Mercury Research on graphics market share


SANTA CLARA, CA—OCTOBER 27, 2004 —NVIDIA Corporation (Nasdaq: NVDA), a worldwide leader in graphics and digital media processors, today reported that the rapid adoption of the Company’s leading family of 3D graphics processing units (GPUs) has moved NVIDIA into the number one spot in the Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0, or high-end performance segment of the market, rising from 26% share in the second quarter of 2004 to 64% share in the third quarter of 2004 according to leading market analyst firm, Mercury Research.
pino said:


SANTA CLARA, CA—OCTOBER 27, 2004 —NVIDIA Corporation (Nasdaq: NVDA), a worldwide leader in graphics and digital media processors, today reported that the rapid adoption of the Company’s leading family of 3D graphics processing units (GPUs) has moved NVIDIA into the number one spot in the Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0, or high-end performance segment of the market, rising from 26% share in the second quarter of 2004 to 64% share in the third quarter of 2004 according to leading market analyst firm, Mercury Research.
When life hands ya lemons... ;)
trinibwoy said:
I think you've got it backwards. The true glory of R300 (R420) comes now when it's able to run with the NV40. The last few years were more a display of Nvidia's incompetence than ATI's brilliance. But I guess you could twist it either way.

No NV had nothing to do with the robust design of the R300. If the basic design is still used today to keep up with NV, then that shows you how good it was back then. Or said another way ATI was able to "milk the core of the R300" for a long time which shows that it was a very good design for them.
jb said:
No NV had nothing to do with the robust design of the R300. If the basic design is still used today to keep up with NV, then that shows you how good it was back then. Or said another way ATI was able to "milk the core of the R300" for a long time which shows that it was a very good design for them.

You missed my point. NV had nothing to do with it's design. But it contributed a lot to it's success. As good as a design R300 was, you could say that Nvidia's was poor to the same extent. But this is analogous to arguing with a Bosox fan that the Yanks lost the series as opposed to the Sox winning it ;)
ellingsen1 said:
According to NV's press release at least one segment went their way in the latest report.

"NVIDIA Corporation (Nasdaq: NVDA), a worldwide leader in graphics and digital media processors, today reported that the rapid adoption of the Company's leading family of 3D graphics processing units (GPUs) has moved NVIDIA into the number one spot in the Microsoft(R) DirectX(R) 9.0, or high-end performance segment of the market, rising from 26% share in the second quarter of 2004 to 64% share in the third quarter of 2004 according to leading market analyst firm, Mercury Research.";script=410&layout=9&item_id=636560
That comma is throwing me off. Are they lumping FX cards (especially 5200s) into the "high-end performance segment?" I would think "high-end performance" denotes only the 6800s in Q3.
Well, it's sure not much, but don't forget that the high end have some impact on the future trends of the market (see R3*0)
mboeller said:
Evildeus said:
It's just 6800s

So they have now 64% of the 1% highend GPU-market? WOW!

sorry, I couldn't resist

Only for that quarter. It's probably an initial burst of activity as people waiting on 6800NU/GT finally were able to get some in retail. I'm sure if you looked at figures for DX9 cards over the last few years (since DX9 came out), Nvidia wouldn't own much of the high end.
Ratchet said:
More details at X-bit
According to the data, Intel Corp.’s market share in the graphics systems market rose 1% to 39% in the Q3 2004. ATI Technologies’ market share skyrocketed 4% to 27% in the Q3 2004, while its arch-rival’s – NVIDIA Corp.’s – share dropped 8% to 15% from 23% in the third quarter of the year. Intel supplies chipsets that contain integrated graphics cores for mobile and desktop computers, while ATI and NVIDIA concentrate on standalone graphics chips for desktops and laptops.
Two milestones to go.
Intel over 50%
Integrated graphics over 90%
I believe that will be the order of occurence, but it would be interesting to see some solid data graphed.
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
Only for that quarter. It's probably an initial burst of activity as people waiting on 6800NU/GT finally were able to get some in retail.
Yup, this is the result of ATi not having any X800 XTs available for soo long. It was a choice between an X800 pro and a 6800 GT for too long and the GT is just a better card than the X800 pro.

I expect it'll be changing now that more high-end cards are available.
digitalwanderer said:
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
Only for that quarter. It's probably an initial burst of activity as people waiting on 6800NU/GT finally were able to get some in retail.
Yup, this is the result of ATi not having any X800 XTs available for soo long. It was a choice between an X800 pro and a 6800 GT for too long and the GT is just a better card than the X800 pro.

