Perhaps we are moving too far away from the core argument here. To clarify and restate; I never claimed graphics don't matter.
They do. There is no point in bringing up legacy hardware, because in the scope of this discussion, it's about the trade-off between 30 and 60fps under the same given hardware. No one is proclaiming that 60fps should come at the cost of games looking like PS2 games.
To keep this specific to MGS: Ground Zeroes & TPP - this discussion was sparked by the recent available PC showing of the game that, with little surprise, look quite improved. As a result, some have voiced criticism at this generations rather
underwhelming hardware and stated that because of that, they [Kojima] should consider dropping the framerate to make the game look closer to what has been shown on the PC.
To clarify, lets look at two gif posted a page back that shows the difference between the PS4 and the recent PC showing:
As mentioned; the improvements are nice - but they are not central to the gameplay aspects of the game. Essentially,
the game will play exactly the same, irregardless if one version offers better (more) lights and better reflections or not. To want
those improvements at the cost/trade-off of better playability through a better framerate would be a big loss. Immersion might be
slightly better due to marginally better graphics, but if those differences are really crucial to anyone to even consider cutting framerate for it - I do have to wonder why people even entertain putting up with other platform ports, like Xbox One in this case (or a generation before that, with PS3 games when X360 versions were better).
It is obviously clear that this is a technical orientated forum where people spend hours a day discussing, analyzing and obsession over screenshots to marvel over what a developer is getting out of our consoles - and looking at fixed screenshots that show a snapshot from a 1/30th or 1/60th is obviously easy and convinient - whereas framerate specific discussions are rather difficult because even video footage seldom captures it (either through compression and/or limiting to 30fps when uploading to Youtube) - not to mentioned that the biggest advantage of 60fps is not only in smoother motion, but also found in the controls - so it effectively gets overlooked more often than not. I also sometimes wonder how many people here who speak about downgrading framerate often for marginally better visuals actually play these games. I certainly know that I myself have participated in game topics where I've discussed/debated/argued over graphics without ever playing those games. This is a technical forum after all. But in this particular instance; I have played all MGS games and as such, can very much appreciate that Kojima is going through some effort to deliever this game at this framerate. And looking at the above differences between the PC and PS4 version, I can say with some certainty that improving the graphics to PC level at the loss of framerate would not improve the experience for me.
Now, if the graphics improvement actually yielded a substantial difference that also had an impact on the actual gameplay.... then it would be a different discussion all together.