MGS4 Target Demo

Now, the AI shown so far is terrible, the animation too, physics (the ragdoll is very primitive) and the so called art direction, is generic japanese stuff (just like bald space marine people are in the west).

Nobody can make such claims with any weight given the little that has been released so far.* You trying to assert them so strongly suggests you have an agenda or are just irrational.

*(Except for the art direction, I suppose, but you're just being ornery there.)

Nobody can make such claims with any weight given the little that has been released so far.* You trying to assert them so strongly suggests you have an agenda or are just irrational.

*(Except for the art direction, I suppose, but you're just being ornery there.)

Well, the same could be said for all those praising it ;)
Speaking for myself, I just think it looks hot. And it does.

I guess hoping that it will be at least half aas good as the past three games is a bit of an optimistic stretch tho.

I second that - great looking game from a great developer. In the end this game will be impressive. I don't expect it to be the best ps3 sees over the span of the generation but certainly a top 10 title AV-wise.
Very very old. There are lots of scenes that were cut from e3 trailer. Muslims fighting against 12 Gekko Gears...

Cant wait to see some other location in game, Kojima said that Middle East is just one of them. Probably starting location.
You could make bad screenshots in every games.
Some screens are released with different focus (purely gfx ,purely narative,....) and sometimes even ,the guy that shot them in your game for release is a completly incompetant and stupid person....

For this gen ,screens are probably the worst way to express a game,even if mastering the art of screenshot can also result in actually improving the perception of the said game ,above the real experience of it.
It's like a chicken... & a cow, and a metal monster all in one...!?

Exactly. thats what Kojima deliberately did

Although the chicken part is accidental :p The "chicken" legs are actually bipedals based on the metagl gear ray in MGS2. I must say thought that to me they remind me of packs of carnivorous dinosaurs.

Come to think of it, dinosaurs have many similarities in looks to birds and probably in behaviour to mammals. And years ago in an interview about MGS2 I remember Kojima stating that in MGS1 he wanted Metal Gear Rex to llook like a T-Rex but due to hardware limitations of the PS1 it was impossible.

Metal Gear Gegkus basically look like a combination of Metal gear Ray and Rex with a more natural and biological behaviour
Some evolutionary theory places birds as direct descendents from dinosaurs. Yes, the Tyrannosaur evolved into the chicken :oops:

Yeah I remember that theory. I used to be a dino maniac when I was a kid. I used to swear to God I ll become a paleontologist one day :LOL:

Perhaps we can use the chicken DNA to complete the T-rex DNA found in an insect trapped in amber millions of years ago and create a park with dinosaurs in an exotic island. :LOL:
Stop this discussion right now! Otherwise someone else will hit on the idea I've had of recreating some interesting new dinosaur skeletons...
No. It's been said before. Lighting, model complexity and specially the framerate are lower quality than the original TGS demo.

agreed. Konami was probably running the TGS 2005 demo on GF 7800 GTX or 7900 GTX, perhaps SLI'd.

Obviously there is no way the RSX (running the E3 2006 demo) is going to do match the quality of the TGS version with RSX's lower triangle set-up, pixel fillrate, bandwidth etc.

TGS 2005 was running at 60fps I think. E3 2006 was ~30fps if I am not mistaken.

the E3 2006 version still looked great, but not as nice as the TGS 2005 version.
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