Then you should go back and review my original post
you used the word forced
You quoted Tom Warren on his usage of the word force
You claimed MS said themselves that they were forced
Tell me who used the word forced
Vestager did not use the word force
Brad Smith did not use the word force
I'm not hung up on the word force, you could have easily have solved this by saying ok, they weren't forced, they had to agree to, they had to compromise to, they had to add an additional concession that by not giving this up they were being anti-competitive. Instead you chose to alter the definition to win the argument. Force is not a concession. Concession is admission, adminssion of the reality that they cannot get what they want because it is not realistic or logistically possible if everyone is doing their jobs correctly. In admission of reality they signed the concession because this still works for them. According to you there is no grey area, "there is YES they were forced or NO they were not forced".
They said no to divestiture of COD when the CMA requested that for them to continue without blocking.
now you know what force means. Saying no means having a choice.
In this case, they were not forced. Thank you.