Matrix Revolution!

nggalai said:
As a "movie" in the traditional sense, I'd give Revolutions 6/10 points. As part of what's quite possibly the most prestigious concept to make the big screen (yet), it's a clean 10/10 from me.

Exactly how I see it. Its triumph of the latter more than makes up for its shortcomings of the former, imo.
fbg1 said:
nggalai said:
As a "movie" in the traditional sense, I'd give Revolutions 6/10 points. As part of what's quite possibly the most prestigious concept to make the big screen (yet), it's a clean 10/10 from me.

Exactly how I see it. Its triumph of the latter more than makes up for its shortcomings of the former, imo.

As I told the guys at work, I spent more time coughing the hairball that was Revolutions out of my throat than I did actually watching the wretched PoS film. I've decided to sort of 'pretend' that the sequels were never made, leaving the original unsullied (at least in my mind).
John Reynolds said:
As I told the guys at work, I spent more time coughing the hairball that was Revolutions out of my throat than I did actually watching the wretched PoS film. I've decided to sort of 'pretend' that the sequels were never made, leaving the original unsullied (at least in my mind).
This is why when I watch Reloaded on DVD, I just hit "next" all the time, just to skip to the good bits. Only problem is that by doing this, the original 2+ hour length is reduced to a mere 17 mins 8).
juat got back from the flicks......"meh" here too.

I simply feel that whatever was trying to be expressed in the movie was screwed up by the choppy pacing and (largely) irrevelent filler portions.

this and reloaded should really have been one film imo.
"meh" too.

Appalling ending, appalling misuse of the first.

Tagrineth - honestly how much more speculation could you throw into your answers whilst giving them as fact?
Saw this yesterday. It's largely crap, full of cringe-worthy dialogue, technically unsound concepts, incredibly illogical subplots and book-ended by dog turds (the beginning in particular is one extra-long, extra-smelly cinematic super poop), but... quite a big "BUT"... some things are done very, very well indeed.

Most apparently, it almost completely redeems itself as a visual spectacle (and the audio doesn't seem too bad either!). The assault on Zion is INSANE... my jaw was literally bouncing on the floor and there came a point when I realised that my mouth had been wide open for a good 5-10 minutes. The "density" of the action (for want of a better word) exceeds that of Reloaded and I can't think of any other film that is as visually maelstromous at its peak. It made the battle scenes in Star Wars look like a couple of poofters fighting over the last Rolo. The other thing I really liked was the stark contrast between the real-world action and that which occurs in the Matrix. I'm glad they didn't hold back too much with respect to explicit gore/violence in certain scenes, because the end result is very effective and will probably shock quite a few people.

I am dumbfounded as to why they took the hard-line in this respect yet completely caved to sordid tripe on the dialogue side. That above all is what disappointed me the most - how can a film that is SO stunning in parts have such appalling "inbetween" bits?! They've completely lost the conceptually innovative edge of the first film and without that to fall back on, Revolutions struggles to hold your attention in between the soon-to-be-recommended-DVD-demo scenes. It doesn't have anything like the same kind of "WOW!" factor so many people were impressed by as they walked out of the cinema with RATM's "Wake Up" ringing in their ears, neither is it particularly conclusive. The ending is awful... Neo's sacrifice is just so incredibly unbelievable. He never really seems to suffer. As for sunset/park bench scene... *vomit*.

All that said, I still enjoyed it immensely. The dock scene and Monica Bellucci's boobies are worth the price of admission alone, IMHO. :D

MuFu said:
The assault on Zion is INSANE... my jaw was literally bouncing on the floor and there came a point when I realised that my mouth had been wide open for a good 5-10 minutes. The "density" of the action (for want of a better word) exceeds that of Reloaded and I can't think of any other film that is as visually maelstromous at its peak.

I agree with much of your commentary, especially this. The one thing for me that didn't make the film a complete waste. ;)

There were times during the assault that I just got wide eyed and would basically just muster "oh my God!" to myself. (Usually just about the same time as one of the characters in the movie said the same thing.)

You really did get the feeling of "why did the Humans even bother trying to stage a defense?"
Joe DeFuria said:
You really did get the feeling of "why did the Humans even bother trying to stage a defense?"


"becasue they chose to"


"becasue they had no choice"

Hi, all!

I agree with all said above, but isn't one thing true about The Matrix, after all? It's the first blockbuster with a CONCEPT. Remember any of the Hollywood movies with over 100 million $ budget with a single thought in it? Well, me neither. I don't think they would dare speak of The Lord Of The Rings, huh? ;) It may be "pseudo-intellectual" crap, ok, but I'd like to see if there be at least that in any of the on-coming films.
Taken as a whole its pretty brilliant from the multitude of concepts that get integrated if only lightly throughout the story to the cast and the fx and philosophies...

