Microsoft acquired Activision Blizzard King for $69 Billion on 2023-10-13

Let's say that Sony buy Spiderman and gets the games exclusive.

Let's say that Microsoft received the same proposal and refused it. 🤣 And they were given the opportunity before Sony.:eek:

Microsoft Xbox division is behind Sony Playstation because of mismanagement and bad decisions maybe they believed it was Niche-man and not Spider-man.

Being from console first-party in my past, I pinged both sides, both Xbox and PlayStation, and said, "We don't have any big console deals with anyone right now. What would you like to do?" Microsoft's strategy was to focus on their own IP. They passed.
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Not really. You aren't just competing on the game experience, but the whole brand grown over 20 years. It woudn't take that long to write an alternative Wizarding School story to Harry Potter, but no-one's going to be buying into it at the same scale as the behemoth that WB has grown. So let's say Sony buy WB and gets the Harry Potter games exclusive. You think MS will be able to turn AB into making Mr. Marvello's School of Magics to compete on an equal footing and win over existing HP fans into buying an XBox with this HP alternative?
A whole new one no. But that is why Sony bought Bungie the creators of destiny. It be like if MS went out and bought Lord of the rings so they could compete with Harry potter. No wait that implies harry potter is better than lord of the rings. It be like MS going out and buying the rights to make narnia games to compete against harry potter. Yes Potter would be more popular but narnia has its own large following and for the decade following up to there being no more harry potter on the xbox they would have time to grow the base of its replacement even further.
Not really. You aren't just competing on the game experience, but the whole brand grown over 20 years. It woudn't take that long to write an alternative Wizarding School story to Harry Potter, but no-one's going to be buying into it at the same scale as the behemoth that WB has grown. So let's say Sony buy WB and gets the Harry Potter games exclusive. You think MS will be able to turn AB into making Mr. Marvello's School of Magics to compete on an equal footing and win over existing HP fans into buying an XBox with this HP alternative?
Thats quite of an oxymoron too. With his same logic MS had two decades to create its own smash hit franchises and studios and they wouldnt need to buy ABK to begin with. 🤷‍♂️

Edit: In addition Sony already experimented in the FPS genre bringing us games like Killzone and Resistance and none became Halo. Similarly the industry has thousands of studios and none managed to create a game that brings in numbers like COD or GTA does. I dont think he believes in his arguments because if they hold true for company X then they should hold true for company Y and vice versa.

We cant claim that X needs to buy popular franchises because they cant compete and Y doesnt need to have these games because they can create their own popular smash hits to compete as if it is something that happens by demand. If Y can do that then X can do too. If X needs these franchises, then Y should need them too.
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Todd Howard could definitely sell a Larry Trotter and the Boox of Magik game!
Let's say that Microsoft received the same proposal and refused it. 🤣 And they were given the opportunity before Sony.:eek:

Microsoft Xbox division is behind Sony Playstation because of mismanagement and bad decisions maybe they believed it was Niche-man and not Spider-man.

LOL I brought this up previously, however it didn't seem to go down well with some people for some reason.

Ironically this meeting between MS and Marvel happened after the pro-gaming "XBOX CEO" Phil Spencer took over the division. I guess he couldn't convince the "hivemind" of the benefits of assimilating Spiderman into the collective.
LOL I brought this up previously, however it didn't seem to go down well with some people for some reason.

Ironically this meeting between MS and Marvel happened after the pro-gaming "XBOX CEO" Phil Spencer took over the division. I guess he couldn't convince the "hivemind" of the benefits of assimilating Spiderman into the collective.
I feel you. You are not the only one bro. You are not the only one. :LOL:
Todd Howard could definitely sell a Larry Trotter and the Boox of Magik game!
I mean the potter books are kids books that amassed a large following via the books and the movies. I am sure They could spin off something pretty decent from Elder scrolls targeting young kids and leverage the success of the games already out there. Wouldn't be as big as potter but still pretty sizable imo.
Let's say that Sony buy Spiderman and gets the games exclusive.
Sure, that's an equally hypothetical, imaginary scenario to Sony buying WB and securing the HP license. Regardless what popular IP you want to use, it's not straight-forward to create a successful rival. If it was, these titles wouldn't become the monolithic behemoths they are because they'd be competing with other franchises. Medal of Honor, Rainbow Six, Battlefield, et al, have all been competing with CoD without successfully growing to the same size and importance. Hence the complete lack of logic in suggesting a company can just magic up a rival from nowhere that'll displace their audience's interest in the existing brand leader. There aren't 6 different 'Minecraft's sharing the build and play genre. there is only one Minecraft, and then a bunch of copycats that haven't displaced it.
Sure, that's an equally hypothetical, imaginary scenario to Sony buying WB and securing the HP license. Regardless what popular IP you want to use, it's not straight-forward to create a successful rival. If it was, these titles wouldn't become the monolithic behemoths they are because they'd be competing with other franchises. Medal of Honor, Rainbow Six, Battlefield, et al, have all been competing with CoD without successfully growing to the same size and importance. Hence the complete lack of logic in suggesting a company can just magic up a rival from nowhere that'll displace their audience's interest in the existing brand leader. There aren't 6 different 'Minecraft's sharing the build and play genre. there is only one Minecraft, and then a bunch of copycats that haven't displaced it.
what about Roblox ? That is a minecraft rip off that is at the very least just as sucessful
Apart from the fact Roblox is a different experience (a game creator, not a MC clone), Roblox predates Minecraft. It was started in 2004 and launched 2006. Minecraft became public 2009.
wow I did not know. my nieces and nephews started playing it when they were around 6 and they are 13 now
I feel you. You are not the only one bro. You are not the only one. :LOL:

