Are these the same lawyers that made the decision to buy Nokia, or the same ppl that thought, lets include Kinect in the xbox one, or the ones that thought google stadia, microsoft Kin device was gonna be a hit. i.e. 'smart' professionals fuck up all the time in business decisions.
Artstechnica has an article about this today, I will quote one comment with 30 votes (all in agreement, which is unusual there )
I know Azbat, Johnny awesome, Alphawolf, Brit, eastman, silent buddah, psman etc will keep saying its a good deal for MS but thats because that hate to admit 'their company done fucked uped'
and here they done fucked-up, as in koticks cock is up MS's ass and hes screwed them for a lot of cash more than they are worth.

Yes keep that image in your head when you think of this deal, actually picture that sex act taking place in a meth house on fire