Now Im glad that the WBros left a lot open ended. From the amount of speculation Ive seen and took part in matrix forums its pretty clear the movies have people thinking. Pretty refreshing post flick dissection... Its not pre dedigested slurry we are being fed into our mouths (as is usual with big budget flicks) but a nice juicy steak we have to cut and chew ourselves.

All in all its a great tribute to anime and I look forward to more stories in whatever medium the wbros choose to continue the sci fi fantasy. The matrix universe I feel is better than sw and star trek and has legs for more stories for years to come.
Just to throw in my opinion-

I REALLY enjoyed revolutions and was very satisfied with the way it wrapped everything up.

After hearing my roommates bash it, I think the majority of people that would say the ending sucked really just didn't "get it", or perhaps they need to watch it again. There were some important things said at the end that some people may have missed.

anyways, yay for the matrix. I really loved all 3.

jackkoho said:
After hearing my roommates bash it, I think the majority of people that would say the ending sucked really just didn't "get it", or perhaps they need to watch it again. There were some important things said at the end that some people may have missed.

I love it the way the TRUE beleivers tell everyone else they didnt get it.

I got it, I understood it all, and it was poor in the end, execution mainly as well of disappointing content :|
I loved Revolutions. However, I loved it because of it's place in the trilogy, i.e. as the payoff to Reloaded's dense intellectualism. As a standalone film, neither Revolutions nor Reloaded would stand up well to the test of time.

But within the context of the trilogy, I think it is a fantastic work of art.
jackkoho said:
After hearing my roommates bash it, I think the majority of people that would say the ending sucked really just didn't "get it", or perhaps they need to watch it again.

Ohh, I got it.... that's the problem. I was just left wondering if Jerry Bruckheimer has directed it.

There are few individuals in this world who can take what the Matrix had going for it, be that it's strong neo-philosophical, neurological, physics, mathematical, et al. basis, and let it all get sucked out, creating a void of ignorance based on concepts like "karma" and "faith." The entire draw, for myself, of the original which spawned interesting tangents and What if scenarios is dead - drowned out by a sea of mediocrity.

Actually, George Lucas comes to mind. Jerry Bruckheimer would have at least make it amusing by letting the remnants of 20th century America save the day just so they can raise the American flag over that stereo-typical sunrise and Claude Monet sky that ended the most bland, stereotypical, and drawn-out movie I’ve ever seen.

I walked out of the first saying, "Whoa... Who'd guess that would be the basis of a kickass mainstream movie. Whatcha think about this concept..."
I walked out of the second saying, "That's a pretty neat movie, I wonder if this character...."
I walked out of the third saying, "Anyone have an aspirin?"
... just seen it and I liked it.

I especially loved the way they tried their best to explain the change in appearance of The Oracle.. heh class!

I hated the Baynett (sp?) turning into Mr Anderson was overdone, like yea, we got the hint dude and the whole Neo going blind bit was especially cringe worthy. Finally he could see but only after taking his eyes out - wow new age enlightenment. :rolleyes:

It maybe excrement to some people but I thought it was good excrement overall. ;)

I would rate it above the previous movie which was let down by excruciating dialogue and poor pacing and below the original due to the original being so fresh and 'new' compared to the tripe before it.

I thought also the 'Peace' was won over a bit too easily, and the machines are machines of their word cos they ain't human? Pfft.... It's great when you get an all powerful enemy and then you offer them something they cannot take care of type thing. The amount of times this has happened in movie plots is wonderful. No really.

Trinity died, awww, that was sad, but they did get the love bit in the movie right, cos you could feel da lurrve between her and Neo.... Barry Wight would have been proud of 'em.

One major concern is that the Matrix good guys go about shooting and killing like no-ones business in all the movies. Are good guys meant to do that? That never really did wash on me very well. I mean some of the fighting is pretty gratuitous. I know most people will disagree with me on that point but it's a personal thing.

Agent Smith = side effect and remains that way in the whole movie, what a wasted opportunity. And I thought Seraph was dead.. or did Smith finally getting it and exploding release all the programs he had assimilated? I don't get that bit and I don't care. Mr Smith had the chance to really be something but he was like a bit of a filler, no real meat on that aspect of the plot. In fact it was.. quite pathetic.

WRT the effects, they were nicely done but after being exposed to so many films with great SFX you kind of get de-sensitised to it, IMHO.

Hehe.. sorry about the spoilers but I reckon any serious Matrix fan would have seen it by now.
Tahir said:
One major concern is that the Matrix good guys go about shooting and killing like no-ones business in all the movies. Are good guys meant to do that? That never really did wash on me very well. I mean some of the fighting is pretty gratuitous. I know most people will disagree with me on that point but it's a personal thing.

They're killing programs ffs, not real people.

Tahir said:
And I thought Seraph was dead.. or did Smith finally getting it and exploding release all the programs he had assimilated? I don't get that bit and I don't care.

Agent Smith is an 'agent program', when agents leave their hosts they return to their normal state.