Yeah I've some excellent points that you've made too being ignored in the same way. I guess for people like that the truth is hard to take

I have to admit that I was perplexed when I was told I was being "childish" when I merely pointed out that Xbox fans have a right to be bitter about the fallout of MS not taking the Spiderman IP for a platform exclusive. I can understand how the fans of Xbox would have loved to have that IP on Game Pass. But like I said Xbox gamers should be holding the MS management responsible for that decision and not trash Sony for making a success out of the IP.
Let's say that Microsoft received the same proposal and refused it. 🤣 And they were given the opportunity before Sony.:eek:

Microsoft Xbox division is behind Sony Playstation because of mismanagement and bad decisions maybe they believed it was Niche-man and not Spider-man.

Right. So they made a bad decision. No one is arguing with that and they are now behind Sony basically on all fronts. Now if there was a way to shorten this gap using money they have.

And going by that logic we can say that this is not msft fault that they are dominating in OS space becouse in the 80 someone else could made same deal as msft did. But they didn’t and they have only themselves to blame. So no one can make any acquisitions that challenge Microsoft becouse they have only themselves to blame.
And going by that logic we can say that this is not msft fault that they are dominating in OS space becouse in the 80 someone else could made same deal as msft did. But they didn’t and they have only themselves to blame. So no one can make any acquisitions that challenge Microsoft becouse they have only themselves to blame.
Well do you know if that scenario holds true? We arent blaming EVERY success of MS as a phenomenon of unfair play. But lets be more objective and accurate with our examples and arguments.
If we are going to blame Sony for unfair competition and game stealing, Spiderman ISN'T one of them.
Yeah I've some excellent points that you've made too being ignored in the same way. I guess for people like that the truth is hard to take

Microsoft passed on GTA III exclusivity too. :runaway: And again, you'll find plenty of posts complaining about how Sony had a six months release window on PS2. Just WTaF.

Sony swooping in, picking up games that Microsoft consciously passed on, those tricksy Sony bastards. :???:
Right. So they made a bad decision. No one is arguing with that and they are now behind Sony basically on all fronts. Now if there was a way to shorten this gap using money they have.

And going by that logic we can say that this is not msft fault that they are dominating in OS space becouse in the 80 someone else could made same deal as msft did. But they didn’t and they have only themselves to blame. So no one can make any acquisitions that challenge Microsoft becouse they have only themselves to blame.
Sony had the rights to a spiderman game and they still went to a third party to create it. Then they went and bought the third party company that made the title. The company insomiac was a big player on vr games also.

Apparently its okay to do that and make future games exclusive. however Ms bought bethesda and now future games like starfield and redfall being exclusive is MS lying . That is the issue most of us take. It's all double standards. if sony can buy companies and make their future content exclusive then Ms can do so also. It goes both ways. If MS can buy companies and make their stuff exclusive then sony can do the same thing.

I don't really care if sony makes a game exclusive to playstation since they will all eventually end up on the pc now and sony doesn't produce games that I like. I am a fan of shooters and w/crpgs.

I just find it extremely odd that on this forum we are creating a negative idea of one company that is doing the same as the other company but the other company is okay for doing so. Sony has bought 12 video game companies in the last 3 years. Some how its always okay when they do it. When MS buys something its all fire and brim stone
I just find it extremely odd that on this forum we are creating a negative idea of one company that is doing the same as the other company but the other company is okay for doing so. Sony has bought 12 video game companies in the last 3 years. Some how its always okay when they do it. When MS buys something its all fire and brim stone
Indeed. But it's been explained to you multiple times now. If you don't get it, you don't get it (agree to the perspective), but why keep asserting your position and recycling the same conversation?

Sony has acquired studios. Sony has created exclusives. Some see these as qualitatively difference or difference of scale to MS's position. Some don't see the difference. Both positions have been expressed here multiple times now; there's no point discussing this any more and everyone needs to move on to either new content or no content. This is aimed at everyone recycling their perspectives. It's just noise at this point, unstoppable forces against immovable objects.