MGS4 Target Demo


During E3 there was an MGS4 target demo, that was displayed. This demo was impressive to an extent, minus the environment texturing, and occasional framerate hiccup. It was not known at the exact moment, but shortly after, it was revealed that this demo was rendered in real time. Furthermore, it was revealed even after that, that the way in which the hardware was being used, to get those results, was not actually a reality, but more ''theoretical''.

There is a video of this, and im not sure where, but it is at a conference, showing this MGS4 video, where you can hear japanese being spoken throughout the video. The japanese is subtitled in english, and they describe that they are focusing all of the RSX's power, in addition to all the Cells power, to the graphics.

I found this out, because it was posted on a forum, of which i dont remember, but someone was explaining that the way the Cell was used, was not the way it could be used to run an actual game. The guy further explained the SPE scenario, and how they used most, if not all of the SPE's for graphics, in coordiance with the RSX.

Anyways, im definitely not clear on this issue, and im well aware that most here probably are. To be more specefic in my question, i guess im asking if MGS4's target demo will resemble what the final game would look like, or if it could look like that at all. I am not a computer programmer myself, but its common knowledge that when you run a game, you are spreading AI, sound, physics, etc. over the processor, especially in the case of SPE's. If that demo was using the Cell and RSX solely for minor animations, and graphics, what type of finished product are we looking at for a release? Simple terms would be nice, as i am not 100% tech savvy, i can understand some stuff.
I am not a computer programmer myself, but its common knowledge that when you run a game, you are spreading AI, sound, physics, etc. over the processor, especially in the case of SPE's. If that demo was using the Cell and RSX solely for minor animations, and graphics, what type of finished product are we looking at for a release? Simple terms would be nice, as i am not 100% tech savvy, i can understand some stuff.

Virtually the same - the fact that they add AI, sound, physics etc. - can be offset by the fact that they actually learn how to utilize the SPEs thanks to the additional years they have. I'm not an expert on physics - you can probably make a great game with very little physics and with tons of physics - and Kojima recently said strange things about sound, making us believe that he might be spending more CPU time on sound that usually, so my estimates my be wildly wrong - but for a shooter-like game with a "traditional" amount of phsics and a traditional sound system you need very little CPU time outside graphics.
Well, i have to ask then, why do the screenshots that are recent, not reflect anything that is even remotely similar to the target demo?

I am familliar with the term alpha and beta, and i figure that perhaps MGS4 is in either of those stages, most probably alpha stage still. However, most game companies dont release screenshots of their games when they look like that. Especially Kojima. There hasn't been one game that i have seen a drastic change in graphically so far this generation, comparing development process to final release.

Here, i have a few pictures:

Now these pictures are taken from the target demo:

Anyways, that doesnt look like a small difference, at least not to me.
Well, i have to ask then, why do the screenshots that are recent, not reflect anything that is even remotely similar to the target demo?

I am familliar with the term alpha and beta, and i figure that perhaps MGS4 is in either of those stages, most probably alpha stage still. However, most game companies dont release screenshots of their games when they look like that. Especially Kojima. There hasn't been one game that i have seen a drastic change in graphically so far this generation, comparing development process to final release.

Here, i have a few pictures:

Now these pictures are taken from the target demo:

Anyways, that doesnt look like a small difference, at least not to me.

Have you noticed that Kojima removed the Green tint?

That's why the game looks so much different ;)
Yeah, Kojima saed in one interview that he added that yellow collor 'cos it's middle eastern setting. Who knows what the rest of the game will look like [they confirmed multiple countries]
No. It's been said before. Lighting, model complexity and specially the framerate are lower quality than the original TGS demo.



The new stuff looks more detailed and realistic to me.
Don't get me wrong, i think it looks good, and was really suprised when i saw the very first demo of it. Im just wondering realistically, if it will be like this finish product, because those still screens, they look iffy, but yeah, that screenshot from the one trailer looks decent.
Don't know why you guys are making such a big deal about a game thats still work in progress. We haven't even seen anything new from this game since september.....
Knowing Kojima history, it would be unreasonable to think that the game, once shipped, will not deliver on graphics...So your points make no sens as of now ! ;)
Why are you using small, blurry screens when we have direct feed?

Downgraded model (hair), flat lighting and TERRIBLE texturing.

I'm so glad I won't be noticing any of that when I play the game. As past MGS games, the game looks best when played, not in still screens. No screen ever captured the rain-scene on MGS2 or the countless of excellent parts in MGS3. And none of the screens currently being thrown around capture the feel to the trailers on MGS4 (i.e. the wind, newspapers flying, the amount of action going on etc). I'll happily take the blurry textures with the amount of art-direction, attention to detail, A.I, game-mechanics over any other game with better textures outthere.

To each their own, I guess. But do we need to have it STATED IN EVERY SINGLE F**CKING TOPIC ON MGS4? :rolleyes:
Knowing Kojima history, it would be unreasonable to think that the game, once shipped, will not deliver on graphics...So your points make no sens as of now ! ;)
Who's talking about the final game? We're discussing what's been shown so far. If they deliver when the game is shipped, awesome. But we'll have to see first before overhyping it to the extreme.
I'm so glad I won't be noticing any of that when I play the game. As past MGS games, the game looks best when played, not in still screens. No screen ever captured the rain-scene on MGS2 or the countless of excellent parts in MGS3. And none of the screens currently being thrown around capture the feel to the trailers on MGS4 (i.e. the wind, newspapers flying, the amount of action going on etc). I'll happily take the blurry textures with the amount of art-direction, attention to detail, A.I, game-mechanics over any other game with better textures outthere.
"Attention to detail" and "blurry textures" in the same sentence :LOL:. It's too bad you can't perceive flaws (and therefore, details) when the games are in motion, but that's irrelevant here. Now, the AI shown so far is terrible, the animation too, physics (the ragdoll is very primitive) and the so called art direction, is generic japanese stuff (just like bald space marine people are in the west).
To each their own, I guess. But do we need to have it STATED IN EVERY SINGLE F**CKING TOPIC ON MGS4? :rolleyes:
Only when incorrect statements are made.