't appeal to me.
This is probably the best E3 presentation I have seen in the past four years. Me, my wife and daughter were watching together on the tv haha. But the previous fiasco with DRM and such and the price to a lesser degree have given me a bitter taste in the mouth :-X
When do we get to see more of Kinect and the dashboard/UI? The twitch broadcast and game DVR looked pretty seamless.

There were no Kinect games.
One nice thing I'm taking away from this conference.

Next gen games might finally almost universally remove distance fog that is only there because the hardware isn't able to render long distances.

Other than that I'm still waiting to see in what ways graphics will progress over what is currently available in the best titles on PC (Witcher 2, Crysis 3, etc.). Or if we'll be limited to basically just slightly better than Crysis 3 on PC.

That wouldn't be a bad thing though as that's a huge improvement over the general state of graphics in games.

For a lot of people, gaming on PC just isn't the same thing. My PC is more than twice as powerful as ps4, I have a 30" monitor... And I'd rather just sit in my easy chair with a controller in front my hdtv.
Same here, which is why I play most of my PC games that way. Mini-Itx form factor FTW. :)

(Not saying a PC is a replacement for a console mind you, there's just too many variables to give anywhere close the same level of ease of use with a console.)

Yeah, gotta say $500 is pretty surprising though. Perhaps not "shocking", but I didn't think they would go for above $450, and seriously expected $400 given the specs, the level of competition (not just other consoles, but for disposable income) and the somewhat tame hardware specs. I thought that was one the prime reasons they went with an X86 SOC this time around, to keep costs down.

This is the company that thought the Surface RT pricing was actually viable, mind you.
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