

the games just announced is not the full lineup for 2003
most of them are just part of Sega's past deal to bring it the the two systems (With D3 for the PS2 and Coolnet for Xbox)
only VF4 Evo and Initial D is new and by Sega's internal team (AM2 and SegaRosso) even then they are just arcade ports

u can bet they will have more press conferences throughout next year to announces new stuff

Gc already have loads of Sega/DC ports

Note also that there are surefire gems like F-Zero GC (guaranteed hit) and the next Sonic Adventure, both on GCN. :)
I have it from SUPER reliable Japanese sources that the two companies that will be merging are none other than... drum roll please....

Brocolli Software and Titus!

This powerful duo will go on to become Cauliflower Interactive and develop software exclusively for Nintendo's Gamecube.

If that isn't MEGATON, I don't know what is!!!
Heh heh, I hear from an inside source that Microsoft is angry about something going wrong with Sega relations (esp. involving Sonic Team)... ;)
Gamepro just put out an article saying that the "megaton annoucement" (what a stupid name for it) didn't have anything to do specifically with Nintendo.

They had the article translated article again, and it doesn't even mention Nintendo being a part of it. Even some people over at gaming age admitted they were wrong.

Sounds like a LOT of people got their hopes up a little too much. I'm still hearing rumblings about MS visits to Sega head offices in Japan and San fran. This MS buying Sega rumor hasn't gone away just yet. As well as the Capcom/Sega merger rumor.

This all sounds familar. MS once tried to buy Sega in order to have Sega buyout Square. Could MS be buying Sega in order to also get Capcom too? If they did, that would certainly help in Japan for Xbox 2. I'd fully expect a sega branded xbox if these rumors are true.
Matt from IGN in the letters section as well was telling everyone to calm down over it, he says the source has been somewhat reliable in the past, but they have really only reported two major events in the past, and on both accounts, were really just lucky guesses.
I was wodering how much debt Sega has still to pay ?? It could be a big money cash to pay over the price of the company ??
Actually, i'm now hearing that whatever is going on with sega/MS will be annouced within the next week. This is getting kinda freaky, and these rumors are quite similar to what happend with Rare. I've heard these talks were in the works for months now.

Well, if it does happen in a week, I'll be able to confirm it since I'm heading to Sony HQ office in San fran a week from tomorrow. Sega also has a main office there, so If anythign is going on, I'm sure the people at Sony will be aware of it and or heard all the details just before it happens.

> Gamepro just put out an article saying that the "megaton annoucement"
> (what a stupid name for it)

It's not a name but an adjective V-Jump used to describe the announcement.

> and it doesn't even mention Nintendo being a part of it.

That is true. But then again, that's not what Gamepro's claims are about. Gamepro claims that it doesn't say the announcement is GameCube related which is flat-out wrong (the writer even corrected the article somewhat). Hell, it is mentioned in a double-spread congratulating Nintendo on the GameCube's 1. year anniversary in Japan. What else would it be about.

There are lots of other errors in the article. For example, they claim that the announcement will take place at Jump Festa but Jump Festa isn't mentioned anywhere in V-Jump's article.

It's a poorly done recap by someone who didn't have access to the V-Jump article at the time of writing and clearly hasn't been paying proper attention to all the various rumors, how they got started etc.

> Even some people over at gaming age admitted they were wrong.

Yes... the writer of the article.

Try again.


> Matt from IGN in the letters section as well was telling everyone to calm
> down over it

As they should. But please keep in mind that Matt doesn't know what is going on either.

> he says the source has been somewhat reliable in the past

Matt called V-Jump a "less popular magazine" which is nonsense. Now I respect Matt but in this case he's been speaking against better knowledge. He, like the Gamepro writer, simply didn't have his facts in order.
well, one thing we know for sure, the megaton does not include Sega, if they were system selling material, we would all be trying to decide which Dreamcast game to get this Christmas.
I wish i was deciding what dreamcast game to get this x mass. Sega has a ton of great games and the dreamcast would have been a hit had it not been for sonys hype.

I really wish nintendo would buy sega. That way i can get all my fav games on one system. As it is i will have to buy a ps2 and x box when they drop to under a 100 bucks. Which should be in another year or so just so i can buy my sega games.

Let sega return to black before making comments about thier games. They are the only unique company left.
jvd said:
I wish i was deciding what dreamcast game to get this x mass. Sega has a ton of great games and the dreamcast would have been a hit had it not been for sonys hype.

I really wish nintendo would buy sega. That way i can get all my fav games on one system. As it is i will have to buy a ps2 and x box when they drop to under a 100 bucks. Which should be in another year or so just so i can buy my sega games.

Let sega return to black before making comments about thier games. They are the only unique company left.

yea, all these Japanese mergers going on, you never know what will happen, guess they are preparing themselves for some hard times in the economy, I wouldnt mind seeing Sony and Nintendo merge, if Nintendo could handle the hardware keep up its first party stuff, and Sony would basically be the ones aggressively getting third party exclusives, that would be console heaven.

> Let sega return to black before making comments about thier games.