I expect it'll be changing now that more high-end cards are available.

Don't you think it is at least as much the result of ati not having a $299 part this gen? I can't be the only person out there who bought a 6800nu.
Nvidia's quote was specific to the $400+ segment. The "DX9" phrasing was confusing to say the very least but they were talking about the 6800 GT and Ultra from what I can tell. I thought that Intel only gaining 1 % share was huge for ATI. That 1% likely came at the expense of the 5200. It appears that Intel's IGP market share is reaching a saturation point. They can still take some share, but ATI's IGP share doubled (to but should begin to blunt Intel gains.

Speaking of the 5200, I see that 2 new Dell notebooks are offering the 5200Go. Remember that there was 20,000 wafers of 5200 being warehoused at TSMC with nowhere to go. I bet Dell got them for next to nothing. I would also not be surprised to see Nvidia write-off some excess inventory at the CC njext week. The positive pre-announcement was OBVIOUSLY to blunt the bad news from Mercury. The guidance was specific to only revenue and gross margins so anything could happen.

I still question NVDA for not warning last quarter on a huge miss. Then this quarter they pre-announced upside guidance even though the % upside was much less than the % downside they neglected to warn about! Maybe they didn't warn so they could buy back all those shares on the super cheap because they knew of the traction of the 6xxx series and the likely results for this quarter and they would get a nice pop in share price? Jen is a master of PR and he spun a HUGE market share loss into stock appreciation. Simply amazing...

*EDIT* Sorry, the Dell information I posted about the 5200 proved to be false. NVDA continues to have 1 default out of a possible 8 with Dell notebooks and 1 as an option. This is old news and nothing new. I had a BAD source.
I think ATi is getting into the integrated graphics market at a good time too. Not with Intel but rather AMD. AMD is really beginning to experience a rise in popularity that they never experienced before IMO. I think Intel is about to loose even greater market share to AMD then they have. As long as Intel provides cheap integrated graphics with their chipsets ... Intel will rule the integrated market and the over all graphics market simply because it does account for the lions share of the market. At any rate ATi has a chance to really make a splash with the integrated chipset market on AMD platforms.
Yes but the problem is that intels market share comes mostly from low end garbage dells. Were as unless the cost on ahtlon64/semprons comes down the only solution in an amd package will be pcie with a higher end athlon64. It's not exactly the same market.
webmedic said:
Yes but the problem is that intels market share comes mostly from low end garbage dells. Were as unless the cost on ahtlon64/semprons comes down the only solution in an amd package will be pcie with a higher end athlon64. It's not exactly the same market.

It doesn't make any sense to have integrated graphics with a high end 64bit processor.. err, unless of course it does somehow..

Semprons are pretty cheap really. The sole reason they exist is to compete with the Celeron line which accounts for the vast majority of Intels OEM deals. I think the real hurtle for AMD will be to convince OEMs that AMD is a worthy and wanted brand name. Dell chooses Intel because of the name not because they have the faster products. AMD is bound to gain in terms of notoriety over all particularly with their top end solutions. Intel just backed off from the 4 gig processor and AMD just released the 4000.. It is actually quite a set back for Intel and AMD with the release of a genuine low end processor (finally) in the sempron I think it is very possible for AMD to garner some of the larger OEM deals that constitute the lions share of the PC market in general. If ATi gets their act together regarding their integrated road map they might be in for a massive gain in market share in the integrated market. .. I would put some stress on the word "might".

The best hope for PC gaming is that the low end platform has some half way decent mainstream performance raising the bar. Integrated Intel graphics have basically been the largest stumbling block for PC gaming. NV with their nForce chipsets were a better solution but just not enough and AMD simply hasn't been in as a good of a position to garner some major market share away from Intel.
Sabastian said:
It doesn't make any sense to have integrated graphics with a high end 64bit processor.. err, unless of course it does somehow..
It does to some people. If you're a company buying machines for programmers you'll want a fast chip like an Athlon 64, but you might not need 3d performance.
Curiously, it seems like ther has already been an HP design with in RS480 - the curious element is that they have included a 6600 in the configuration!
karlotta said:
this was the Doom 3/ GT bump. Will HL2 bring another ATi bump?
Having the first 'bump' of a new generation much be a huge advantage, almost as much as first launch/availability.
DaveBaumann said:
Curiously, it seems like ther has already been an HP design with in RS480 - the curious element is that they have included a 6600 in the configuration!
Might it be a misprint, and be RX480? Or maybe HP are ordering the RS480 boards in quantity for several different setups ... or are just crazy.