Natoma said:
So basically if someone engages in a heterosexual relationship when they're capable of reproducing, but then engage in homosexual relationships once they can no longer produce, it's fine by you?
However did you reach that conclusion?
Natoma, I know you understand what I'm saying.
If someone is in a heterosexual relationship, is it their duty to procreate every single year possible in order to fulfill their biological responsibilities to the species?
Why, does my position on the biological difference between homo and hetero sex say anything actual procreation?

this is fun.
Yes, it must be a fun exercise to get your brain to continually defy logic.
There is a biological difference. I've never disagreed that there isn't one. But there is also a biological difference between you and a couple that is post menopausal.
Oh no...
Now you're going to rehash the menopause thing... after you needed to be educated on the physical nature of menopause, female egg production, etc. the last time? No thanks. Please dig up the old thread.
Yes. That is a personal decision between the two parties and is none of your business. What happened to that republican "each person for themselves" mantra I always hear?
It's also a personal decision that can directly impacts children. What happened to the liberal "do it for the children" mantra that I always hear?
The conservative mantra, btw, is mostly "take responsibility for yourself and your own dependents." Which implies not ducking out at the first sign of trouble.
Joe said:
Um, No. I'm simply saying that it's DEBATABLE that societal "structure" has improved or worsened over time.
Natoma said:
Indeed it is debatable. But as I've shown, there have been severe societal problems in every age.
Which no one disagrees with and is irrelevant.
Some have more than others. The only trend that I see is that as time progresses, we as a species, overall, improve. We evolve ourselves socially, biologically, and technologically. Progress cannot be denied.
SOCIAL progress can certainly be denied. We have
changed socially, which doesn't mean for the better.
Dual Income homes have as many pros and cons as single income homes. That's the point.
Yes, there are pros and cons. MY point is, most of the PROS argued typically have to do with economics, and most of the CONS argued typically have to do with social structure.
Whoever said mixing economy and social structure was a no no?
You misunderstand. The liberal no-no is relating economic
success with social
success. To the liberal, economics shouldn't have any impact / bearing on anything...except of course who to unfairly tax more.
Of course there is a limit to what can be done. Whoever said there wasn't? You made a blanket statement that dual income homes are one of the "problems" today when that is just wrong.
Um, what blanket statement? That the typical argument against dual income families is a decrease in social structure / stability? I'm not making a blanket assertion that this is fact, but the point is, that's the common argument.
Hmmm. Many families are able to get along just fine in dual income structures. Many are not. Many families are able to get along just fine in single income structures. Many are not. Hell there are many single parent homes that are better than dual parent homes.
Of course.
And many child abusers were abused themselves as children, and many child abusers were not abused.
Understand my point?
The argument is, it is more
difficult to have a stable family structure with both parents out of the house, not impossible. It's more
difficult for someone abused as a child to grow up and not be an abuser himself, not impossible.
Does your wife work or do you work? If you work and she doesn't, would it be a problem with you if she wanted to enter the workforce for herself?
We both work, roughly 40 hours a week. We have both also decided that we don't want to persue more "demanding" (higher paying with less time flexibility) careers because we think we are at the limit of how much time we are not raising our kids "first hand."
Marriage is a key to society in that it helps keep our societal bonds together.
Further, it's also the most localized construct of educating and raising our young to further our speicies. And IMO, one man and one woman is the best way to do this.
Economically was dual income. Socially was the ability to marry the person you please, and if you're not happy with it, divorce.
So, if you have kids, it's always best to just get divorced at any sign of marital trouble, unhappiness?
Everyone knew Iraq was a problem. However, I thought that many people said "Let the inspectors do their work... and if anything comes up, then we'll raze that country to the ground."
It was more like "let the inspections continue, status quo, like they have in the past. If anything comes up in the future, then likely, we'll maintain the status quo again...just like nothing, slap him on the wrist, kick us out, demand more time..."
Status Quo.
What resolution was that? 141? (Don't remember the exact number). The "coalition" and the "others"
couldn't agree on what action would be taken, therefore the infamous "severe consequences" phrase was introduced.