They are.

> They are the only unique company left.

What's so unique about rehashing software from the past 4 generations of console hardware? Original creations from Sega are few and far between these days.
are they back in black ? I believe t hey still owe alot of money.

Lets see games : Phantsy star online , vf4 ( you may say its a rehash but its a brand new fighting game) jet set radio , monkey ball , seamen , shenmue.

Hardware : vmu , modem (wait i can't say thats new they've had it since the saturn) vga box , heck a link cable to a hand held.

I'm sure i missed a few things but hey i'm not perfect.

> I believe t hey still owe alot of money.

That they do but at least they're profitable.

> vf4 ( you may say its a rehash but its a brand new fighting game)

Yeah, but I was referring to the many, many ports that make up Sega's line-up. Ever since it dumped the Dreamcast it's just been recycling everything that has been published since the Master System.
jvd said:
Hardware : vmu , modem (wait i can't say thats new they've had it since the saturn) vga box , heck a link cable to a hand held.

Technically, ATARI did this first. Jaguar has ports for a link to Lynx on the mainboard, however there are no external connections so it was obviously a scrapped idea. :(
yes but so does everyone else . I enjoy playing sonic and mario no matter how old they get because about 80-90% of the time nintendo and sega adds enough to make it a new experiance. Sonic 1 and 2 were diffrent games. Sonic 3 was very much like sonic 2. Sonic and kuckles was diffrent enough from part 2 and 3. Sonic adv was a huge diffrence from what came before. then sonic adv 2 was like sonic adv 1. Same goes with mario. Now look at crash and spyro. I happen to play them with my little cousin and they are all the same game. While I do admit sega is not on the ball as of late I can hardly blame them. Yes they may be profitable again but they are in no situation to spend the millions upon millions that they did with shenmue. How about the phantsy stars ? Pso has been one of the better console rpgs I've played in a very long time. Much better than the final fantsy series. Enough picking on sony and square . How about capcom ? have they made an original game since resident evil ? Lets not even start on MS . That system is just a mini pc .

And while i'm ranting whats up with sony ? They keep using that friggen super nintendo controller. Isn't it time to steal a newer idea ? Or how about thier crappy systems. I owned 3 psx and they all broke. My sisters ps2 will only read dvds and dvd based games on an angle . I'm not even goign to go into the crap I saw while working at funcoland and gamestop.
Tagrineth said:
jvd said:
Hardware : vmu , modem (wait i can't say thats new they've had it since the saturn) vga box , heck a link cable to a hand held.

Technically, ATARI did this first. Jaguar has ports for a link to Lynx on the mainboard, however there are no external connections so it was obviously a scrapped idea. :(

Good call :). Of course it could be argued that sega one upped everyone with the nomad which while not "linking" it to a system you could play the console games on it and vice versa . Lets not forget turbo graphics though . They did bring us 16bit and a cdrom.
jvd said:
How about capcom ? have they made an original game since resident evil ?

Mega Man Battle Network.

And while i'm ranting whats up with sony ? They keep using that friggen super nintendo controller. Isn't it time to steal a newer idea ? Or how about thier crappy systems. I owned 3 psx and they all broke. My sisters ps2 will only read dvds and dvd based games on an angle . I'm not even goign to go into the crap I saw while working at funcoland and gamestop.

Hah, my friend's PSX is just about out, it ONLY works with a GameShark / MOD chip inserted, otherwise it won't read any CD's at all. ph33r.

I broke a PS2 at a local Babbage's by wiggling the RESET lever :LOL: and when they checked it they said it wasn't the first one to break! :LOL:!

And was PSX's controller designer high? I mean, really, Circle, X, Square, and Triangle? What's up with that? Granted the dual shoulder buttons rock, but still, those are some WEIRD face buttons.

And the split cross pad bugs me big time. Almost as much as GCN's stiff, microscopic, awkward cross. :p
They did bring us 16bit and a cdrom.

Yes when NEC/Hudson Electronics was in the home console business, they introduced a lot of innovations.

1. First portable game system with a high resolution active matrix LCD - PC-Engine GT/TurboExpress

2. First portable game system with backwards compatibilty with a home console - PC-Engine GT/TurboExpress

3. First semi/portable game system with a high resolution 4" active matrix LCD (also had a port for an external controller(s) and CDROM attachment) - PC-Engine LT

4. First console with a CDROM attachment. Also first home console that support Red Book audio in CDROM games (also worked as a standalone CD player) - PC-Engine/TG-16 CDROM.

5. First console CDROM to support 2X speed.

6. First console to support 512 simultaneous colors and 2 "GPUs" working in "parallel".

7. First widesceen videogame - 10 player Bomberman.

8. First console with a multitap - PC-Engine/TG-16

9. First integrated CDROM/cartridge system - DUO

10. First console with batteryless backup Flash RAM attachment for game saves - PC-Engine/TG-16

I wonder what kind of gagdets would be available if NEC/HE had a next generation console today 8)

Edit: I might be wrong about the multitap because I'm not sure if the NES had one, and if it did whether it was released before the PCE or not.